June Content Marketing Checklist: Tips and Tricks for a Successful End of Financial Year

June Content Marketing Checklist: June Tips for the End of Financial Year

Congratulations to all of you! You’ve nearly made it to the end of another fantastic year – and what a year it has been!

Okay, okay, don’t worry!

You haven’t woken up in December. We know time flies these days, but not that fast!

Of course, we’re talking about the end of the FINANCIAL YEAR.

That’s right, folks. We’ve made it to June! That wonderful time of the year when businesses like yours are crunching the numbers and finalising everything from the last 12 months just gone before beginning preparations for the new financial year to come.

Naturally, this makes June a very busy time of the year for all Australian businesses, however, we’d like to divert just a quick minute of your time to deliver a short public service announcement:

Make sure you don’t drop the content ball when it comes to your content marketing in June!

Yes, we totally get it!

It’s important to prioritise certain areas of your business towards the end of the financial year, and you definitely should be doing that. Don’t let us stand in your way!

All we ask is that you make sure you carve out enough time to get your June content marketing strategy sorted as well.

See, just because June is a busy month doesn’t mean that people won’t be looking for your business.

In fact, June is often one of the best times to double down on your content marketing – particularly if you’ve still got some left-over wiggle room in the company budget.

Why’s that? We hear you ask…

Well, with the end of the financial year, it’s inevitable that businesses right around the country are going to start promoting their EOFY sales and campaigns. 


This means that customers around Australia are going to be glued to all their favourite and most popular marketing channels in search of the best deals or opportunities that might pique their interests.

In other words, June presents a fantastic opportunity for your brand to get adventurous with content!

So, try out a bunch of our below June content marketing ideas to really grab the attention of your audience and finish this FY with a bang!

That’s why we’re here with a few tricks to offer you to help supercharge your June content marketing strategy.

But before we dive in headfirst, let’s take a quick minute to recap why content marketing is so important for your business.

A quick recap on the importance of content marketing

Just in case you’re still on the fence about whether content marketing can really help you in June, let’s take a quick step back and reacquaint ourselves with what content marketing is and why it’s so crucial to the success of your business.

Essentially, content marketing refers to the development and distribution of educational, entertaining and engaging pieces of media and content that are designed to help promote your brand, raise awareness about the value you offer and build a genuine and lasting connection with your audience.

In other words, an effective content marketing strategy is what empowers your brand to not only increase your customer base but in turn increase your revenue year-on-year and drive more business growth.

So, now that you understand the value that content marketing can provide to your business, let’s discuss a few tips and tricks that you can use to help give your June content marketing ideas the added boost they need as we barrel towards the end of the financial year.

June content marketing tips to make the most of the end of the financial year

Each of these June content strategies that we’ve outlined below can not only be used to help you get more out of your content marketing in June, but you can also them to help kickstart your marketing efforts for the new financial year as well.

Let’s get the ball rolling.

1. Create Winter-themed content

Yes, it’s official. Winter has now begun here in Australia.

We know what you’re thinking – it feels like Winter started a couple of months ago. It’s been getting colder and colder by the week!

Well, sorry to disappoint you, but there’s still an entire Winter’s worth of this cold weather left to come yet.

But this doesn’t have to be a bad thing – especially for your content marketing ideas.

Whether you love Winter or hate it with a passion, this is still a great opportunity to tailor your June content marketing ideas around something that we can ALL relate to and talk about – the weather!

No matter what products or services you’re looking to sell your audience, a well-designed and well-themed winter marketing campaign in June is always a great way to grab your audience’s attention from the moment they see it.

2. Take advantage of June public holidays and events

In most states around Australia, we will celebrate the King’s Birthday on the second Monday of June.

That’s right… long weekend, baby!!

And another great opportunity to tailor your content marketing ideas in June with a seasonal marketing campaign.

For example, you can play on your audience’s excitement for an extra day off throughout your content by providing a long list of things they can do (that includes your products or services) to help make their long weekend even better.

Likewise, if you’ve got a business or audience based in NSW or QLD, you can also take advantage of the start of the NRL State of Origin Series by stirring up a bit of friendly Blues vs Maroons rivalry in your content marketing – just watch those comment sections light up!

Every year, we see more organisations getting on board with this fun little content marketing idea. Even our police like to get involved!

It’s a great way to evoke a sense of pride from your audience for their state, which you can then guide and channel into convincing them to take action with your brand.

Of course, there are several other more localised events taking place across Australia around this time that you can work into your June content marketing strategy as well.

3. Help your audience prepare for the new financial year

This is particularly relevant to B2B businesses.

Unfortunately, so many smaller organisations are well aware that the EOFY is fast approaching, yet they’re still unsure of everything they need to do to prepare them for the transition to the new year and make sure they get a great start to July.

That’s where you come in.

You can produce helpful marketing content in June that includes several different content tricks – just like this article – to help your business-minded audience better prepare for the new financial year.

Think about the things that are relevant to the industries that you serve!

You could even develop a promotion where you will help them prepare for a one-off fee and advertise this offer as part of your June content marketing strategy.

4. Let your audience know about your upcoming initiatives for the new financial year

The start of a new financial year is always a great time to make exciting announcements surrounding your business or the new initiatives you’re implementing moving forward.

If your business is taking strides in areas such as Corporate Social Responsibility or environmental sustainability – now is the time to let your audience know!

You can design part of your June content marketing strategy around exciting new initiatives and communicate these ideas to your customers to help demonstrate your commitment to becoming better and better every year.

And if you don’t have any plans or exciting June announcements to make, then maybe it’s time to come up with something that will show your audience that you’re invested in your local and global communities.

It’s time to get creative and think outside the box this June

Even if you believe you’ve already got your content marketing for June and the end of the financial year dialled in, there are still several different ways that a marketing and brand messaging agency like Melotti Content Media can help you get ahead and finish the financial year off with a bang.

Let’s explore just a few of the many different ways that we can help:

Our team can assist with creating your budget presentations

The end of the financial year always means one thing – time to present the numbers.

Of course, preparing the numbers and funnelling all the right information into a presentation can be time-consuming and difficult enough without worrying about making it look appealing and presentable to your board, stakeholders or wider company audience.

With the help of a brand messaging agency like us, you can get a comprehensive presentation that covers absolutely everything you need, while also looking well-presented, and visually and verbally appealing.

At Melotti Content Media, our content marketing team can even coach you, providing advice on how best to deliver your presentation to ensure you can hold your audience’s attention and leave a great impression on them.

Let’s prepare your content calendar for the next 6-12 months

As we just said, the end of the financial year means finalising all the numbers from the year just gone.

But of course, it also means drawing up a whole new marketing budget (and strategy) for the year ahead!

Now, wouldn’t it be amazing to get a head start on your marketing for the upcoming financial year and plan out your content calendar for the next 6-12 months before you release your first piece of content?

Not only will this help you to better prepare your new marketing budget, but you’ll also be able to step into the new year with full confidence that you’ve got your content marketing sorted!

Remember: quality marketing comes from preparation.

Or as you’ve no doubt heard: failing to plan is planning to fail.

Planning your content marketing calendar in advance will empower you to deliver better content to your audience that will increase engagement and drive greater results for your organisation.

And with a team of marketing experts like Melotti Content Media on your side, you’ll be truly unstoppable.

We can help you to recognise all the most critical points in your content calendar, as well as build a regular content schedule and intelligent marketing strategy, to enhance and enrich your marketing efforts for the new financial year ahead.

Our creative consultants can help you determine what worked and what needs improvement in the new financial year

Are you familiar with the saying:

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

That’s from Einstein, by the way.

Essentially, this means that if you’re looking at your results from the financial year just gone and realising that they haven’t quite met your expectations, then perhaps it’s time to shake things up a bit.

Our marketing superstars at Melotti Content Media are your everyday marketing Einstein and have the experience and expertise to come in and conduct a content marketing audit of your strategies to determine what has been working and what you could improve on for the year ahead.

In doing so, we can help you achieve better marketing results, which will ultimately lead to acquiring more customers in the new year and increasing your business revenue across the board.

Make June the most wonderful time of the year for your business

So, there you have it.

We hope you enjoyed all the content marketing tips and tricks that we’ve mentioned here today.

From developing winter-themed and seasonal marketing campaigns to helping your audience prepare for the new financial year, there is a plethora of options available to you when it comes to executing your June content marketing strategy.

Not only that, but we’ve shown you the benefits of enlisting the help of brand messaging and marketing experts like our team at Melotti Content Media to ensure a successful end to the financial year for your business – and help you get a head start on the new one!

How can Melotti Content Media help you with your June content marketing ideas?

To boost your business revenue and close out the financial year with a bang, you need a quality June content marketing strategy backed by expert copywriting and message marketing.

However, this is easier said than done.

You may find that with the end of the financial year fast approaching, you’re time-poor and spread thin – or you still have a lot of unanswered questions.    

But don’t worry. We’re here to help.

As your Sydney Copywriters, Message Marketers and Brand Strategists, we can strategise and implement your content marketing in June while you focus on what matters to you – growing your Australian business.

Let’s start getting the results your business deserves!  

To speak to your trusted Australian Message Marketers and Sydney Content Marketers, email us at enquire@melottimedia.com.au or phone 1800 663 342.

The Melotti Content Media Team

Melotti Content Media | Copywriting & Message Marketing Bureau


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