What should businesses do to achieve success as the year ends? | Melotti Media

What should businesses do to achieve success as the year ends?

It’s that time of the year again! 

So, we know what you’re thinking – because that’s exactly what we’re thinking, too. 

How can our business end the year with a bang?

By now, you’re probably busy with your long to-do list: 

  • Finishing those last projects
  • planning your holidays
  • wrapping presents
  • organising holiday events
  • doing all of your regular work 


It’s the final stretch and at this point in the year, you typically reflect on the cumulation of all your hard work to decide how you can end it perfectly. 

Everyone does this differently. 

At Melotti Media, we ask ourselves: 

What will make this year memorable ten years down the track?

If you’re stuck for answers, we’ve gathered some tips that will help your business achieve success. Ok, let’s do it. 

The last quarter of the year for businesses is often a big one. 

But what does that really mean for your business? After all, the following year is just another day. 

Well, that’s not exactly how it works. 

Every year-end period is an opportunity: 

  • to assess how your business performed
  • to plan out the coming year
  • to take advantage of the holiday season
  • to better connect with your customers 

As bustling as this all sounds, the end of the year is a wonderful time for businesses to stand out and make sure that you remain top of mind for customers, even as they get busy as well. 

Have you ever wondered why the year-end is so significant for businesses?

It’s because people love endings as much as they love beginnings. This is why we stick around for movies and TV shows – we want to see how things end. 

And sometimes, beginnings and endings overlap. 

It helps to see the end of the year as a new beginning. If you end your year right, you can head into the following one with more confidence. 

So, going back to the question: what will make this year memorable ten years down the track? 

You will! However you decide to end this year is what will make it memorable. So, you want to do it right.

That sounds like a lot of pressure, right? But don’t worry! 

We have prepared a list that will help you end this year on a good note and kickstart the following one with a bang. 

7 things you can do to achieve business success as the year ends

Here’s a list that you can use as a reference to make sure that this year is a memorable one for you, your team, your customers and the business as a whole. 

1. Assess your business’ yearly performance 

Yes, an obvious but nevertheless important one! Now is the best time to check how your business is currently tracking. 

So, before the business calendar ends, gather your team together and discuss the year that was. Once you’re all in the same room, it’s time to talk through the things that matter: 

  • Did you meet your business goals for this year?
  • What are your key achievements this year?
  • What are the areas of improvement for the business? 

You can go around the room and ask these questions to assess how your business went. This will help empower your team and make everyone feel fully involved in the business. 

You can also spice this activity up – maybe make a game out of it and discuss your business data in a trivia quiz format. That will be fun for everyone! 

2. Get your team together to plan the next year 

While you’re at it, you can also take this opportunity to plan the next year. As you discuss your achievements for this year, it will also help the business to look forward and plan for the next year in advance. 

You can review the following: 

  • your mission and vision
  • your purpose
  • your marketing and content marketing plan for the next year  

If you need help with kickstarting the next year with a Marketing Plan or a Content Marketing Plan, that’s where we can help you! 

3. Boost your content marketing during the holiday season 

Speaking of marketing… we have A LOT to say about this. But we’ll try to keep it short and simple. 

As you plan to take a break, you want to make sure that your content marketing isn’t taking a break. This is an exciting time to share seasonal content and ride on the holiday bliss – because holiday content is always well-received! 

Your marketing should be at its finest during the holidays – like a bow on a present that is this year.

Here’s why: 

  • the average Australian is expected to spend almost $1400 on presents and more by the end of the year
  • 8 out of 10 shoppers during the holidays are influenced by the internet, especially search engines
  • 58% of consumers’ buying decisions during the holiday season are influenced by social media
  • 96% of shoppers look for online reviews before shopping for the holidays
  • 87% of Gen Z shoppers check social media platforms like TikTok, YouTube and Instagram for holiday shopping inspiration 

So, you want your business to be at the forefront as all the action happens – ensuring that your products and services are among the first things they see as they look up holiday plans and present ideas.

You can share holiday or year-end-themed content across all platforms, such as: 

This way, you can maintain a solid presence and reach your audiences in the best ways possible during the last quarter of the year.  

For more holiday content ideas, check out: 8 Content Ideas To Keep Your Business Booming During Any Holiday Break. 

4. Use this season as an opportunity to reconnect with customers 

Of course, connecting with customers is a year-round task for any business. But during the holiday season, you have more opportunities to create content that will resonate more deeply with them. 

To maximise the potential of your end-of-the-year period, it helps to understand what your ideal customers want

  • Do they like looking back at the previous year?
  • Do they enjoy warm and fuzzy holiday greetings?
  • Are they looking for things to look forward to in the coming year?
  • Is being educated and entertained on their list of priorities? 

Whatever your customers are looking for, that’s what you’re aiming to give them during this final quarter of the year. There are several ways to reach your customers and encourage them to engage with your brand this year, including: 

  • offering holiday promos and discounts
  • using festive SEO keywords
  • sharing genuine year-end stories and messages
  • OR simply saying thank you. 

Your holiday content messages will help your business end the year on a high note, so you want to make sure that your business is taking advantage of the opportunities that the year-end season brings. 

For more holiday content tips, see: The Do’s and Don’ts of Christmas Marketing

5. Give back to the community 

The end of the year is a great time to reflect and give back to the community – especially if your business fared well this year. 

This is where Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) comes in. 

On top of the rewarding feeling that giving back gives everyone, it is also an opportunity to show the human side of your brand and tell your customers that you care about the things beyond your business. 

This can be done by: 

  • donating to charities and other important causes
  • organising holiday events or donation drives for the less fortunate
  • volunteering to certain causes as a team 

However you plan to give back, the idea is to help the community that supports your business. 

6. Say thanks to the people who made the year great for your business 

If there’s a time to be warm and fuzzy, it’s the end of the year. 

As you wrap up these 12 months, don’t forget to acknowledge the people who completed this awesome year for your business. Send your “thank you”s to the people who matter: 

  • your loyal customers and clients
  • your phenomenal team members
  • your family and friends
  • your support network 

You can always say thanks with personalised gifts and holiday greeting cards, or by simply sending thoughtful messages just to show them how much you appreciate them. 

The success of any business is a result of the people who work hard to achieve its goals. Let them know that their efforts are seen and valued.

Doing this helps people feel that they are more than just numbers or cogs in a machine – and they will see it as a reason to engage more with your business in the years to come. 

7. Celebrate the successful year for your business 

As you get busy looking back and moving forward, don’t forget to celebrate the year that was. Your business thrived and you’re ready to conquer another year – that’s a cause for celebration! 

So, gather your team, get that champagne and treat yourselves at the end of the year!

You could also take a bit of a break to refresh and recharge during the holidays and come back strong next year. There are so many wonderful ways to cap off the year and reward yourself and your team for working so hard for the business this year. 

The end of the year is always momentous for everyone – it’s a time to celebrate, refresh and gear up for the following year. 

Let us all give ourselves a clap for surviving another year in a competitive market and prepare ourselves for the challenges (and hopefully, more wins) for our businesses next year.

At Melotti Media, this is our business holiday routine. We take the time to look back, plan ahead and celebrate our successes at the end of the year. 

How about you?  

  • Do you have your own holiday routine? 
  • Did you find extra things that you can add to your to-do list this holiday season? 
  • Do you now have your own list of what your business can do to end the year with a bang? 

How can Melotti Media help your business achieve success as the year ends?

At Melotti Media, we understand that you want to get cut through in a competitive market and achieve business success – and a powerful way to do this is by investing in content marketing and brand messaging that will drive results. 

However, you may find that you’re time-poor and spread thin or you still have a lot of unanswered questions.     

You don’t need to worry! 

At Melotti Media, we can assist with all your content marketing and copywriting needs while you focus on what matters most to you – growing your business.      

Let’s start earning the results your business deserves!    

To speak to your trusted message marketers and copywriters, email us at enquire@melottimedia.com.au or phone 1800 663 342

We can sharpen your words to achieve your goals today! 

The Melotti Media Team   
Melotti Media | Copywriting & Message Marketing Bureau   

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