Communications | Melotti Media


How Was This Year, For You? 6 Questions and 8 Tips to set yourself up for success

This year has gone by faster and wilder than a rollercoaster!  Were you able to fasten your seatbelt?  Did you have the time to say a little prayer and hope for the best?  Or even condition your mind for what’s about to happen?  With the year drawing to a close, I guess what really matters […]

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How The 4 Rules Of Copywriting Can Help You Present Better

Presenting in front of an audience is an essential skill today in business. At some point, you’ll find yourself on camera or behind a podium, speaking to people – and it’s important to do it well if you want to succeed. Public presentations are how we communicate our ideas, engage our audiences and inspire people

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10 Questions To Ask Your Business At The End Of The Year

Where did the year go?! As things wind down, have you considered these 10 essential questions to ask of your business so that you can build upon a strong foundation in the new year? ​ It’s worth taking a few minutes to consider how you would answer. It’s December, and we’re all scrambling around trying

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11 Key Understandings Of Consumer Psychology And Marketing

Written by the The Melotti Content Media Team, checked by Christopher Melotti The quest to understand the humble human customer has been at the core of Marketing since the beginning of time – and still continues today. In fact, in the digital age of technology, AI and Automation, it’s even more important to understand more

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Innovation In Business: Not Doing The Same Thing Over And Over

Written by the The Melotti Content Media Team, checked by Christopher Melotti Innovation in business is all about not doing the same thing over and over… Sounds self-explanatory, right? But then why are organisations getting it so wrong, over and over?! Innovation, fresh thinking and new ideas are all bantered around in the business world today,

Innovation In Business: Not Doing The Same Thing Over And Over Read More »

Self-Reflection In Business and the Effects People have on Each other

In a corporate world where it’s easy to look externally for inspiration, learning and even blame, there seems to be a lack of understanding into how valuable it can be to first look at ourselves and the team around us. Have you considered the importance of the relationships you have with both yourself and your

Self-Reflection In Business and the Effects People have on Each other Read More »

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