5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Hire A Freelance Copywriter | Melotti Media

5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Hire A Freelance Copywriter


Writing is second nature to most people.

After all, we’ve all been writing since we were children. But what is copywriting then? And why can’t you do it yourself?

Maybe you can – but a professional copywriter offers you several significant benefits to help your business.

​Here’s why DIY copywriting may not be your best option, and why you should probably hire a freelance copywriter instead.


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Everywhere you look, your business needs copy (written words).

Your website, your marketing campaigns, your social media, your content, printed materials, blogs and articles, press releases, video and radio scriptwriting and more.


Because your audience demands engaging content marketing if you want to inspire them to notice and take action.

Where does that copy come from? 

Or more importantly: how do you get your words to reflect your branding and achieve the results you deserve?

Some people try it themselves, and others approach marketing agencies or advertising companies. However, the best answer is to consider hiring a freelance copywriter.

Unfortunately, average words are… well, just that: average. Think of what you’ve read recently that made you hit the close button. Do you really want to risk that with your own business? I hope not!
So, how do you evolve your copywriting into a whole new level?

A freelance copywriter can help, and here are the 5 reasons why your business should hire one.


1. Professional copywriters do this for a living

What does this mean? Experience and expertise!

The end goal of your business is to make sales, right? Well, that’s what we copywriters want to help you do, too! Everything we write is aimed specifically towards engaging people, addressing their needs and communicating why your product is the best solution for them.

Copywriters understand how well-selected words can give life to marketing executions in order to earn attention and provoke a response – so tap into our knowledge and see the results for yourself!


2. Copywriting is their speciality

​Just like you’re a leader in your field, the copywriter you choose should be a leader in copywriting.

We all know how practise makes perfect, and if we’re writing copy all day every day, we’re bound to be great at it!

Don’t try and compete with this. Why waste the time and energy?

Instead, focus on what you do best and how you can contribute the most to your business, while you hire a copywriter to write your copy.

It’s no different to why you pay a graphic designer to design your artwork or a website architect to build your online pages. You don’t want to be spending the extra precious hours trying to be as good as someone who does it every day.


3. A freelance copywriter is cost-effective

Just like all professional services, copywriting comes at a price.

However, it’s often far more reasonable than you may expect. That’s because you’re going straight to the copywriter themselves, rather than through a marketing agency who is outsourcing the copy to a freelance copywriter anyway.

The best strategy is to simply provide a brief to a copywriter and obtain a quote from them. That way, you know how much you’re spending up front and you can evaluate the value yourself.

For the money you will spend on a copywriter, the likely ROI will be many times more!

I’ve written websites for many brands which get thousands of visitors a month. Think of how quickly my copywriting services expense was covered with that much traffic surging onto their website on a daily basis.

For more information, read: how much does a copywriter cost?


4. Copywriters are versatile with other marketing disciplines

Marketing comes in many complementary forms.

You need words, audio, visual, tactile elements and more to bring it together and create quality content that earns attention.

As a copywriter, I am constantly working with many other related marketing service providers, such as videographers, graphic designers, printers, website designers, advertisers, strategists and programmers to build entire marketing executions.

This ensures that all of the elements come together in a coordinated way to get the outcomes and results you need.

5. A copywriter is external to your business

A freelance copywriter works outside of your organisation, which means that they’re not living and breathing it every day like you do. Believe it or not, this actually helps create effective content.

I know that it sounds counter-productive on the surface! However, you need to remember that your customer is exactly the same.

Copywriting exists for one purpose: to connect you with your customer to encourage them to take action (purchase, sign up, subscribe, make an appointment, and so on).

This means you have to think like them, and that can be hard when you’re so ingrained in the operations every day. Your customer doesn’t think about your brand every day, so you may find that you’re too close to write about your products effectively – you know too much!

A freelance copywriter is able to look at your marketing needs with fresh and objective eyes, provide guidance and then construct words that have an impact.

That’s not to say you aren’t involved!

It’s your project; however, a quality copywriter is able to listen to the information you provide and draw out the insights that are key to making an impact with your target segments.


So – is it time to look at a freelance copywriter to partner with your brand?

How Can Melotti Media Copywriting Help You?

To engage your customer and achieve ongoing business success today, you need quality copywriting and consistent content. However, we understand that this is easier said than done.

You’re time poor and spread thin, and writing isn’t your expertise. So, focus on what really matters, while we take care of all of your copywriting and content marketing needs!

For more information or to speak to a quality copywriter to get the results your business deserves, contact me now at chris@melottimedia.com.au.

I can sharpen your words to achieve your goals, today!

Christopher Melotti

Melotti Media Copywriting and Marketing Solutions
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