How to Incorporate Brand Culture into Your Business' Message Marketing | Melotti Media

How to Incorporate Brand Culture into Your Business’ Message Marketing



Every organisation has its own unique flow, process and rhythm. 

These daily behaviours, values, language and activities between groups of people make up your culture. We all hear about how culture empowers teams and helps us communicate with our customers in a genuine way.

The question is: how can we incorporate this culture into our marketing to strengthen our brand identity? How can we have a strong brand culture that will enable us to generate excellent marketing results?

Here’s how you can incorporate brand culture into your business’ message marketing.




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What is Brand Culture?

Your organisation has its own identity which embodies its corporate values, vision and mission. Brand culture is your business’ soul and unique identifier. 

Think of a brand. Now think of that brand’s positioning. What “invisible” feels and emotions conjure up inside you? While this is the result of powerful marketing, it all emanates from the culture behind the brand.

Think of Apple. Its innovative brand culture has made it a respective industry leader.
Think of Coca-Cola. Its vibrant attitude has made it known as a fun soda that you drink whenever there’s a good time.

Think of Amazon. Its efficient culture of expansion is why everyone feels confident about buying everything from them online.

Think of Microsoft. Its dedication to comprehensive business applications has made it the most trusted supplier of digital platforms across the world.

These brand cultures are how a brand pitches itself to the world and builds a reputation that audiences pick up on. This establishes a positioning in their minds and is where brands get their value from.



How does a Brand Culture develop?

Now, you might think that brand culture is out of your control or something you can force . But to tell you the truth, there is no formula when it comes to culture. It’s kind of a mixture of both.

Each brand spends years building and cultivating their own culture – passing it down to their staff until eventually, it resonates with their target market. That’s when a brand culture begins to thrive and can start a movement.

A brand culture can be very powerful. It communicates on an invisible, deeper level through the ‘vibe’ of your brand and can draw a response from your audience.

Brand culture should be established from the inside out. That’s because it helps a business deliver their brand to market in a consistent and competitive way that becomes recognisable from the outside in.  



What’s the importance of establishing a recognisable culture in branding?

With so many businesses providing similar products and services like yours, you may feel that the market is super saturated. With such strong competition, it’s crucial to understand how to incorporate your unique culture into your brand – because it will make you stand out.

The most successful companies are those who understand the importance of brand culture and use it to get ahead.

Here are some important reasons to establish a rich culture into your brand:

  • Brand culture creates your identity

    Culture is something that sets you apart from your competitors. It establishes your personality and image, which is important if you want to attract people.

    Your brand culture should reflect your business’ core values and mission. When the identity you want to portray does not match with your culture, it creates disharmony and sacrifices your authenticity – which gets noticed.

    If you want to learn more, read: How to establish your brand identity

  • Brand culture attracts like-minded people

    People are more likely to lean towards someone or something they feel a connection with. This is applicable to both potential employees as well as customers.

    A strong brand culture will resonate from the outside, if and only if, the people who are working for you are immersed within your culture. They become your brand ambassadors and will help increase your brand awareness. 

    This creates loyalty within your organisation and will ensure that your business is genuinely surrounded by people who understand and live by your brand culture.

  • Brand culture creates a strong and recognisable reputation

    Now that you have established your identity through your brand culture, people will start getting to know you better. Your brand culture should be genuine enough to stand out for all the right reasons. 

    While a business’ core values and goals may slightly differ from one brand to the next, you need to remember that it’s how you enact your brand culture that demonstrates your uniqueness.

    People today are intuitive and assess brands based on how they correspond with their own personal values. This means they tend to stay away from those that go against their beliefs. This is the reason why establishing your culture in your branding is important. Inauthenticity kills connection and hinders the growth of your brand.

    To know more, check: 5 Ways Message Marketing Gets You Way Ahead Of Your Competitors


People today are intuitive and assess brands based on how they correspond with their own values. This means they tend to stay away from those that go against their beliefs.

So – with all the benefits of brand culture, how do you nurture it so you can use culture effectively?

Through copywriting! Here’s how it works.




How to incorporate your brand culture into your copywriting

Words are a powerful marketing tool. 

But they gain even more power if they’re backed by a consistent and strong brand culture that audiences can recognise and relate to.

This involves:

  • Staying true to your core values and mission to keep your authenticity while actively promoting your products and services. 
  • Building creative concepts that reflect your brand’s reputation
  • Being bold and unafraid to be unique across all of your messaging
  • Writing messages that reflect your brand’s personality and opinion
  • Incorporating your distinct tone and feel across the content you produce
  • Aligning your messages with what makes your brand unique
  • Sharing stories of how your business operates
  • Explaining your history and how your brand has come to be what it is today
  • Creating case studies that demonstrate your culture in action
  • Actively sharing your expertise across your field

With the power of copywriting, you can directly target your audience’s emotions. 



After all, copywriters are instrumental in facilitating and promoting your brand culture as they know best how to influence your customers’ decisions.  

As copywriters, we take the time to get to know and understand the brand culture of our clients before we start writing for them. It’s necessary to have a clear understanding of who we are writing for by conducting research, going through the brief assessment and talking directly with clients.

With enough knowledge and understanding, we can produce copy that is both authentic and consistent with your brand culture.

See: Branding Content Copywriting

How can Melotti Media help you?   

We understand that you want to achieve business success through quality marketing messages that reflect your brand culture.

However, you may find that you’re time-poor and spread thin or you still have a lot of unanswered questions.

But you don’t need to worry!

At Melotti Media, we can assist with all your message marketing and copywriting needs while you focus on what matters most to you – growing your business.

Let’s start earning the results your business deserves!

To speak to your trusted message marketers and copywriters, email us at  

We can sharpen your words to achieve your goals today!

The Melotti Media Team
Melotti Media | Copywriting & Message Marketing Bureau



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