Why Copywriting Is So Much More Than Words On A Page | Melotti Media

Why Copywriting Is So Much More Than Words On A Page

Copywriting is just words, right? 

Nope! You can’t define copywriting as a task that only involves re-arranging words to make sense of a certain topic. 

Why not 

Because copywriting is more than typing letters on a screen or writing sentences on paper. Just like graphic design isn’t simply colouring in and videography isn’t just shooting footage on your phone – professional copywriting goes beyond producing ‘word-filler within your marketing.  

By creating carefully written content with well thought out messages designed to target a specific audience, you offer valuable information, evoke emotion and persuade people to act.

Powerful stuff! Copywriting can help your business in ways you may not even expect. 

To help, heres why copywriting is more than words. 

How can copywriting help your business? 

Copywriting is the art and science of producing informative and entertaining text-based marketing content (such as blogs, websites, brochures, emails, eBooks and videos) to capture attention with a relevant message. 

Through great word choice and a flair for writing, a copywriter crafts and publishes content which builds your customer’s trust in your brand. 

With copywriting helping your business promote a solid image and reputation, it’ll be easier for you to gain a following, convert leads and nurture customers.  

This allows your business to grow and be profitable. 

See: Why Hire A Copywriter? The 6 Benefits We Offer Your Business ​

Then why is copywriting more than words on a page? 

Copywriting is an essential weapon in your marketing arsenal.  

That’s because copywriting isn’t just word choice. It’s about creating the right message for the right audience, based on solutions to their real challenges, through the best channels. 

When you can communicate this, you’ll make an impact. 

So, what’s the real deal with copywriting, then?  

Why does your business need to invest in copywriting? 

1. Copywriting intrigues your target audience and moulds their impression of your brand. 

Your marketing efforts are usually your customers’ first interaction with your brand. Whatever’s written there can make or break their image of you. 

In the same way, copywriting can also aid in your rebranding. With a few tweaks in your tagline or call to action, you can modify your audience’s perception of your business. 

Read: Is Your Copy Scaring Your Audience? 

2. Copywriting provides your users with coveted information.  

Not all users who visit your blogs or websites have the initial intention of buying. Some just want to gain information or an answer to their question. 

Through the power of copywriting, however, you can convert these casual readers to loyal customers.

3. Copywriting opens your conversation to customers. 

Effective copywriting can help people feel and think in a particular way through the sharing of your story or providing them with helpful solutions. 

4. Copywriting is “sales in print”. 

Copywriting helps your business make a sale by putting your brand’s features, benefits and values into appealing words. 

5. Copywriting makes your brand searchable. 

Copywriting provides Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), which allows people to find you when they’re searching online. 

By writing content that includes relevant keywords, your website will rank higher and will gain more attention from online users.   

See: SEO Copywriting Services 

6. Copywriting is a combination of skills, knowledge and education. 

The practise of copywriting is built on expertise honed by research, experience and practice.  

When you hire a freelance professional copywriter, you can be assured that another brilliant mind will help you in fulfilling your marketing and business objectives.  

Copywriting isn’t just about word choice. Copywriting is really about creating the right message for the right audience, based on solutions to their real challenges, through the best channels. 

When you can communicate this well, you’ll make the impact you deserve. 

The benefits of copywriting services for your business are indisputable, as are the potential results.
It all now depends on your choice of hiring the right people to do the job.  

How to hire the right Copywriting Services 

Not everyone can do copywriting on their own.  

You may lack the time, the ability and resources to do what needs to be done. But this shouldn’t stop you!  

There are professional copywriting services offered by many local freelance copywriters who can cater to whatever your business needs.  

Quality freelance copywriters with Marketing backgrounds are quality content writers who can help you create the right types of content (audio, visual or written) for your business through their expertise and experience.  

They offer various benefits without the ongoing costs of a full-time employee. 

See: How to hire a copywriter – the 7 steps your business should take. 

Quality freelance copywriters offer various benefits without the ongoing costs of a full-time employee. 

A copywriter can produce engaging content while you focus on the bigger picture.  

You have a lot of tasks that demand your attention every day. 

So, while content creation is extremely important for your business, you don’t always have time to directly see to it. It’s best to reach out for help. 

Since copywriting is a professional specialty, you can guarantee that quality copywriters are versatile when it comes to incorporating your marketing strategy.  

Furthermore, freelance copywriters understand the role copywriting plays in digital marketing success (i.e. website copy, social media copy, blogs, articles, SEO, SEM, etc.), which is important in unlocking numerous opportunities for your small business.  

Just make sure you pick the right copywriter! 

How Can Melotti Media Copywriting Help You?  

We understand that you want to achieve business success by utilising quality copywriting and consistent content that your audience will love. 

We also know that you’re time-poor and spread thin, and it’s possible you still have a lot of questions regarding copywriting.  

But you don’t have to worry!  

At Melotti Media Copywriting, we can assist you with your content marketing needs while you focus on what matters most to you – growing your business.    

Let’s start by getting the results your business deserves using copywriting effectively. 

For more information or to speak to a trusted copywriter, contact us now at enquire@melottimedia.com.au 

We can sharpen your words to achieve your goals today! 

Christopher Melotti

Melotti Media Copywriting and Marketing Solutions
Click here to view the Copywriting FAQ page for all you need to know 

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