How Polished And Personalised Branding Can Boost Your Business | Melotti Media

How Polished And Personalised Branding Can Boost Your Business


Creating a business is easy today, right?  

Sell a product or service, then earn the money. How hard can that be? Well, if this is your approach, then don’t get too attached to your business because it’s not going to survive for long! 

Sure, your product or service may be great. But eventually, it will become irrelevant, priced out or overtaken by the competition.  

However, if you work on building your business upon a strong foundation of branding that imparts value and nurtures a strong relationship with your customers, then you’re building the right foundations for the long-haul. 

Here’s how strong branding will improve your business. 


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​Let’s go back to the basics – what is branding? 

Branding has actually been around since ancient times – in fact, it derived from marking cattle and wood with heat or fire to signify ownership.  

Today, that might be something similar to a logo. The only difference is, we now have tools like Adobe Illustrator to design our mark instead of crude fire and iron! 

But, branding today goes far beyond just a look or a logo – it’s now a process of creating your brand to evoke a certain feeling or emotion from an audience so it resonates with them. By creating a unique connection, people quickly recognise your business and distinguish it from others.   

Strong brands are made up of a whole suite of elements, colours, fonts and core messaging that all work together to create a whole identity that customers can understand and remember.


So, why is branding important? 

Let’s answer that with a question. 

Have you ever been surprised by a friend who suddenly wore something they don’t usually wear? You probably found yourself feeling a little confused. 

Well, this same thing also happens for brands that do something out of sorts with their marketing campaigns. People get shocked when they pull off something that’s not on-brand, and it’s usually not a good shock.  

Branding works through relatability and consistency. Sure, brands can evolve naturally over time, but branding is important because it allows people to recognise your business and what you stand for. It’s an essential part of marketing as it allows people to attribute their feelings and actions towards something they know. A well-established brand is important, as it allows you to create an admirable identity that customers will learn about and build a connection with.  

However, not all branding is successful.  

If you start by making yours super polished and personalised, your business can achieve the boost it needs. Here’s how to ace your branding.  


How a polished and personalised brand boosts your business 

A powerful brand is very valuable. 

Branding doesn’t just help with the aesthetic aspects of your business – it also generates leads, retains customers, drives sales and builds a stronger presence overall. 

Here are the benefits of a strong brand: 

1. Increases your credibility 

Who will trust a brand that has messy and inconsistent branding? It’s pretty obvious! If it appears you can’t look after your own business, don’t expect people to trust that you’ll look after them. 

No one wants to do business with a brand like that. People appreciate a professional and polished portrayal that also shows the unique traits of a brand. This way, they are confident that your business will help them achieve their goals through the services you offer. 

2. Gets you noticed and earns customer attention 

When it comes to expanding your reach, good branding is your best friend. 

A strong brand makes a positive impression, especially when all the messaging, colours and elements are all aligned. This draws attention and advocates trust because it demonstrates the connection between you and them. 

Once your brand is out there, your reach is already growing! 


3. Boosts your advertising 

Of course, branding is great for getting your name out in the open, but you still need advertising to promote your services or products.  

In creating an effective and memorable advertising strategy, it should be aligned with your brand. This is where your branding offers a lot of strength – it will help you formulate strategies that are cohesive and united with your business’ vision.  

4. Elevates your business’ value 

Once you’ve established your brand in the market, you’ve already positioned yourself as a strong business that has a promising future. Good branding gives you more leverage in the industry and provides an advantage for future business opportunities. This can also put you on the radar of potential investors looking for a business. 

5. Inspires your employees  

Imagine your employees being as proud as you to work for your company. Branding can do this – but only if it’s done well! 

Employees take more pride in their work when they know they part of a strong and forward-thinking brand. This makes every project they do more enjoyable and fulfilling as they can also relate to the brand their role as a part of it. 


How to polish and personalise your branding 

Now that you’re aware of the advantages that excellent branding offers, you’re probably wondering how to build a strong brand. 

So, here are some tips on how to execute effective branding that’s polished and personalised: 

  • Be human 
    Sometimes it’s hard to trust organisations that have that same old corporate tone that makes you feel like you’re reading an encyclopedia.  

    While you still want to remain professional, that lifeless and robotic approach usually pushes people away. So your content must make your audience feel like they’re dealing with humans who understand, care and listen to their challenges. 

    Read this for more help: How To Re-Humanise Your Marketing 

  • Show personality 
    Unless your audience is a group of robots, it helps to show a little personality here and there! Sure, you can still be professional, but look for messaging and imagery that makes you a bit more unique or interesting – rather than stock standard.  

    ​Remember, you have your own set of brand values and you must incorporate this into your branding by showing a little bit of character – which your audience will appreciate and recognise. 

    The market is highly saturated by different companies who might offer the same services or products that you have, so your unique personality will make you stand out for all the right reasons. 

    To learn more, see: How To Build A Unique Brand Identity

  • Be consistent  
    Your brand’s tone of voice is how your brand speaks in the minds of your audience – and this has a big impact on what they remember. 

    So, don’t confuse them. Once you’ve established the tone or the language that works best for your branding, make sure to stick with it throughout all your platforms and campaigns. Otherwise, it will be hard for people to identify your brand – which is not what you want! 

    For more information, see: Why Your Brand Needs Core Messaging Guidelines 


What is branding today? 

Nowadays, all industries have overly saturated markets, and people have a hard time choosing who to do business with.  

So, why should they choose you? 

It’s easy to fall into a comfortable position once you think you’ve reached your brand’s peak potential in the market.  

But with how fast times are changing today, you’ll probably soon find yourself as an average player competing against more highly driven businesses wanting to win the support of your customers! With the technology and other services available today, you can easily overcome this and establish a brand that sets the standards, rather than follows them.  

How a copywriter helps with branding  

The true power of branding can often be underestimated. 

That’s because people often assume that it’s just the shapes, colours, logos and designs – overlooking the stories and messaging side.  

For your branding to be effective, you must be able to write core messages that reflect your brand’s true values, appeal to your target audience, nurture customer relationships and inspire action. 

This is where professional copywriting services come in.  

Quality marketing copywriters are experienced and well-equipped with the skills to understand certain audiences and create branded messages that fully address your customers’ challenges. Professional copywriters also have the ability to perform comprehensive research and utilise words in a way that will get you impressive outcomes. 

You’re also probably too busy running your business to sit for hours and write. So, it’s best to reach out to marketing experts for copywriting help in creating your business’ branding messages.   

To learn more about this, read: 7 Reasons Why Quality Copywriting Will Improve Your Brand 


But who’s the right copywriter? 

How do you choose the right freelance copywriter for you? 

Branding can easily fail when the messaging isn’t right. So, you need to find trustworthy copywriters who deeply understand your brand and your audience. Only then can they help you create the branded messages that will get you the best results.  

Although many people can put words on a page, most business owners are not experts in the art and science of copywriting. In addition, people often lack the time, ability and resources to do what needs to be done.  

Don’t let this hold you and your business back, though!  

Freelance copywriting services are available to cater to whatever your business needs. So, we recommend hiring freelance marketing copywriters to help sharpen your branding. 

Why choose a marketing copywriter over a regular copywriter? 

Quality freelance copywriters with Marketing backgrounds are experienced in helping businesses achieve success with their branding. They can help you engage your audience and achieve your goals of growing your business.  

They offer many benefits without the ongoing costs of a full-time employee. 

See: How to hire a copywriter – the 7 steps your business should take. 

But make sure you choose a copywriter with good Google reviews and great recommendations. Sure – they won’t be the cheapest, but they’ll provide you with the best service. 

How can Melotti Media help you?  

We completely understand your intention to achieve business success by utilising quality copywriting in your branding. 

We also know that you’re time-poor and spread thin, and it’s possible you still have a lot of questions regarding copywriting.  

But you don’t have to worry!  

At Melotti Media Copywriting, we can assist you with your copywriting needs while you focus on what matters most to you – growing your business.    

Let’s start by getting the results your business deserves using copywriting effectively. 

For more information or to speak to a trusted copywriter, contact our team now at 

We can sharpen your words to achieve your goals today. 


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