7 Content Marketing tips to success in 2021 | Melotti Media

7 Content Marketing tips to success in 2021


2020 has been full of bumpy roads, unexpected turns and countless obstacles along the way. 

It has been a challenging ride. But it has also made the world more innovative, resilient and strategic too. The same goes for us Marketers – the unprecedented difficulties have made us more flexible and creative in promoting our businesses, connecting with our audience and overcoming our competition online.  

This 2021, there will still be larger forces beyond our control. Nevertheless, we can prepare our brand as early as now to ensure that we’re earning amazing results in the near future. 

How? Through the power of Content Marketing! 


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First, what is Content Marketing? 

Content Marketing is the marketing strategy of creating, producing and distributing informative and entertaining content pieces (like blogs, videos and photos) to raise awareness, increase engagement, attain more conversions and make profitable sales. 

What’s the purpose of Content Marketing? 

The purpose of Content Marketing is to help you build lasting relationships with customers by providing them with value on their own terms. Delivering relevant content that’s targeted across each phase of their buying journey enables you to build rapport with them from start to finish and beyond. 

How does Content Marketing work?  


Through different types of content like blogs, podcasts, videos, case studies, infographics and more, you can address their pain points, create relatability and demonstrate why your offer is the best solution they need.

A well-executed Content Marketing strategy allows you to become a relevant thought leader in your niche – giving you a greater edge against competitors while building rapport with people.  


One way or another, you’ve surely utilised Content Marketing in 2020 to communicate with your target customers. Now more than ever, it has probably been your main avenue to cater to your audience’s enquiries and requirements because of COVID’s social restrictions. 

It also helped that Content Marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to get your brand out there in the public. 

Coming into 2021, how do you plan to leverage Content Marketing to ramp up your business? 

Keep in mind that the business landscape is constantly evolving, people have growing needs and trends are continuously changing – so, it’s so crucial to review your Content Marketing strategy and find better ways to improve it.  

To help you, we’ve compiled some tips to get your Content Marketing ready! 

See: Marketing In 2021: 10 Marketing Trends To Keep Up With 



7 Content Marketing tips to success in 2021 


1. Perform a Content Marketing audit. 

To begin the year strongly, it’s important to not commit the same mistakes you’ve done in previous years! Taking the time to conduct a proper review of your Content Marketing will allow you to identify new opportunities and understand which strategies are working to your advantage. 

This will offer you insights into what kind of content your audience likes the most. To guide you, here are some questions you can consider when undertaking your Content Marketing audit: 

  • What type of content brings you more leads and conversions? 
  • What content pieces don’t provide enough ROI? 
  • What topics does your audience enjoy? 
  • How frequently should you distribute content? Daily, weekly or monthly? 
  • What are the most preferable channels to deliver content? 
  • Is it more advantageous to create more digital content than printed ones or vice versa? 

For more information, see: Marketing Audit Services 

2. Evaluate what your competitors are doing. 

Appraising your own Content Marketing is not enough. It’s also a smart idea to check in on your competitors – not to copy exactly what they’re doing, but to benchmark their best practices and understand what is happening in the industry. 

By studying your competitors’ content, you will gather more ideas on how you can improve the content you produce and discover more ways in which you can outsmart them.  

For more, read: How Great Copywriting Helps You Stand Out From Your Competition 



3. Set new goals for your Content Marketing. 

Now that you understand your areas of improvement and opportunities for growth in your Content Marketing, it’s time to set new targets – don’t ever start without this!  

Establishing fresh new goals will provide you and your team with clearer direction in producing content and will also allow you to determine if a certain marketing initiative is a success or failure. 

Just ensure that your objectives are SMART – that is, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound! 

4. Check-in on your understanding of your customer 

Your audience holds the key to the success of your Content Marketing – but their needs and wants change over time. This is why you should consistently check in to know their latest interests, preferences and challenges.  

Carry out an extensive audience research every now and then to see if your buyer personas are still relevant and if the content pieces you’re providing are still aligned with what they want. 

For more, read: Is Your Content Disappointing Your Audience 



5. Explore different types of content you can produce this 2021. 

Each year, we are witnessing new trends in Content Marketing that allow us to keep up with the evolving expectations and requirements of both B2B and B2C audiences.  

Adopting other content formats can help in nurturing leads and engaging more of your audience – so resisting change is something we must avoid. 

For example, live video is gaining more traction nowadays due to the restrictions caused by the global pandemic. Younger audiences are also demanding socially responsible content this 2021. Considering these kinds of factors will give your Content Marketing the edge you need. 

Check: Marketing In 2021(Part 2): 8 Additional Marketing Trends To Keep Up With 

6. Plan your content calendar. 

Putting together a marketing plan plays a big part in optimising your Content Marketing approach. One way to do this is by preparing a content calendar for 2021 that will give you and your team a proper overview of all your marketing activities for the year ahead. 

Through it, you can ensure that every team member is aware of the different content pieces that will be produced and the necessary schedule to follow. You can also easily check progress, while ensuring that your customers never run out of content to read. 

7. Seek the help and advice of a Content Marketing expert. 

Leaving your Content Marketing in the hands of a specialist who knows how to do it best is a great way to harness Content Marketing’s full potential.  

Equipped with professional experience, Marketing knowledge and flair for producing different types of content, a freelance copywriter and professional marketer can help you create content that earns results. 

Bonus – you can also get guidance and advice on how to optimise your Content Marketing strategy, without having to lose your focus on running your business. 

Sounds ideal, doesn’t it? 

For more, read: Content Marketing Planning and Strategy 



So, do you want to upgrade your Content Marketing this 2021? 

We are 100% sure you do! 

Content Marketing offers countless benefits that can improve your ROI while strengthening your connection with your precious audience.  

And even though new marketing tactics are always evolving, Content Marketing will remain to be the most effective business strategy to improve brand affinity, build trust and grow a loyal following. 

So, make sure to remember our tips as you begin another year of marketing and content! 




How can Melotti Media help you? 

We understand that you want to achieve business success by developing relevant, engaging and entertaining content in 2021. 

We also know that you’re time-poor and spread thin, and you probably have a lot of content marketing questions. 

But you don’t have to worry! 

At Melotti Media, we can assist you with all your marketing needs while you focus on what matters most to you – growing your business. 

Let’s start getting the results your business deserves! 

For more information or to speak to a trusted copywriter, contact us now at enquire@melottimedia.com.au 

We can sharpen your words to achieve your goals today! 

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