6 Types Of Content Marketing For Your Business And When It’s Best To Use Them | Melotti Media

6 Types Of Content Marketing For Your Business And When It’s Best To Use Them



Can you name a business that doesn’t use content in its marketing?

It feels impossible, right?

Hundreds of brands today are posting on social media to connect with their audiences. Start-ups have learned the value of blogs to get their names known out there. Even large and prominent businesses are using the power of videos and podcasts to remain relevant in these changing times.

That’s why content has become such an important business asset – serving as a digital currency that enables you to raise awareness, engage with customers and achieve excellent results through valuable conversions.

But how do you know what types of content to use? When is it best to create and publish a specific type of content to connect with your audience?

Let’s find out!




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What is content marketing?

Content marketing is the marketing process of planning, creating and sharing content that appeals to your audiences’ needs and interests, on their terms.

Content – whether written, audio or visual – is geared to delight your audience, engage their interest on a deeper level and persuade them to trust your business.

Rather than interrupting people with sales-focused messages, content marketing entices with interesting topics designed to educate, entertain and deliver value by providing relevant information in an organic way that is convenient to your target audience.​

​Aside from bringing you closer to clients during times when they need you most, it also enables your business to effectively address customer challenges and pain points throughout their buying journey.



Why is content marketing important?

Have you ever wondered how content marketing can help a business?

Content marketing provides you with valuable opportunities to tell customers why they have to know about your products and services. But instead of forcing advertising in their face, it works by centring around something they’re actually interested in.

For example:

  • instead of selling a ladder, your content is on the importance of being safe on a worksite when you’re working with heights.
  • as an alternative to directly promoting your copywriting services, it explains the importance of knowing about the role of content in business (ie: this blog!)
  • instead of selling a smartwatch accessory, build content around health and how technology makes monitoring healthy habits easy.

See what I mean?

This gives you access to their precious attention – and that’s very valuable.


But aside from raising awareness, the other business benefits of content marketing include:

  • Content marketing makes your brand relevant.
    With blogs, infographics and webinars, you can answer your audience’s questions and give useful insights that will address their concerns. Now, they have a reason to come back and learn more from you.

  • Content marketing drives sales.
    Unlike other forms of marketing, producing content is less aggressive. Nevertheless, it enables you to deliver personalised experiences that entice people to buy your products and services.

  • Content marketing helps you become a key opinion leader in the industry
    With written articles, videos and podcasts, content marketing allows you to demonstrate your expertise and become an authority in your field. Whether it’s through articles, eBooks, how-to videos and product guides, content marketing is a great way to boost your credibility.

  • Content marketing is cost-effective for your business.
    Thanks to the digital world, you can now use a lot of marketing software and tools for free. Producing content is also generally cheaper than other traditional marketing channels such as paid advertisements.

  • Content marketing lasts for a long time.
    Most content doesn’t have an expiration date – they can be shared multiple times, and still add value over time. You can also easily modify content or convert it into other forms to suit the current needs of your audience.

Now that you know all about the importance of content marketing, it’s time to choose the right types of content that will take your business to the next level.



What are the different types of content and when can you use them?

Content marketing is great, but it all comes down to choosing the right types of content for your audience, as well as publishing it in the right place, at the right time to engage, entertain or inform – all while moving them towards your call to action.

To guide you, here are a range of different content ideas that you can produce across multiple touchpoints:

1. Blog Posts and Articles

Blogs and articles are detailed written content pieces that provide helpful insights for your audience. You can use them to answer frequently asked questions, introduce your services or share some relatable stories about your business.

Blogs are an excellent way to sell the idea of a product or service and increase your brand’s relevance in your customers’ lives as a result.​

​When to use blogs and articles

Blogs and articles play a key role in SEO because they drive visitors to your websites through organic web traffic. They are mostly conversational, so it’s better to utilise them during the awareness and consideration stages of the customer journey, where you’re aiming to build relationships and nurture connections with your target audience.

2. Newsletters and Emails

Newsletters and emails are great ways to reach your customers more directly – after all, checking our inboxes has become a part of everyone’s daily routine. Through emails, you can inform your audience about a promo or share some relevant news about your industry. Emails are also an effective way to communicate with people about their concerns, letting them know that you are always ready to listen and provide solutions.

Email newsletters are a cost-effective way to deliver a message straight to a person. However, it must be personalised.​

​When to use newsletters and emails 

You can send emails and newsletters weekly or monthly to keep your audience up to date. It’s important, though, to only email relevant messages to keep them away from hitting the unsubscribe button. Remember: always create content that you promised you would.

3. eBooks, Whitepapers and Reports

Do you want people to take you seriously? Do you want them to see you as a key opinion leader? 

Then, eBooks, whitepapers and in-depth reports are the kinds of content you can produce to up your game. With 3,000 to 5,000+ words, these content pieces enable you to share in-depth knowledge, gain a competitive advantage and carve out your reputation as a leading expert in the field.

eBooks, Whitepapers and reports are a great way to show leadership in a field and demonstrate your expertise.​

​When to use eBooks, whitepapers and reports

eBooks, whitepapers and reports work best for B2B companies who want to earn the trust of fellow professionals in the industry. As they incorporate greater, more in-depth detail, they are also helpful when your product or service is an innovation you are introducing to the market. Just make sure to make them downloadable and accessible to the public for your audience’s convenience. 



4. Case Studies

Case studies are success stories showing how effectively you’ve dealt with a client’s requirements. They demonstrate the ways you work and excel in creating solutions for customers.

Case studies are an effective way to instil confidence and drive more conversions.​

When to use case studies

Case studies are helpful as social proof when you have potential leads and want to reinforce your business as the right choice. As they often provide real-life examples and positive reviews, you can use more of them during the decision stage of the customer journey.

5. Videos and Podcasts

Videos and podcasts engage and entertain readers who don’t particularly enjoy reading. Since they are visual and audio content pieces, videos and podcasts are effective if you have audiences who are always on the go. 

Your audience expects audio and visual content today. So, it’s important to include them in everything you do.

​When to use videos and podcasts

Videos and podcasts can be utilised throughout all stages of the customer buying journey, whether it’s during the awareness phase as an explainer, to reinforce a message or to show happy customers using your product or service.

6. Social Media Posts

Did you know that 40% of consumers use social media to research new businesses and products? Social media plays a big role in the decision-making process because people typically spend a lot of time scrolling through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. Through social media posts, you can also spark engagement and directly interact with customers.

Social media posts are important to keep your brand active and relevant across the most popular channels today.

​When to use social media posts 

Social media posting can be done daily but it’s best to upload your content at a time when your target audiences are online. Always remember that more than vanity metrics, your social media content must push customers to convert.

These are just a few of the content pieces you can create for your business. 

Tailoring your content marketing to align with the needs of your target audience is how you achieve great results. It’s as simple (and complex) as this.

Just keep in mind that quality is always a top priority!



Some content marketing tips to remember

Content marketing is an effective marketing practise for all brands today and should make up a part of your overall marketing strategy.

However, it’s best not to simply produce marketing content just because you think you should. It’s about correctly planning and approaching the project to earn results.

So, when making content, make sure to remember these key points:

  • Perform thorough research around your audience: you make content for them, so your messages must spark their interests. 

  • Always start with a marketing plan: publishing content without a strategy is inefficient and will lead to a poor result. 

  • Clarify your goals: What do you want to achieve? What returns are you expecting? Once these things are clear, you can optimise the right content for your needs. 

  • Emphasise your brand message in every piece of content: your content pieces must reflect what your business stands for, so that you’ll be at the top of customers’ minds when they are looking for solutions.
  • Tap into the skills of the experts! If content marketing is not something you’re confident in doing, there are freelance marketing copywriters like us who can help you reach your targets.

Copywriters have the knowledge, skills and experience to support you in creating the perfect content that will make your business stand out from the rest. 

At Melotti Media, we have quality marketers and copywriters who can deliver the highest quality content for your brand!



How can Melotti Media help you?  

We understand that you want to reach more of your audience and achieve business success through content marketing. However, you may find that you’re time-poor and spread thin or you still have a lot of unanswered questions.  

You don’t need to worry!

At Melotti Media, we can assist with all your content marketing while you focus on what matters most to you – growing your business.

Let’s start earning the results your business deserves!

To speak to your trusted message marketing copywriters, email us at enquire@melottimedia.com.au  

We can sharpen your words to achieve your goals today!



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