What are copywriting services for businesses? | Melotti Media

What are copywriting services for businesses?


So, your business needs words to have a big impact?Every business does! Words connect with customers, and those connections lead to sales. Simple. But you may find that writing isn’t your expertise, or you’re too close to your project to be able to do it yourself. Or, more commonly, you may just not have the time to dedicate to business writing.

All of these are very normal challenges, which is why you turn to a professional copywriter to give you a hand.

However, then you look at their list of copywriting services, and may have no clue what it is you need. Don’t worry! You’re not alone.

To help you identify how to get the best results with a freelance copywriter, here is a guide to copywriting services and what they each mean for your business.


Are you after content that captivates, words that work and marketing that motivates?

I understand – and you’re not alone. Every business needs these things. That’s where a quality copywriter can help you with their copywriting services. But where do you even start?

Square one – the first thing to ask yourself

Start with: what do you need written?

This will help determine what assistance you need and where you’re currently positioned.

  • Do you need a copywriter to help you write from scratch?
  • Do you have content already that just needs a polish?
  • Or do you need guidance and support?

It could even be a combination of all three. While all of the below copywriting services still apply, no matter what stage you’re at, knowing where you’re starting from allows you to define the kind of projects you need help with.

For example, starting from scratch will require you to spend time briefing your copywriter to determine the whole direction of your content, whereas an edit or a polish of existing content can be much quicker. However, if you need overall content assistance, then it’s a different approach altogether.


What are copywriting services?

So, now that you’ve determined what kind of direction you’re heading in, it’s time to match your needs with the right service.

There is a whole list of copywriting services that a professional copywriter can offer you. However, here’s a breakdown of the core services you may want to look at, and what it means for your business.

Content Marketing and Strategy

If you’re unsure about the bigger picture of your brand and you want to work out a content marketing roadmap to work alongside your customer’s journey, then this is the service you need.You can work together with your copywriter to decide how best to create content in the optimal form to communicate with leads and convert people into paying, delighted customers.

To learn more, see: content marketing planning and strategy.

Conceptual and Campaign Copywriting

If you’re running an overarching marketing campaign aimed at achieving a particular objective, chances are you need words that go along with this. Whether it’s for an advert, a poster, a tag line, or marketing collateral, a copywriter can develop concepts and make your product or service relevant to your target audience.

This service will help you build the word component of your marketing campaigns to it all works together well.

To learn more, see: Conceptual and Campaign Copywriting  


Digital and Website Copywriting

Marketing is highly digital today, and at the core of this is your website.Your website is the most important digital asset your business owns, because it’s where people go to research more about you and have their questions answered.

This means it must feature fresh content and branded messaging that provides value, educates your audiences and offers options for them to convert. Website copywriting services give you the help you need to build a website that ticks all of those boxes to get results.

To learn more, see: Website copywriting


Branding Content Copywriting

Every business wants their brand to stand out and be known in the market – and content is a big part of raising awareness amongst your key segments. But, to make your brand relevant, you need marketing collateral like brochures, pamphlets and other branded materials to make an impact.

This is how branded copywriting can help you – both online and in print.

To learn more, see: branding content copywriting.


Blog Copywriting

Blogging and article content are both effective ways of providing fresh and relevant information for customers who want to learn more about topics and FAQs. They also help drive traffic to your website through search engine optimisation, which increases exposure.But blogging takes a lot of time and expertise to do. That’s why you can hire a copywriter to help you by ghost-writing your blogs on your behalf – these are blog copywriting services.

Hiring a copywriter to do this frees up your time while still ensuring your business has plenty of great blogs and news articles for people to find, read and get familiar with your brand.

To learn more, see: blog and article copywriting.

SEO Copywriting Services

Google and other mainstream search engines are constantly scanning the internet, trying to find the best matches for everyone’s online searches. Catering your digital content to be highly valuable and written to contain the right keywords will help give your pages the best chance of ranking on the first page of relevant search results.This is not easy to do and takes a lot of work to get right – however, it’s worth it. Search engine optimisation copywriting can help get your content seen by the right people at the right time.

To learn more, see: SEO Copywriting Services


Voice Search Copywriting Services

Voice Search is growing rapidly in popularity, and people from around the world are choosing to use “Ok Google”, Amazon Alexa and Apple’s Siri to browse the internet for them. This means that people are choosing to search for information online via voice commands and questions.However, these voice searches don’t just ‘make up’ their vocal responses. Instead, the AI hunts for relevant written content online to match the best response, and then vocalises the answer from the content it finds.

If you want your brand to be found when people are asking, then you need voice search copywriting, as it helps you tap into the voice search revolution and remain relevant.

For more information, see Voice Search Copywriting.

Radio and Video Script Writing

Video and Podcast content is very popular with audiences today because it’s more accessible and can be listened to or watched while on the go. So, what does copywriting have to do with visual and audio?A lot! You require script copywriting to compose the right words for your multimedia content if you want these to resonate with the audience and communicate the right message. Even if you want your videos and podcasts to be less scripted, copywriting services can still provide the structure or the interview questions for them.

For more information, see Radio and Video Script Writing


Did you find what copywriting services you were after?

There are so many copywriting services available to your business, and above where just the main services that most copywriters provide.

Obviously, there are a lot more!

For a more complete list, you can visit my website page, Copywriting Services – which gives you a more thorough breakdown, including medical copywriting services, real estate copywriting services, government tender copywriting services and more.

How to choose the right copywriter?

Ok, so now you know more about the services a copywriter offers, it’s time to choose the right one for your business.While there are hundreds of copywriters, not all of them are created equal. You need one who understands your needs and will offer you the highest quality service to
But hiring the right copywriter isn’t simple.

To help, here’s a useful guide: How to hire a copywriter – the 7 steps your business should take.

How Can Melotti Media Copywriting Help You?

To engage your customer and achieve ongoing business success today, you need quality copywriting and consistent content. However, we understand that this is easier said than done.You’re time poor and spread thin, and writing isn’t your expertise. So, focus on what really matters, while we take care of all of your copywriting and content marketing needs!

For more information or to speak to a quality copywriter to get the results your business deserves, contact me now at chris@melottimedia.com.au.

I can sharpen your words to achieve your goals, today!

Christopher Melotti

Melotti Media Copywriting and Marketing Solutions

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