How To Use Conversion Copywriting In Your Business To Get Great Results | Melotti Media

How To Use Conversion Copywriting In Your Business To Get Great Results



What’s the hardest part about marketing your business?

Is it holding your audience’s attention when they read your content?

Perhaps, it’s convincing them to take action and subscribe to your newsletter, book an initial consultation or buy your product?

If these common challenges are stopping your business from hitting your targets, then conversion copywriting is exactly what you need.

Here’s what conversion copywriting is and how to harness its power.



The business challenge of communicating

Customers are the lifeblood of your business, and the key to attracting customers is being able to successfully communicate the value that you offer in a relevant way.

Unfortunately, most businesses struggle with the effective delivery of these messages to convert strangers and leads into customers. Your product could have some of the most amazing features ever seen on the market, but you still won’t be able to convince people to purchase it if you can’t appeal to them emotionally.

Conversion copywriting is designed to solve this issue through a data-driven process of researching, writing and testing.



What is conversion copywriting?

Conversion copywriting is a form of copywriting that is geared towards optimising your online conversions through a persuasive and compelling argument.

Backed by credible data, this copywriting technique helps you in convincing online prospects to take specific actions like:

  • Visiting your website
  • Sharing your social media post
  • Completing an online form
  • Adding an item to their shopping cart
  • Clicking the ‘Contact Us’ button

With conversion copywriting, it’s not about just producing words or listing features. The emphasis is on providing a viable solution to the pain points of your audience by first showing you understand them.

Conversion copywriting is what gets your
audience to say YES willingly.


What are some examples of conversion copywriting?

Conversion copywriting is what gets your audience to say YES!

It also adds credibility to your brand by delivering content that is equipped with social proof, authority, relevancy and specificity.

For instance, simply saying “we are the best in our field” is likely to leave potential customers thinking that you are exactly like the rest. However, by supporting your claim with testimonials, reviews, case studies and a list of brands you’ve worked with, readers will be more encouraged to trust your business.

Let’s discuss the 4 types of conversion copywriting:

  • Social Proof
  • Authority
  • Relevancy
  • Specificity 

Exhibit A – Social Proof: At Melotti Media, we don’t just rely on our own words to get our prospects over the line. We add testimonials and reviews to our website that allows our satisfied clients to attest to the quality service we provide.








To move your audience closer to answering your call to action, you also need to sell expertise. Conversion copywriting highlights the value you provide and enables you to stand out amongst your competitors.

Exhibit B – Authority: Our prospects at Melotti Media are assured that we will deliver high-quality customer service when they see our list of accomplishments and qualifications on our website.



To gain people’s true attention, you need to be pertinent to them. What that means is, customers need to understand how your product or service plays a role in their world and how it works in their favour. Explain that to them!

Exhibit C – Relevancy: At Melotti Media, we understand that the conversation that has the most impact is always about what’s in it for the customer. So, we make our brand relevant to customers by showing them how our services correspond and align with them.





Most importantly, conversion copywriting empowers you to specifically detail how you will address the needs and requirements of your audience and solve their problems.

Through conversion copywriting, your audience comes to appreciate the benefits of your products and services.

Exhibit D – Specificity: At Melotti Media, we show our potential clients that we can help their brand succeed by providing content copywriting services and message marketing solutions. We emphasise the fact that we deliver more than just copy – we also provide our clients with a complete and effective marketing strategy.





How can you use conversion copywriting in your business?

As we said, conversion copywriting is about researching, writing and testing.

  • Research is a vital step as this is where you get to understand how your audience communicates, what motivates them, and what pushes them to take a specific action.
  • Next is the writing component. This is where you use your voice, tone and language to connect with your audience and earn their attention. You also use this step to apply your social proof, your authority relevance and your specificity in order to establish your connection.

  • Finally, you need to test your copy. Through techniques such as AB testing, you can determine how effective your copy is. This then allows you to make changes where necessary to ensure your content is successfully converting prospects into customers.

So, are you ready to write copy that converts? We’ve compiled some helpful tips to get you started!




5 tips for conversion copywriting success

1. Understand the buyer’s journey.

Your audience will have different needs at every stage of their buyer’s journey. It’s important to understand what they are looking for at every phase, so that you can properly address these requirements in your copy.

For example, if they’re merely curious about you (i.e.: top of the funnel), then showing them conversion content (bottom of the funnel) will be too strong and drive them away. Conversely, if they’re ready to buy and you provide general information, you may cool them off.

2. Focus on benefits before features.

Your audience might be amazed by your product’s features, but it’s ultimately the benefits you offer them that will compel them to buy. To get them over the line, highlight the ways in which your product or service can change their life for the better. You can also add statistics to back up your claims with solid proof.

For example, talking about how your product is the latest, most technically advanced model on the market (features) is limiting. However, explaining how those advancements save people their precious time and money (benefits) is compelling.

3. Be conversational.

A conversational, relatable, and engaging message is far more effective when addressing your potential customers. Incorporating pronouns such as “I’, “we”, “you”, and “they” empowers you to connect directly with your audience on a personal level.

For example, there are enough encyclopedia website pages out there giving the black and white basics about your niche. Give people a reason to be interested.

4. Write a powerful call to action. 

Conversion results in action. As such, it’s beneficial to use positive and specific verbs in your call to action, like “join”, “drive”, “grow”, “launch”, and “explore”. As always, make sure you are leading your prospects towards the action you want them to take.

For example, never leave people at a dead end. As you’re giving them no choice but to leave. Instead, at least say “did you enjoy this? Here’s something you’ll also like.”

For more ideas, take a look at 5 Ways To Improve Your Call To Action.

5. Seek the help of a conversion copywriter.

Experienced marketing copywriters are well-equipped with the knowledge, skills and experience to write informative and converting copy that motivates audiences and deliver results. With the help of a freelance copywriter, your business can create and publish invaluable content that will have your audience saying YES!

At Melotti Media, we’re not just copywriters – we are also experienced marketers. Whether you need help with research, writing, or both, we can help you with all your conversion copywriting needs!



Between the ever-changing business landscape, the evolving needs of customers and the vast amount of competition in the market, it can be hard for your business to capture the attention you’re after.

Conversion copywriting enables your business to persuade customers, so they will look directly to you for a solution to their pain points.

With conversion copywriting, you can convert more leads, build better customer relationships, and achieve greater results for your business.


How can Melotti Media help you?  

We understand that reaching your audience and achieving success in your business through copywriting is easier said than done. You may find that you still have a lot of unanswered questions, or you just simply don’t have the time.

That’s where we come in!

At Melotti Media, we can assist with all your content marketing needs while you focus on what matters most to you – growing your business!

Let’s start achieving the results you deserve!

To speak to our trusted message marketing copywriters, email us at  

We can sharpen your words to achieve your goals today!






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