Today, everything is just one internet search away. 
Looking for the perfect place to dine? Search the internet. 
Want to know the right beauty product to use? Search the internet. 
Finding reasons to understand why SEO is important? Search the internet. 
Most people today rely on the web to look for solutions. This is why businesses like yours invest in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). 
Because while it seems complicated, SEO is worth learning about as it helps you rank on search engine results and makes your brand relevant in front of the right people.  
To help you understand SEO and its impact on your business, here’s a brief guide about the 5 core aspects of SEO. 

What is SEO? 

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a marketing practise where your digital content aims to please both customers and popular search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. 
It enables you to be visible online by crafting the perfect digital content which then boosts the amount of \ organic traffic and searches you receive. 
SEO also improves your search rating and ranking – leading you to (hopefully) occupy the top part of a search engine’s first result page. 
Read more on: Search Engine Optimisation: Getting Started 
Unfortunately, SEO is not straightforward. It has 5 aspects that need to work together for your brand to see great results. 

What are the 5 aspects of SEO? 

The search algorithms we have right now is constantly evolving.
For your business to reap the benefits of SEO, you must be up to date with the latest and best SEO practices. This starts with understanding the five main aspects that are essential in every SEO strategy. 
1. Technical 
Site loading speed? Coding? JavaScipt? H1, H2, H3 titles? 
These are all connected to the technical side of SEO, which ensures your entire website’s coding works and functions well “under the hood”.   
Technical SEO guarantees your pages are well-structured, so that search engines won’t find it difficult to reach, read and analyse your content. 
For more information, see: SEO is Evolving – here are the 3 steps you need to keep up. 

2. Content 
The current algorithm of Google (and of most other search engines, too) works by prioritising websites that have relevant and valuable content – giving them a better chance to rank high.  
As such, SEO also requires your brand to create relevant, quality content.    

Produce entertaining, informative and engaging pieces of content that are helpful to your target audience will help search engines like Google rank you higher, as you are offering more value. 
A quality copywriter can help you with this by writing content that resonates well with your audience, while embedding SEO keywords that enable search engines to find your website and show your pages continuously as top search results. 
Check: SEO Copywriting Services 

3. Local SEO

Local SEO is also known as local search engine marketing. 

It assists your business by marketing your products or services to local customers at the exact time they are searching for them online. 
Google My Business is an underutilised platform for local SEO. When set up correctly, it helps your business build a stronger local presence online. 
For local SEO to work, your Google My Business profile must feature updated details including your business hours, services you offer and contact details.  Like any social media, you must also post regular content on Google My Business, so that search engines will determine your business is relevant and up to date. 

Also, having a good star rating helps with local SEO too. 
Having a hard time coming up with content creation ideas? A copywriter can help with local SEO too. 
Read: Copywriting: SEO Or Your Reader? 

4. Backlinks 
Backlinks are links that are generated from outside sources or different websites which point back to your website. They help in making your brand reputation stronger online, allowing you to rank higher on search engines.  

But that doesn’t mean just any link pointing to your website is a good backlink. They must come from highly respected and credible websites for backlink SEO to work. 
The number of quality resources that link back to your website is also important, so make sure to produce shareable content (like blogs or articles) that are relevant for your target audience.  

5. User Experience 
Google ranks websites based on actual user experience (UI), too.  
Its search engine algorithm can now analyse whether your website has good architecture, appropriate calls to action and well-laid content. It also judges this on how long a visitor “dwells” on your website (and doesn’t just bounce). 
As such, it is vital for your business to prioritise User Experience (UX) Copywriting. A UX copywriter can provide people with a good interaction with your brand – all while making sure you’re ranking high on search engines, as well! 
See: Why Is UX Copywriting Essential For Your Business? 

As you’ve seen, the majority of the SEO aspects can be facilitated by your business through the help of content marketing and a copywriter. 
Content creation is a speciality of a professional copywriter, who can help incorporate the right aspects of SEO to ensure that your business gets the right results. 
Just always remember to pick the right copywriter! 

How to hire the right Copywriting Services? 

The benefits of copywriting services for your business are indisputable, as are the potential results.  

Unfortunately, not everyone can do copywriting on their own. You may lack the time, the ability and resources to do what needs to be done.  

But this shouldn’t stop you!  

There are professional copywriting services offered by many local freelance copywriters who can cater to whatever your business needs.  

Quality freelance copywriters with Marketing backgrounds are quality content writers who can help you create the right types of content (audio, visual or written) for your business through their expertise and experience.  

They help you gain the benefits of SEO through, without the ongoing costs of a full-time employee. 

See: How to hire a copywriter – the 7 steps your business should take. 

How Can Melotti Media Copywriting Help You?  

We understand that you want to achieve business success by utilising quality copywriting and consistent content that your audience will love. 

We also know that you’re time-poor and spread thin, and it’s possible you still have a lot of questions regarding copywriting.  

But you don’t have to worry!  

At Melotti Media Copywriting, we can assist you with your content marketing needs while you focus on what matters most to you – growing your business.    

Let’s start by getting the results your business deserves using copywriting effectively. 

For more information or to speak to a trusted copywriter, contact us now at enquire@melottimedia.com.au 

We can sharpen your words to achieve your goals today! 

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