Why hire a copywriter? The 6 Benefits We offer your business | Melotti Media

Why hire a copywriter? The 6 Benefits We offer your business



Whether they are organisations or individuals, your audience today is actively researching well-before they make a purchase. This means you need to meet them during that phase to get onto their radar if you want to be considered as a viable option.

You can do this through well-written content.

Everyone can write, and with businesses looking to produce this content to offer engaging value to their customers, there is a growing need to get typing.

So, why hire a copywriter to do this for your business? Because they offer your business a host of advantages that far exceed their cost.

Here are the 6 benefits that answer why hiring a freelance copywriter is a great business decision



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(1) Years of experience 

Writing is an art like any other, and the way to improve this skill is through practise, practise and more practise.

An experienced copywriter brings this experience to you, and offers it when they undertake your project. Everyone can write, but it’s honestly years of experience drilling down core messages and focusing on audience targeting that really nails good copy.

Leave the sharp communication with the experts to save you time and effort.


(2) You can focus on more important things

Let’s face it – content writing takes a lot of time to do.

It can be a very lengthy process, and there are probably a greater number of big-picture items that require your attention than content. Don’t spread yourself too thin, when there are more crucial parts of the business to work on.

Get a copywriter to keep that plate spinning and make your audience happy, while you keep the business healthy.


(3) They offer you a fresh perspective

When you’re heavily involved with your business day-to-day, you can often get entrenched in the ‘ways that things have always been done’. Sometimes, you need someone from the outside, without any bias or preconceived ideas, to come in and think outside of the box. In fact, some of the best creative ideas come from the blending of external suggestions that push the boundaries with internal knowledge.


(4) They can be bold and creative

Similar to the above, when an external copywriter works on your project, they have a bit more freedom to propose more outrageous suggestions, because they’re outside of the internal politics and hierarchies that exist. These more innovative ideas may not be perfect, but they are exactly what your business needs to push boundaries and try new things.


(5) They can offer you suggestions

A freelance copywriter has usually worked across many different industries and projects, and this can be helpful when approaching your specific campaigns, as they come with a wealth of experience. They can offer you feedback and ideas that improve the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.


(6) Flexibility

Because they are a freelance copywriter, you can use them as needed. Have an article due? A PR press release? A website landing page to support your next social media campaign? Give them a call as you need us.



Warning! Copywriters are all different

Just remember- not all copywriters are the same, and only a professional, high-quality writer can offer you these above 6 benefits. It’s worth taking the time to find the right copywriter who has a list of happy clients and a solid reputation.

But most importantly, find one with a Marketing background as they will help craft the best content to suit your audience and get results because they’ve developed their copywriting skills upon a foundation of marketing.

Why a Marketing Copywriter?

A marketing copywriter works solely towards targeting your audience to get results.

Journalists and stay-at-home mums and dads can potentially write well, but the difference is that content creation is a Marketing function with a strategic focus- it needs a marketing copywriter to look at your campaign holistically and craft copy that connects with your customers to inspire their action.

You don’t want pretty prose or lovely literature. Your business needs audience-friendly, accessible copywriting that draws attention, addresses customer problems and offers your business as a viable solution which earns you sales.  

You also get what you pay for.

Your business’ reputation is on show with each piece of content that you release into the public.

If you have poorly written articles, videos, and website copy (for example), they don’t leave a good impression on your potential customers and can lead to missing sales opportunities. It’s worth spending the money to find the perfect copywriter for your business’ needs, rather than finding a cheaper alternative that will leave you rewriting all of their content anyway.

How Can Melotti Media Copywriting Help You?

To engage your customer and achieve ongoing business success today, you need quality copywriting and consistent content. However, we understand that this is easier said than done.

You’re time poor and spread thin, and writing isn’t your expertise. So, focus on what really matters, while we take care of all of your copywriting and content marketing needs!

For more information or to speak to a quality copywriter to get the results your business deserves, contact me now at enquire@melottimedia.com.au.

I can sharpen your words to achieve your goals, today!

Christopher Melotti

Melotti Media Copywriting and Message Marketing Bureau

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