Corporate Copywriting Services: Is it a cost or an investment for your business? | Melotti Media

Corporate Copywriting Services: Is it a cost or an investment for your business?

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Business is a challenging space. 

It involves a lot of tough decisions – choosing what to invest in, finding the right people, making changes that will allow you to thrive and more. 

In today’s market, things just got even tougher. But you still need to make these calls. 

So, whether you’re getting a larger space, adopting a new platform for your staff or hiring a new member of the team – you have to look at these things as investments (not costs). 

But what about your brand?

To thrive in the market today, you need to invest in more than just physical spaces, training and tech. You also need to invest in building your brand.


Because your customers are looking for a relatable beacon of recognition.  

Through all of the marketplace noise and clutter, people are looking for something they can understand. 

That’s what your brand is to people – well, if it communicates correctly. That’s where copywriting becomes a very smart investment.

This is something that most successful SME businesses and large companies understand. It’s important to have a comprehensive brand pitch, a fully maintained website and an active social media presence. 

We’re sure we won’t be the first to tell you that these things are crucial to building brand awareness and establishing credibility. But there is one thing that businesses often overlook: corporate copywriting

Because most people assume that copywriting is as easy as putting a few words on a page, making them actually mean something and sharing them with your readers, professional copywriting services are often viewed as a cost for the business – not an investment. 

But here’s the thing: what if we look at corporate copywriting as an investment? 

What is corporate copywriting?

Corporate copywriting (or business copywriting) covers any strategic piece of brand communication used across all industries for businesses of all sizes – from internal documents to marketing collateral and promotional materials published for an audience. 

Also known as enterprise copywriting, this also includes: 

Just think about your favourite brands and how they talk to their customers either via TV and radio ads or through social media. These are the creation of a corporate copywriter.  

It's not just about putting words on a page and minimising the risk of grammar errors.

Corporate copywriting is also about having the right strategies that will put your business on the radar, connect with your customers and therefore yield ROI out of the budget you put in for copywriting. 

While corporate copywriting may sound like a business cost that you can reduce by delegating the work to your existing staff, most businesses today recognise the importance of giving this task to company copywriting experts. In fact, content marketing in businesses is a widely-used strategy with 73% of businesses using a content marketing strategy, 29% of which report highly successful results. 

So, back to the question, is business copywriting a cost or an investment?

The short answer is – of course, it is an investment! 

And we’re not just saying this because we offer enterprise copywriting services to businesses. As a business ourselves, we understand the value of investing in things that can do the following for us: 

  • make tasks easier for the team
  • improve our operational efficiencies
  • help us generate more leads
  • allow us to connect with customers 

Suffice it to say, corporate copywriting can do all these (and more) for your business. 


“But it’s too expensive! It may be better for us to just do it ourselves!”

This is something some businesses say. 

But, at the end of the day, it’s not about the expense of the service. It’s about how much you care about your business. Choosing a professional service provider – regardless of its nature – is not dependent on how much you value their service, but on how much you value your own business. 

As a business investment, corporate copywriting ultimately pays off as it’s meant to help your business get the most out of:  

  • strong and strategic messaging
  • digital presence
  • connecting with customers
  • providing leads with clarity
  • building brand awareness
  • arming your sales team with collateral  

All of these represent a smart business investment. 

You’re not alone – we get it

In a time of budget restrictions and increasingly tough business decisions, choosing which business costs to cut and push through with is understandably challenging.  

However, as an expert in your own niche, you understand how much your business helps your customers on so many levels. But to communicate this value, you need to make sure that you have the right brand messages and that they are seen across the right platforms where your target audiences are. 

This is where corporate copywriting and message marketing come in.

Investing in corporate copywriting means tapping into the potential of fully developed brand communications, tone, identity and marketing content to attract more leads and therefore earn more revenue and build a more profitable business. 

Whether you’re running a large corporate company or an SME business, you can get a significant Return On Investment (ROI) from corporate copywriting when you work with the right marketing copywriters. 

Not only does copywriting allow you to remove this task off your checklist (though it effectively does that!), but it also helps your brand become more relevant in a world where your readers are continuously searching for content.

5 ways corporate copywriting services contribute to a return on investment

Investing in corporate copywriting is a business decision – and as such, you need viable reasons and tangible results when choosing to put your money into it. So, to help you out, here are 5 ways corporate copywriting gives businesses a maximum ROI: 

1. Getting professional copywriters saves you valuable time. 

While writing may seem like a mundane task, it’s one of those tasks that require a lot of time – especially if quality is a non-negotiable. Strategic copywriting is a process that involves research, actual writing, proofreading and so on – all of which takes valuable time. 

And in business, time is money. 

Once you get professional copywriters to take care of your corporate content needs, you can free up your time and focus on the things that matter the most. Whether you’re operating a small business or running a large company, you and your team can benefit from the time saved by getting professional copywriters. 

2. Having corporate copywriters allows you to delegate tasks effectively. 

Closely tied to the value of time is task delegation. Upon freeing the time of your staff, you can effectively use everyone’s skills and expertise and direct them towards more important tasks that will yield the most results. 

With copywriting tasks out of the way, your team can focus on more revenue-generating projects that will ultimately benefit your business. This way, you are assigning tasks based on your team’s expertise and not on mere need alone. 

By investing in enterprise copywriting services, you can assign tasks based on your team’s expertise and not on mere need alone.

3. Professional corporate copywriters provide you with expert input and advice. 

Beyond just freeing up your time, corporate copywriters offer you their own experience and expertise to your brand – as they write every single day. 

Since professional copywriters are exposed to industry trends and have a wide array of resources on what works in both B2B and B2C industries in terms of content, they can provide you with expert input and advice on the content marketing strategies that will work for your business. 

Also, because corporate copywriters are not directly part of your team, they can also offer a fresh set of eyes and come up with ways to present your brand in a way that will resonate with your target audiences. 

For more, check out: Should You Hire A Copywriting Agency, Internal Copywriters or Write Your Own Copy? 

4. Copywriters create strategic content for your brand. 

As we’ve often explained, copywriting goes beyond just putting words on a page and removing all grammatical errors (although it does that, too, and it certainly helps your brand as well). Corporate copywriting, in essence, is a messaging strategy as much as it is writing. 

Corporate copywriting, in essence, is a messaging strategy as much as it is writing.

The main goal of content creation always encompasses two things: first, it must be strategic enough to cut through the clutter – given that most brands today are sharing the attention of audiences. Copywriters take care of this by using Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), making sure that the keywords on your piece match those that your ideal customers use when they search online. 

Then, once your content is out there, the second involves creating engaging copy that will keep your audiences hooked long enough to understand the value you offer and a powerful call to action that will inspire them to act on your product or service. 

5. Having professionally written corporate copy boosts customer experience. 

As business owners, our customers are always at the top of our list of priorities. 

Making sure that customers are getting exceptional experiences and are well-looked after allows every brand to build customer loyalty and therefore turn strangers into advocates who continuously support your brand and promote your offering to their peers. 

Strategically written corporate copy takes care of every kind of customer across every step of their journey with your brand. This way, both large companies and small business can benefit from copywriting that resonates with audiences – wherever they may be in the customer journey. 

For more information on how copywriting and content marketing helps you build customer loyalty, read: How Content Marketing Can Help Move Your Customers Up The Loyalty Ladder. 

So, should you invest in corporate copywriting services?


The thing is, you should treat business copywriting services like any other investment.

You can assign a part of your budget while planning for your content marketing needs, implement the strategies you come up with and measure the results afterwards. 

While it’s easy to see copywriting as a cost, your business can greatly benefit from leveraging the power of content marketing – especially in a market where your customers are constantly hunting for content. 

Think of it this way: investing in copywriting means investing in your brand’s image and credibility. In the end, what you’re getting out of it is customer loyalty, and therefore, more revenue-generating opportunities for the business. 

How can you use corporate copywriting services for your business?

Now that we’ve discussed what makes company copywriting an investment, the next question is: how can you make it work for your business? 

You can start by following these three easy steps! 

  • Step 1: Establish your goals.

    As for every business investment, the process also starts with identifying what you want to achieve with this venture. Once you’ve set your goals, you can start defining what you may need to achieve these goals. 

  • Step 2: Get an idea of the content that you need.

    The next step is getting a clear idea of what you need from your corporate copywriter. Based on the goals you’ve set, you can establish these. Do you need website content to attract more leads? Do you need brand messaging guidelines to align your goals within the team? Your answers to these questions will tell you exactly what you need!

    To help you get an idea of the types of content you may need, check out this blog: 6 Types of Content Marketing For Your Business And When It’s Best To Use Them. 

  • Step 3: Partner with the right copywriting team.

    This part is crucial, you need to find the right team who can carry out your goals and help you achieve your goals through corporate copywriting. While there are several copywriters out there, not every copywriter is created equal – and there will always be that one perfect match who can perfectly capture the essence of your brand through words.

    For more, read: How To Hire A Copywriter. 

Once you’ve done these – then you’re all set! You can now maximise the power of copywriting! 

How can Melotti Media help your business get the most out of copywriting?

At Melotti Media, we understand that you want to get cut through in a competitive market and achieve business success – and a powerful way to do this is by investing in content marketing and brand messaging that will drive results. 

However,  you may find that you’re time-poor and spread thin or you still have a lot of unanswered questions.     

You don’t need to worry!      

At Melotti Media, we can assist with all your content marketing and copywriting needs while you focus on what matters most to you – growing your business.       

Let’s start earning the results your business deserves!     

To speak to your trusted message marketers and copywriters, email us at or phone 1800 663 342

We can sharpen your clients’ words to achieve their goals today. 

The Melotti Media Team 
Melotti Media | Copywriting & Message Marketing Bureau 

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