What’s involved When hiring a freelance copywriter? | Melotti Media

What’s involved When hiring a freelance copywriter?



Do you need words to make a big marketing impact?

Every business needs to communicate clearly with their audience to engage them with relevant messages that educate and inspire action.

To do this effectively, you may be considering hiring a professional freelance copywriter.

But – what’s the process involved? How does hiring a freelance copywriter work?
What’s it like to work with a freelance copywriter?

No worries – I’ll explain everything.



Why hire a freelance copywriter

If you’re considering hiring an external marketing copywriter, it’s usually due to one or a few of these reasons:
  1. You’re too time-poor to sit down and craft the right words
  2. You’re not sure what to write or how
  3. Your current copywriting and content aren’t earning results
  4. You just don’t enjoy writing and you’d rather focus on something else.

​These are the most common reasons to hire a freelance copywriter to help your business.

For more information, see: Why hire a copywriter?

Right! So, you need a copywriter. Now what?

You hit the search engines, stumble across a few local copywriters and now you’re probably wondering how it works, what’s involved and how to get the best result from copywriting services.

First, you need to select the right copywriter.

For more, read: How to hire a copywriter in 7 steps.



How does working with a copywriter work?

It’s actually quite a simple journey (well, from my experience).

​Here’s my process when working with copywriting clients to give you an idea of what you can expect when working with a copywriter.

Step 1

Determine what your business’ needs are and if they match their copywriting services. If they’re a quality copywriter, you can find this information on their website.

For example, if you need SEO copywriting services or blog copywriting, hunt through their copywriting services pages and check the information you find there.

If they have the copywriting services you need, then you’re ready to start to process.

For more, see What are copywriting services?

Step 2

Get in contact with the copywriter and discuss your circumstances.

We can chat either over the phone or email to discuss your project’s needs. From there, I will send you a short briefing form to fill out which helps scope what you’re after.

This brief is very important as it makes your project very clear, allows you to set the parameters, and provides a freelance copywriter with direction and expectations.



Step 3

Submit the copywriting brief and I’ll ask you a few more questions to check my understanding. This is another important part of working with a quality freelance copywriter – as you want them to be fully invested and actually care about your project.

As a content marketing consultant and message marketer, I will also provide my advice and expertise to help guide you in ways you may not have considered before.

Step 4

Right! Now I know the copywriting project scope, I will send you a quote which you can review and approve. This is where we also discuss timings and delivery.

Make sure this quote includes everything you’re looking for, and you’ve read through the terms and conditions.

Once you accept – yey! The copywriting magic begins!

Step 5

I’ll get to work, writing the first draft up based on our discussions and your project brief.
The time frame will just depend on the size of the project and what’s involved – including an allocation for research and so on.

Step 6

After this, you will receive the first draft for a round of reviews and your feedback.

Remember – the first draft is not meant to be perfect! As much as I try my hardest to nail your project on my first attempt, it’s not always possible. Don’t be disappointed, as feedback is feedforward!

Besides, this provides you with the opportunity to collaborate by reviewing the copywriting and applying your edits.

Remember – the first draft is not meant to be perfect. It’s an opportunity to collaborate to get your project to the final stage.

After this, we discuss your edits and I also give my advice before we agree on the final round.

Step 7

The final copy with all agreed changes is delivered to you for your use!
Whether it’s web copy or written content for marketing collateral, put it straight to work to earn those results you deserve.

If you need advice on how to get the best result from your content, speak to your copywriter. A quality marketing copywriter will be able to provide you with content marketing guidance, such as amplifying your message to get the most reach.



Bonus Step!

The goal is that you’ll be very happy with my level of quality service.

After all – when you hire a freelance copywriter, you expect to get the result you were aiming for, as outlined in your brief.

At Melotti Media, our intention is always to maintain long-term relationships.

We will continue to chat for years to come (because I love my clients!), because I’m always here to help you.

Ready to work with us, at Melotti Media?

To engage your customer and achieve ongoing business success today, you need a powerful message, quality copywriting and consistent content. However, this is easier said than done.

Perhaps you’re time poor and spread thin, or writing may not be your expertise.

So, let us take care of your message marketing, copywriting and content marketing needs!

For more information or to speak to a quality marketing copywriter to get the results your business deserves, contact me now at chris@melottimedia.com.au.

Our Message Marketing services can sharpen your words into achieve your goals, today.

Christopher Melotti
Melotti Media | Copywriting & Message Marketing Bureau

Let’s book a time to chat!



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