How to best navigate the upcoming market uncertainties: what businesses should prepare now to survive  | Melotti Media

How to best navigate the upcoming market uncertainties: what businesses should prepare now to survive 

Prefer to listen, rather than read? Here's the Podcast summary!

We’ve all been reading the news. 

It’s all a bit doom and gloom right now. While no one can predict the future, it’s always better to be prepared – especially in business. 

So, going forward, the Australian market is expected to be quite volatile and unpredictable. It all seems a bit familiar, doesn’t it? Just like it was in early 2020 when COVID-19 first hit.  

The only difference is, this time, it’s an economic change – interest rates are rising, the cost of living is increasing, financial investment markets are not at their best and so many other uncertainties are occurring all around the world. 

What do businesses do in this kind of climate? 

The typical reaction is to slash budgets (usually marketing) and wait it out.

It’s the tried and tested method… or is it? 

If 2020 and 2021 are anything to go by, this isn’t always the best strategy – especially today when marketing plays such a significant role in sales success today.  

I remember that, while my competitors were all quiet as crickets during uncertainty, Melotti Media was out there flying the marketing flag – and it worked. In amongst the silence, our brand was heard more than ever and we gained market share. 

If 2020 and 2021 taught us anything, it’s that going dark on marketing in the face of uncertainty leaves you in the dark for your customers.

Especially when your customers are looking for guidance and direction. 

It’s time to learn that lesson once again going forward

Despite the uncertain time that’s expected ahead of us, for your business to survive and thrive, it’s time to be the brand that everyone sees and hears when everyone else pulls out.  

This means being bolder, louder and more dynamic with your marketing to cut through. 

Now is a really smart time for your business to start considering your content marketing plans and marketing strategies that will set you up for success while other brands are considering hibernating. 

Let’s discuss this more and explain how. 

But first, why is content marketing so important today?


Brands that speak up and show strength, direction and clarity amidst uncertainties earn the most attention – and the best way for your business to achieve this is through content marketing. 

Sorry to dwell, but it served a good lesson: COVID taught businesses that people look to brands during volatility and doubt – and they connect through content.

If you want a refresher, read: 9 Hard-Earned Lessons We’ve Learned From COVID-19 That We Should Never Forget

Content marketing enables you to provide engaging information that highlights your business’ industry knowledge and trustworthiness. With valuable content that establishes thought leadership, your audience will want to hear more from your brand. 

For example: 

And the list goes on. 

For more, listen to our podcast: Why content marketing is important for every business. 

If there’s uncertainty, your audience is scrolling online for reassurance – are they finding you? Or your competitors?

So, if you have any intention of cutting your content marketing budget going forward, you might want to reconsider it. Chances are, putting your content marketing off could actually slow your business and be counter-productive. 

Despite the typical knee-jerk reaction to market uncertainty, slashing your marketing budget may leave you disconnected from customers in an environment where you need them more than ever – and they need you too.  

So, rather than toning your marketing down, what you can do is unite your content initiatives through an agile content marketing plan and proactive strategy that will augment your business for survival and success. 

Want to know how effective your current content marketing is? Take our content marketing quiz to find out. 

5 ways content marketing planning can help your business navigate uncertainty

If you want to do content marketing right, you need a plan – it’s as simple as that. 

Content marketing plans equip you with a clear roadmap to manage all written, visual and downloadable content across all channels, subject areas and touchpoints.  

When you have the right content marketing plan in place, you can easily map out your marketing initiatives to best implement them over the next year or two. 

To explain how content adds value to your business, here are 5 ways in which a content marketing strategy can help: 

1. It puts your marketing into action 


Through a solid content marketing plan, you have a reliable step-by-step and piece-by-piece approach regarding how to effectively execute your content marketing. This approach keeps your team on the right track and guarantees consistency throughout your brand’s messaging. 

2. It increases your productivity levels 


The right marketing plan removes all guesswork from your content marketing, so you won’t have to waste time wondering what to produce and share with your target audiences.  

Need help with this? See our content marketing plan development service here. 

3. It addresses customer pain points 


With a content marketing plan, you have more clarity about your target audience’s interests. This means you’ll know how to optimise the best content marketing tactics, including the right product mix, funnel and platforms, to generate more leads and conversions. 

4. It places your brand at the forefront 


People have been extremely selective about what they spend their time on, especially now. An excellent content development plan enables your business to stand out by guiding you in building content that gets people to listen and take action.  

At Melotti Media, our content marketing planning and strategy services also involve check-ins to ensure you’re on the right path in creating good content for your brand. 

5. It supports the content marketing ROI you deserve 


Businesses that are equipped with a well-thought-out content marketing plan and strategy can create more content marketing initiatives that have a bigger impact and achieve results. Content marketing strategies ensure that the right branding, targeting, core messaging and calls to action are used to achieve a return on investment.  

For more information, read 6 types of content marketing for your business and when it’s best to use them.  

Prepare your business for success with content marketing planning and strategy

The end goal is simple: earn excellent business results using content marketing.  

But to accomplish this, you need to start with a smart content marketing plan that offers a more solid and cohesive direction for all your content pieces and campaigns. 

So, what is a content marketing plan? 

A content marketing plan is a comprehensive guide that helps you create, deliver and distribute content across multiple channels to amplify your brand and bring it closer to customers. 

Built around your business objectives, it involves key decisions and strategies about your target audience, tone of voice, themes, channels, media, frequency, timing and goals of your content marketing. 

Your content marketing plan serves as a blueprint that allows you to develop sharp communications and brand messages people can easily relate to and find value in.

At Melotti Media, we have content marketing planning and strategy services, including content marketing plan development, to assist your business in getting the most out of content marketing.  

Start your content marketing planning and strategy

Uncertainty is part of doing business, so you must not get paralysed by the instability and unpredictability of the market. 

Instead, focus on assessing your content marketing strategy and developing content marketing plans that can drive your brand’s long-term success.  

Realigning your brand messaging with business goals, reaching more audiences across multiple platforms and delivering more value-adding content will strengthen your brand even during difficult times.

If you’re finding it challenging to create a content marketing plan or build an effective content marketing strategy that earns results for your business, reach out to the experts. At Melotti Media, we are at your service to help! 

Check out how we can provide content ideas and topics to effectively assist you in navigating your content marketing plan. 

How can Melotti Media help?

Like us, we understand that you want to achieve business success – and a powerful way is using content marketing. 

However, you may find that you’re time-poor and spread thin or you still have a lot of unanswered questions.     

You don’t need to worry!      

At Melotti Media, we can assist with all your content marketing and copywriting needs while you focus on what matters most to you – growing your business.        

Let’s start earning the results your business deserves!     

To speak to your trusted message marketers and copywriters, email us at     

We can sharpen your words to achieve your goals today!     

The Melotti Media Team    
Melotti Media | Copywriting & Message Marketing Bureau 

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