How Does Copywriting Work? | Melotti Media

How Does Copywriting Work?


How does copywriting work?

This is a question that comes up all of the time. Right now, creating written content is a very important part of Marketing because it helps reach today’s modern customer.

As a result, businesses need quality copywriters to write a range of marketing collateral pieces to communicate with an audience and produce results that are beneficial to everyone involved.

So, it’s time to answer this question once and for all!

Here is all that you need to know about copywriting and how copywriting works for your business.


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​”What do you do?”

I was at a function the other day, and someone asked me the standard question that always follows asking for your name: “What do you do?”

To which I replied: “I’m a Copywriter.”

The person replied with: “Oh, I have an Aunt who wrote a cook book, and she put the words ‘copyright Aunt May’ on every page.”

“That’s copyright with an R. I’m a copywriter with a W.”

“What’s the difference?”

​That’s when I realised it was time to educate people more about what a copywriter does and how copywriting works.


What Is Copywriting?

Copywriting is the professional practise of using the written word to communicate compelling messages to a specific audience in order to inspire them to take positive action.

Copywriting is about offering a customer value (entertainment and education) that piques their interest and engages their attention. 

A copywriter is the service provider who takes your marketing strategy and creates the phrases and wording you need to ensure success.

Copywriting is defined as writing for publicity and advertising purposes to reach a customer.

Copywriters are Marketing professionals who are responsible for creating the text found in brochures, on billboards, websites, emails, advertisements, catalogues, and much more.

This text is known as “copy.”

The paradox there is that, while copywriters are all about getting a message across to an audience, it seems as though we have done a poor job in explaining the definition of the profession itself. So let’s set the record straight.


What is Freelance Copywriting?

Freelance copywriting is when a business employs the service of an external, freelance copywriter on a project-by-project basis, as needed.

This is quite an advantageous arrangement for the business as they get the skills of a qualified and well-practised copywriter, without the ongoing costs of hiring them within the business.

While literally all businesses need quality copywriting if they want their marketing to be successful, not everyone has the budget to employ one in-house or the personal expertise to write for their own brand.

Hiring a quality freelance copywriter solves this problem.

Literally every business needs quality copywriting


Copywriting: An Art and a Science.

In my copywriting classes, I always refer to the profession of Copywriting as the art and science of delivering words to an intended audience for a strategic purpose.

Copywriting is the art and science of delivering words to an intended audience for a strategic purpose.

By “art”, I mean that everyone has a particular style and form that they write with.

​For example, if I was to give three writers the exact same Marketing brief for a project, it’s highly likely that all three would deliver three very different pieces. One may use more adjectives, one may be more blunt, and the other may be a little off-centre in his or her style. That’s the beauty of an art form- it’s always different from person to person, which means that you need to find a copywriter who best suits your brand.

That’s why a quality copywriter is often hard to find: because it takes real skill to get the practise just right.

By “science”, I mean that a copywriter’s projects are always based around a strategy. In other words, behind every copywriting task is a specific objective, usually set by a Marketing team, to achieve with each piece.

For example, this blog is to inform and educate you about the copywriting profession, and associate my brand with this message so that, if you were to need Copywriting services in the future, you would remember me!

​That means, there is a goal that underpins this blog, just like there is with every copywriting project.


How does a copywriter work?

Professional freelance copywriters should be versatile, and able to apply the art and the science aspects to your project.

For example:

  • I have written Marketing collateral that is designed to help the sales team convert during a pitch.
  • I have written social media posts that are designed to get a certain number of clicks.
  • I have written eBooks and website pages where the goal was to convert visitors into potential leads.

​Do you get the reoccurring them? Each execution is used to produce a response from an audience.

A copywriter doesn’t write in a vacuum: there is always a specific result intended.

This is the difference between a fiction writer and a copywriter: a fiction writer produces works of fantasy and imagination to entertain for leisure and enjoyment, whereas a copywriter writes product descriptions on the back of product packaging to encourage a customer to purchase it.

​That’s the science behind it: it’s usually business related with a strategic purpose.  


What Kinds Of Projects Do Copywriters Work On?

To give you an idea, here’s a list of services that copywriters can offer.

​This will give you a little perspective on the scope of tasks that a Copywriter works on for all types of clients.

Advertising Content
– Advertising
– Brochures 
– Collateral materials 
– Direct-Mail
– Flyers 
– Fund-Raising materials 
– Radio and TV promotional scripts
– Sales Letters and communications
– Sales Presentations
– Telemarketing scripts

Corporate Copy
– Anniversary Materials
– Internal Communications 
– Policies and Procedures
– PR materials 
– Certain instruction manuals
– Speech Writing and Presentations
– Rewrites to Consumer Brochures
– Medical Information Booklets for Patients
– Fresh SEO Content for Client Websites
​- Media Adverts and Marketing Plan Documents

Individual Needs
– Résumé Writing and Editing
– Proofing

Product and Service Copy
– Catalogues
– Conferences and trade show materials
– Product launch material
– Manuals and Instructions
– Packaging Copy
– Restaurant reviews
– Retail materials

Publications and Media
– Articles and Magazines (Print and Online)
– Critical Reviews
– Newspaper feature writing and reporting
– Greeting-Card and with compliments
– Travel reviews
– Website content and copywriting

Review and Editing
– Blogs
– Editing current documents
– Ghostwriting and collaboration 
– Newsletters
– Letter Writing
– Press Releases 
– Proofreading
– Proposals
– Scripts and storyboards
– Speeches scripts

This isn’t even the entire list of possible copywriting services.

​But the reality is, while words are the main output of a copywriter, writing isn’t necessarily what we spend all of our time doing.

​There are a lot of other related tasks, such as considering word choice and sentence structure, research and tonality, creativity, editing, tweaking and even formatting. All of this, just to get a message across to you, as an audience.

​While words are the main output of a copywriter, writing isn’t necessarily what we spend all of our time doing for you.


How Does Copywriting Work?

Right, so let’s get to the mechanics of it all.

While other copywriters may have a different approach, for me, I do the following:

  1. A client contacts me and explains their specific project.
  2. I will take notes, ask questions and get an overall understanding of your needs and goals
  3. I have you fill out a Copywriting Brief that provides me with direction
  4. Next, I provide a quote for my service based on the specifications, and if you accept, I commence work.
  5. I immediately begin in-depth research, open up a blank page, and get creative.
  6. After I complete the first draft, I read over it again and again until I am happy, then I send it to you to review and accept.
  7. After this, I get paid for a job well done!

This is obviously a very simplified version of my process, however it demonstrates the typical flow of a writing project. If a copywriter offers great service and quality writing, it is very likely that a client will spread the word and hire them again in the future.


Who Are We Copywriting For?

Well, the obvious answer is the audience.

​Always always always write for your intended audience. If you get this right, everything else falls into place.

But as a copywriter, you have several other ‘audiences’, the most important of which is our client. If we are hired to write particular pieces, we are required to learn all about their project from their brief, and then produce the material they want, in the style they want it.

They also often have an approval system which can include legal, compliance, medical and other departments who also need to approve our writing before it gets out into the public domain.

Naturally, we always offer our suggestions and our professional opinion, as that’s why they hire us. However in the end, they have the final say. As mentioned above, there is a science to copywriting, and that lies in the client’s agenda. If they need a piece of material to sell products, boost website visits, or capture data, then that’s what the writing must ultimately do.

A good copywriter must be able to adapt quickly to each new project, and be flexible in order to meet the objectives of the original brief. Copywriters may be the unsung heroes of the copy that everyone sees every day, but it’s a fantastic feeling making a client very happy!


How Can Melotti Media Help You With Your Copywriting Needs?

To engage your customer and achieve ongoing business success today, you need quality copywriting and consistent content. However, we understand that this is easier said than done.

You’re time poor and spread thin, and writing isn’t your expertise. So, focus on what really matters, while we take care of all of your copywriting and content marketing needs!

For more information or to speak to a quality copywriter to get the results your business deserves, contact me now at

I can sharpen your words to achieve your goals, today!

Christopher Melotti

Melotti Media Copywriting and Message Marketing Bureau



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