Episode 123 - How AI Makes The Balance Of Human EQ Vital In Copywriting And Content Marketing | Melotti Media

Episode 123 – How AI Makes The Balance Of Human EQ Vital In Copywriting And Content Marketing

With their promise to generate information and create content in just a few clicks, there’s no denying that AI tools like ChatGPT have become more prominent in today’s marketing.

However, AI’s use in copywriting and content creation comes with its limitations.

Smart marketers and business owners recognise that AI can’t emotionally connect with humans nor develop a strategy for content direction. 

This means that AI is not a complete substitute for human EI or EQ, and relying solely on it can actually put your business at a disadvantage as most people make decisions based on how they feel.

To delve deeper, listen to this podcast where Chris discusses why the human element in copywriting and content marketing should never be eliminated – now more than ever.

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