Are you "SELLING" within your content? | Melotti Media

Are you “SELLING” within your content?



Let’s discuss the grey area of SELLING within your content.
It’s a tricky balance that all copywriters and content creators struggle to get right.

​We want to provide value and interest, but it’s still business, right?

Isn’t it funny how even just the mention the word “selling” in the context of a written piece, such as a blog, can completely turn people off? Some readers will recoil almost immediately!

​Why is this? And how do we manage this balance?



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As content hungry and time poor people today, we hate being sold to when we’re not ready for it.

Instead, we all prefer to be looking for general info and going through the customer journey before we open our wallets. If your content marketing strategy doesn’t take this into account, you may risk going for the sales pitch too early and losing them.

Due to the abundance of choice and easy accessibility to the internet, people are constantly interested in finding solutions to their immediate problems; and if they don’t find what they’re after in their initial search, they hit the back button and move right on.




And nothing turns people away faster than the aggressive sell too early.

To your customer, being “sold to” is likened to the manipulative practise from the 1980ies when strange salesmen rocked up to your door with a suitcase full of things you didn’t need, or those awful 20 minute long commercials that waffle on about how amazing the next fad is and why you need their limited stock so badly.

That’s not the impression you want your brand to be making!

So, how do you find the right balance within your content? By understanding more about your customer first.



We are modern customers now!

People have all evolved.

Because of the abundance of information literally at our fingertips, we are all empowered and well-informed about our own buying decisions. We hate ads that pop up, disrupt or push us in directions we don’t want.

A good rule of thumb is this:

Your customer has to see how your brand and product is relevant in their lives before they pay attention and take action.

So, when you put your business hat on, don’t forget what your customers are like. Your content must be demonstrating the value you’re offering and let people make the connection, rather than forcing a transaction.

So, while you need to have a sales-esque angle in your content, it’s a fine line that must be carefully approached by copywriters when producing content. People go online for information, because it’s needed to ultimately support a need. Blogs especially are perceived as safe for information seekers, and in a way, they should be. 


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The content marketing rule: inform to sell, rather than just sell

Let’s be honest here: we produce content to engage customers and make money – it’s business after all. However, a much better approach is to produce content that informs to sell, rather than just to blatantly sell.

That’s the objective: be a key opinion leader on specific topics, so that when your potential customers are seeking relevant information, you’re the one answering them. This means that when they go to make that buying decision, you become an strong option.

This is the new way!

In years past, it was about forceful convincing; now, it’s about superior customer service with the aim that you gain a piece of your segment’s precious attention.


Content Marketing is all about being a key opinion leader on specific topics, so that when your potential customers are seeking relevant information, you’re the one answering them. This means that when they go to make that buying decision, you become an strong option. 




Why is quality content effective in reaching people?

Blogs and other similar content is effective today because these articles create a high-quality touch point, as well as an authoritative relationship with a prospect that no other Marketing collateral can match.

In addition, the nature of blogging reveals more of your brand’s personality than boring corporate communications – meaning followers are given an opportunity to like you for you.

It’s these crucial elements that can sway a potential customer to your side, which is the strategic objective behind the content piece.

​Don’t get me wrong- copywriters are not subtly manipulating a reader- that’s the completely wrong idea!

The intention behind content like a blog post (as an example) is to provide a person with valuable information in order to earn their attention. We as Marketers and Content Creators must provide the customer with exactly what they want, when and where they want, and the reward is being on their radar.




Why copywriters do what they do

This is why content writing and copywriting is so crucial today.

Brands are all vying for the precious attention of the customer, and in order to do that, high quality writing must be produced to engage your audience. If we are good enough to win their valuable time, and then convert them into an advocate, it’s because we offered them superior value and customer service.

People only feel “sold” to when the conversion tactics seem dishonest and arouse discomfort due to high-pressure. Visitors to your blog do not expect this to happen (nor should they), and will leave if they get any impression to the contrary. 

But as a content writer, we are all still selling a message, and people really do enjoy buying, but only when they are comfortable.

So, write well so that you earn the right to “sell” to a reader.

I think at this point, I’ve provided enough value to you, as the reader. I’ve provided the “why”, the “what” and the “how” to driving customer engagement with content.

If not, have a read of my other blog: The 5 ways content marketing is changing in 2019.

So, here’s the part where I have earned your attention enough to deliver a call to action – so here goes!

​How Can Melotti Media Copywriting Help You?

To engage your customer and achieve ongoing business success today, you need quality copywriting and consistent content. However, we understand that this is easier said than done.

You’re time poor and spread thin, and writing isn’t your expertise. So, focus on what really matters, while we take care of all of your copywriting and content marketing needs!

For more information or to speak to a quality copywriter to get the results your business deserves, contact me now at

I can sharpen your words to achieve your goals, today!

Melotti Media Copywriting and Message Marketing Bureau


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