7 Reasons Why Quality Copywriting Will Improve Your Brand | Melotti Media

7 Reasons Why Quality Copywriting Will Improve Your Brand

Words, words, words. 

What impact do they really have, right? Well… it turns out a lot. Over 80% of your marketing communications are, or come from words! 

Blogs. Scripts. Website pages. Core messaging. Social media captions. Emails – and the list goes on. 

But it’s easy for businesses to take their copy for granted. Industries change and customers shift, however brands often forget to evolve their wording and messages along with this. 

These words are what your customers see every day – so, what are they reading? What are you giving them to read? 

Let’s discuss why it’s important to never neglect the words behind your brand, especially now. 


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What are you potentially missing out on? 

One of the most frequently visited touchpoints of your brand is your website. 

However, most organisations don’t review their website content for around 2 to 3 years. 

When was the last time your web content was reviewed, refreshed and updated? Has it been months or years? If you haven’t done this in a while, it’s definitely time. Poor and outdated copy can make it difficult for search engines to find you online. It can also mislead customers or provide a poor User Experience, which can ruin your brand’s reputation. 

You’re probably missing out on a lot of enquiries and leads at the same time. 

Without great messages and consistent communications, it’s pretty hard to stand out against your competitors and become a leader in the market. 

If your copy doesn’t communicate quality, professionalism and value, the words and messaging you’re using will ruin your brand’s credibility in your customers’ eyes. 

Now, imagine if your website had striking words with fresh copy that was compelling, sharp and engaging? It’s definitely going to help your brand shine online! 

This is what great copywriting offers. But there’s so much more. 

For more, read: Why Copywriting Is NOT Just Writing: The 8 Common Copywriting Myths 

How does copywriting help a brand? 

There’s a big difference between general writing and professional business copywriting.  

Forming the foundations of marketing, copywriting serves both as the process and skill of delivering relevant, valuable and persuasive messages that encourage customers to take the desired action – like purchasing a product, booking an appointment or downloading a resource.  

It does this through relatable and compelling messages. 

When your blogs, social media content and website pages have on-brand copy that build a rapport with people, this content helps you earn better results by demonstrating why your solutions are relevant to your target customer. 

If your current copy is not working for you, it’s a sign that you need to refresh your brand with improved and up-to-date copywriting.  

Why Quality Copywriting Will Improve Your Brand  

The different pieces of copy your audience finds across all your content marketing is a reflection of who you are as a business. 

If it doesn’t communicate quality, professionalism and value, the words and messaging you’re using will ruin your brand’s credibility in their eyes.  

To help you appreciate how important it is to have a well-written copy, here’s how quality copywriting improves your brand: 

1. Copywriting connects with customers. 

Quality copywriting speaks your customers’ language and makes them feel understood. It allows you to share the right brand stories to ensure their pain points, dreams and needs are being addressed. 

The right copywriter by your side can help you connect more closely with your audience.  

2. Copywriting realigns your brand with today. 

The world moves fast. To build a contemporary brand position, you need relevant copy across all pieces of your marketing content. Quality copywriting can help your audience realise what you currently stand for as a business.  

An excellent copywriter employs the right message that keeps your brand fresh and relevant. 

See: How To Establish Your Brand Identity With Copywriting 

3. Copywriting is part of what makes you unique. 

Good copywriting provides you with the opportunity to differentiate your brand and make it more recognisable to an audience. Since there’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach to copywriting and there is room for creativity, well-chosen language can establish your own signature communication style. 

A quality copywriter can help you stretch your creative flair to be unique. 

4. Copywriting delivers shareable content that customers enjoy. 

Quality copywriting allows you to expand your reach by offering your target audience engaging content that suits their needs on their terms. It also enables you to rank higher on search engines via SEO, making it easier for your brand to be found online. 

Working with an effective copywriter, you can create various types of content that will support your customers across each phase of their buying journey. 

For more, read: What Copywriting Content Offers Your Customers And Your Business 

5. Copywriting transforms your products into must-haves. 

By demonstrating an understanding of your customers’ challenges and effectively communicating the value your solution provides, copywriting compels people to learn more about your offer and motivates them to follow your desired call to action. 

A copywriter enables you to convert visitors into paying customers and brand ambassadors with appealing marketing messages. 

6. Copywriting gives your marketing strategy a big tick. 

Copywriting is usually the first step to putting your entire marketing strategy into action. Websites, blogs, advertising, social media, EDMs and press releases all begin by putting pen to paper (so to speak). 

Through the expertise and skills of a quality copywriter, you can be more strategic in accomplishing your marketing goals. 

Check: The Six Pillars Of A Complete Marketing Strategy 

7. Copywriting earns you measurable results. 

Today’s digital environment means everything is measurable. 

Copywriting provides you with the means to track your brand’s performance – either by the amount of traffic generated by your website, the number of leads, conversion rate or the increase in sales generated due to your content campaigns. 

A quality freelance copywriter can help you achieve the results you’re aiming for. 


So – have you seen copywriting in a whole new light? 

When it comes to marketing, the right words can deliver compelling messages, stir emotions and motivate actions. 

That makes a big difference every day. 

Don’t let poor copywriting be the anchor around your brand’s neck. In today’s competitive market, people don’t suffer mediocrity. It’s time to put copywriting at the top of your marketing checklist so your brand is making a lasting impression on your customers across every touchpoint. 
Fortunately, you can always rely onfreelance copywriting experts to help. 

You just need to pick the best copywriter for your requirements.

How can Melotti Media help you?  

We understand you want your brand to be top of mind with your audience. We also know that your goal is to earn better results through quality content. 

However, you may find that you’re time-poor and spread thin or you still have a lot of unanswered questions.  

You don’t need to worry!  

At Melotti Media, we can assist with all your message marketing and copywriting needs while you focus on what matters most to you – growing your business.  

Let’s start earning the results your business deserves!  

To speak to your trusted message marketing copywriters, email us at enquire@melottimedia.com.au  

We can sharpen your words to achieve your goals today!  

The Melotti Media Team

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