How to complete your brand | Melotti Media

How to complete your brand

The problem with branding today

So many businesses today make a big mistake. 

They take the time to develop their logos, colours, photos and visual elements, only to completely neglect all of the brand messaging elements, like tone of voice, hero statements, elevator pitches and more. 

This leaves them with half a brand. 

The issue with not having brand messaging

Most brands typically get by. 

However, that’s not what any business wants: to “just get by”. Today’s customers are too discerning, alternatives are too accessible and the competition is too fierce.  

If you don’t take the time to define how your brand speaks and the communication style it takes to articulate your relevant value, then both your team and your customers end up confused. 

Nothing kills brand awareness and conversions like an undefined, inconsistent brand. 

So – what’s the answer?

A core messaging document by Melotti Media. 

This completes your brand guidelines, gives your team the guidance they need for all of your marketing and ensures you’re always consistent and memorable to customers. 

Let us explain. 

Brand Messaging

Are you proud of what your brand is saying to the people who matter? 

Are your customers proud of being associated with your brand? 

That’s where the power of sharpening
your messaging comes in.

Consider this scenario.

Think of your best friend. 
Everything you like about them. 
You see them and you relate to them. 

You recall the memories and the bond you’ve formed. 

Now, the next time you meet them, they change. 

Then again, they change again. 

Can you still relate? Are they still your best friend? 

Let's pose a different scenario.

You go to a networking event and you meet a complete stranger. 

You talk with them.

But they seem… a little off. They don’t really know who they are and they feel uncomfortable in their own skin. 

They’re a little loud but sometimes soft. 
They’re a touch crazy but then conservative. 

Do you want to get to know them?

It works EXACTLY the same with brands.

Especially today. 

Brands are personalities. 

People yearn to connect.

Customers choose brands they can relate to.

The way brands communicate is how today’s customers build a bond with them. 

The messages people read, hear and watch are how they interpret brands to determine if they’re aligned.

People buy from brands they understand, and understanding comes from definition & consistency.

So, we ask again:

Are you proud of what your brand is saying to the people who matter? 

Are your customers proud of being associated with your brand? 

 If you’re not clear about who your brand is and its core messages then how do you expect your customers to be? 

If people can’t find value in your brand, they move on. Wouldn’t you?
People also have high expectations, are incredibly discerning with their time and forget inconsequential brands fast. 


That’s why defining your brand’s core messaging is so critical.

If you’re not consistent, you’re confusing. 

If you’re inconsistent, you’re ignored. 

But most importantly…

If you’re not relevant, you’re nothing.  

At Melotti Media, we help brands like yours bring your unique voice to life through the right words, messaging and communication style, to become relevant to the right people. 

Why is brand messaging important?

Your brand’s messaging is critical in uniting your products, services and identity with your customer’s pain points and relevant interests. 

Clear brand messaging helps you make your customers care.

The right words can integrate your brand into their lives.

This allows you to capture their precious attention and inspire them to take positive action.  

What does a Core Brand Messaging Document include?

1. Hero Statements

What it is

A ‘Hero Statement’ is a punchy, intriguing, all-encompassing brand statement that captures its overall essence and nature. It is used to quickly grab the attention of your audience and give them an overview of your business at a glance.

Where to use it
These bold hero statements are best used on your website home page, capability statements and anywhere that you want your brand to make a prominent announcement.

Here’s an example:

2. Elevator Pitch

What it is
This is a brief, persuasive description of your business that allows people to understand what you’re about in a snap.

Where to use it
In an elevator…or any other time when you don’t have very long to capture the attention of your audience.

Here’s an example:

3. Core Messaging

What it is
Building on the above, here are some applicable examples of the way your brand talks out in the real world!

Where to use it
Your core messaging encourages your customers through value-adding and concise messages that can be used anywhere, across all channels. They’re also great as a starting point for your team to create further content.

Here’s an example:

4. Our Brand

What it is
Now it’s time to identify your brand’s personality traits, style and types.

Where to use it
This will help your team understand your brand’s unique persona, character and disposition when creating content.

Using this section will help you create a strong and consistent brand position.

Here’s an example:

5. Our Values

What it is
Define your brand’s central values, how you operate and what’s important to your brand. This will give your core messaging more gravitas based on your genuine principles.

Where to use it
Both internally, as a brand reminder, as well as externally on places such as your ABOUT page. Your values will be enacted on consistently across all of your content.

Here’s an example:

6. What We Are

What it is

By understanding your brand’s essence, you create a solid foundation for you, your team and your audience to build a connection with.

Where to use it
Mainly used internally, these are brand attributes that help clearly articulate your brand’s intentions and identify what you stand for.

Here’s an example:

7. What We Aren’t

What it is

This is the opportunity to address the common misconceptions about your brand and set up boundaries around your brand’s identity.

Where to use it
Establishing what your brand isn’t can often be more enlightening than determining what your brand is. This reverse approach will help you avoid creating messages that are not in line with what you really are as a business.

Here’s an example:

8. Our Identity

What it is

This is your vision, mission and difference. This also states the benefits and solutions you offer to people.

Where to use it
These identity elements of your brand define its direction, intent and purpose, so you can use these internally to guide content production and externally as character statements.

Here’s an example:

9. Our Ideal Clients

What it is

To create effective marketing content that’s well-targeted, you first need to know who your ideal client is and what’s going to appeal to them. Once you know their relevant pain points and challenges, you can build your messaging around this.

Where to use it
This part of the document should only be used internally just as a quick reminder for your team about who your brand is targeting and why. This will keep everyone on the same brand trajectory.

Here’s an example:

Let’s book in your Core Brand Messaging Development session today.

Our message marketing copywriters and branding specialists can help you develop your core messaging. 

Simply email us at or phone 1800-663-342. 

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