6 Business Situations When You Need A Freelance Copywriter | Melotti Media

6 Business Situations When You Need A Freelance Copywriter


Your brand, your business and your products all have a unique story- and out there are people who are waiting for it.

To achieve success, you must tell it in the right way to the right audience to earn attention and inspire action. This involves effective communication, which all begins with words.

So, when do you and your team write these valuable words, and when do you search for a freelance copywriter to help?


The three shades of copywriting

Copywriting involves crafting words as part of your marketing efforts to create content that improves brand awareness.

Good copywriting consists of strong calls to action, captivating headings, excellent formatting and a compelling message to drive engagement.

Excellent copywriting begins with your ideal customer first by identifying their powerful emotional needs and then addressing them with a solution which demonstrates how your brand and products are relevant in their lives.

Seems pretty straight forward… ish, right?

So – why would you ever need a professional freelance copywriter? You know what you want to say, and you know words – why bother looking outside of your team?

Well, sometimes doing it yourself may actually be a perfectly good idea. I know on a few occasions, I’ve turned down work, saying: “I won’t be adding value to you in this situation. I’d suggest you do X, Y and Z and you’ll see results.”

But there are also some very common scenarios where you want to hand over the pen.

Here are 6 common business situations when you need a freelance copywriter.


1. You hate writing!

Right? Let’s start with the simplest of them all.

As humans, we absolutely hate being forced to do things that we just don’t want to do. If you and your team are completely unenthused by the thought of writing content, then not only will you procrastinate; you won’t put your heart into it, and it will read this way.

Worse – if you hate writing, then you also won’t put in the necessary practise to get better over time.

In this situation, it’s best to hire a copywriter to take over. This way, you can spend your precious time focusing more on what you prefer doing and stop forcing yourself to do something you don’t.


2. You don’t have the time

This is very common.

You may absolutely love writing and are very passionate about how your business communicates – however, you just can’t find the time to make it a priority.

It’s understandable, given the speed of the business world today and our ever-growing lists of things that need to be done… like now.

But this leaves you with a difficult balancing act. Content marketing requires a lot of hours and work to produce quality videos, blogs, articles and so on to be successful in earning your audience’s attention.

If your business is expanding, there are probably other pressing demands on your time, and we all know what happens when we spread ourselves too thin. So it’s probably a good idea to pass your needs to a professional copywriter.

That way, the volume and the quality of the content is still being met under your direction and in good hands, but it’s not consuming every minute of your time.


3. You need a particular speciality 

Not everyone is an expert in everything, and there are many different forms of writing that make up a whole content marketing strategy.

There will be times when you need content for a niche area or type – so if you find that the subject matter or technicality is beyond your capabilities, there’s no shame! It’s just time to call in an outsourced copywriter who specialises in what you need.

For example, you may want to develop a whitepaper that dives deeper into a technical topic, or an  SEO-optimised pillar page that helps your website rank while delivering a superior customer experience. If they’re beyond your scope, don’t waste extra time trying to put it together – seek help and get it done right.

4. You need a fresh perspective

You and your team may be perfectly capable of writing the content you need, but sometimes you can all be too close to the project and too acquainted with the ways that things have always been done.

Internal culture, politics and procedures can often hold creativity back.

If you find that your content needs a refreshing angle that draws attention, it may be worth looking externally to a copywriter who isn’t restricted by the rules. Even if they push too far and you reel the first draft in a bit, you’ve still pushed the boundaries past what you would have without them.

Plus, an external freelance copywriter can ask questions about your products and brand that you and your team may take for granted, and thus uncover a different message that your customers enjoy or relate to better.

You don’t know what you don’t know, and a freelance copywriter may come across a message or make a suggestion that you’ve never thought about before.


5. You don’t have the headcount 

All businesses have a budget and that includes staffing.

While different organisations have different operations, you may not feel the need to have a full-time copywriter on board. That’s where a freelance writer can really help you.

Simply contact them whenever you want them and then you only pay for each job, which keeps your budget more under control.

6. You need to make a real impact

When you absolutely must have professional writing as part of something significant, such as an important event, a marketing campaign or an executive presentation, then it may be time to get in a freelance copywriter.

It’s not that you or your team aren’t capable; it’s that a freelance copywriter practises their craft every single day. They know about how to sharpen tone and language to express a message and trigger a response in the audience – because that’s what they do over and over and over again.

You can “borrow” that experience and expertise from them when you need it the most.


Just remember – it’s still your story.

While a copywriter is right by your side to help you reach an audience and achieve your goals, you’re still in control. You still own your own stories.

Hiring a freelance copywriter offers you a lot of benefits, but it’s still a subjective and creative service. You want to work collaboratively with them to get it right and lean of their expertise to help.

If you do this, you’re on the right path to success.

How Can Melotti Media Copywriting Help You?

To engage your customer and achieve ongoing business success today, you need quality copywriting and consistent content. However, we understand that this is easier said than done.

You’re time poor and spread thin, and writing isn’t your expertise. So, focus on what really matters, while we take care of all of your copywriting and content marketing needs!

For more information or to speak to a quality copywriter to get the results your business deserves, contact me now at chris@melottimedia.com.au.

I can sharpen your words to achieve your goals, today!

Christopher Melotti

Melotti Media Copywriting and Marketing Solutions
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