Writing | Melotti Media


7 Reasons Why Quality Copywriting Will Improve Your Brand

 Words, words, words.  What impact do they really have, right? Well… it turns out a lot. Over 80% of your marketing communications are, or come from words!  Blogs. Scripts. Website pages. Core messaging. Social media captions. Emails – and the list goes on.  But it’s easy for businesses to take their copy for granted. Industries […]

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5 Ways To Improve Your Call To Action

What should people do after they’ve read, watched or listened to your content? Are you providing them direction?A “Call to Action”, or CTA, is the powerful (and essential) part of your content which guides your audience to proceed to the next step – whether that’s signing up, booking an appointment, contacting you or whatever else your goal is. The success of your marketing conversion rates lie in your Call To Action’s effectiveness, so

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How To Build Your Brand With Storytelling Content

What makes novels more interesting, while lectures are generally boring?  Why is a blog post different from an information page, even if they talk about the same topic? How do some brands captivate more audience than the others?  The answer lies in a good story.   Storytelling conveys messages in interesting and humanistic ways. It’s more than just providing facts – it creates value by connecting deeply with the audience’s emotions

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Why Copywriting Is So Much More Than Words On A Page

Copywriting is just words, right?  Nope! You can’t define copywriting as a task that only involves re-arranging words to make sense of a certain topic.  Why not?   Because copywriting is more than typing letters on a screen or writing sentences on paper. Just like graphic design isn’t simply colouring in and videography isn’t just shooting footage on your phone – professional copywriting goes beyond producing ‘word-filler’ within your marketing.   By creating

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Why copywriting is NOT just writing: the 8 common copywriting myths

There’s a common misconception today about what copywriting is. Or more specifically, how it differs from simply writing well in proper English. Sure – a copywriter must use the written form of a language correctly, with the right grammar and spelling. But copywriting is so much more than just writing well. In fact, if you’re

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How voice search is changing SEO – Hands free content is on the rise

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a significant part of Marketing Strategy for businesses today. But with voice search and audio content on the rise, people are changing the way they search; and so are the search engines. One thing is driving the solution to this is voice search copywriting. ​ Here’s how voice search is

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Why Inbound Marketing Needs Copywriting

If you’re a modern business looking to reach and engage your audience, and have them actually care, then you’re probably familiar with inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is a far more effective approach today than other forms of direct advertising because it builds stronger relationships between you and your precious customers by offering informative and relevant

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Introduction to Marketing – Part 8 : Distribution

Part Eight: Distribution Distribution is the fourth element in the marketing mix, dubbed as ‘Place’. Basically, it is everything involved with making the product offering available to the market. An organisation is faced with many options to get the product within reach of the consumer and that can be either through a channel or direct

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