What is White Label Copywriting? | Melotti Media

What is White Label Copywriting?

Copywriting is one of the many important parts of an entire suite of Marketing Services that Creative and Digital Agencies offer their clients.

While it’s common for an Agency to have Strategy, Campaign and Creative Design in-house, most don’t have a professional copywriter to fulfil their clients’ needs.

This is where white labelling comes in to fill this gap.

​Let’s discuss how white label copywriting can improve your agency’s services and increase revenue.

What is White Labelling? 

White labelling is a type of subcontracting where you outsource a product or service, and then on-sell it to your client as part of your own deliverables.

When referring to white label copywriting (or white label content), it’s when you commission an anonymous freelance copywriter to write material, and rebrand it as your own to meet your client’s marketing needs. 

White labelling this written element of marketing basically allows your Creative Agency to offer your clients expert copywriting services by a specialist writer, without having to hire. It can also be used when your in-house copywriter cannot keep up with the workload and so the excess is given to someone outside of the business.

Generally speaking, your freelance writer and your client never meet directly, and you play the middleman between the two, coordinating the process. 

How does an Agency use white labelling?

A Creative Marketing Agency usually offers their clients comprehensive marketing packages, which include the development of an overall strategy and its execution.

Once this has been approved by their client, the Agency can reach out to freelancers, brief them on the work and get them to create all of the elements of the package, which the agency compiles together.

The agency’s coordination role allows them to charge an increased price to their client, and ​in exchange, the client gets all of their marketing needs from one company. 

What content can be white labelled?

Anything and everything that you can get a copywriter to make, basically! If your client needs any of the following, you can reach out to a copywriter, get them to produce it and then on-sell it.

For example:
  • Blogs, information and articles
  • FAQs
  • Conceptual and tagline copywriting
  • Website copy
  • Brochures and printed materials
  • eBooks and white papers
  • Templates and marketing automation
  • Scripts, and so on.

​White label copywriting is a win-win for both a Creative Agency and a Freelance Copywriter


Why use White Label Copywriting? 

Copywriting and content marketing are powerfully effective tools in all business activities today.

White labelling allows your Creative Agency to:
  1. offer your clients this additional service
  2. not have to hire copywriters directly
  3. make additional profit by clipping extra revenue off the top of the freelancer’s cost

Why do Freelance Copywriters also love being white labelled? 

Speaking from personal experience as a freelance copywriter, I love white labelling my copy services to creative agencies.


Because I get to work with great marketing agencies and their team of amazing creative professionals, who introduce me to work that I wouldn’t get myself. In exchange, I offer my reliable services at my rate, in the knowledge that the agency charges a percentage on top to their clients for my work- it’s a great synergy. 

It’s only a small percentage of my weekly work, but for what it is, I really enjoy it.

What are the advantages of White Label Copywriting? 

White label copywriting offers your Agency the following benefits:
  1. Expand your range of Marketing Services
  2. Improve your ability to meet your client’s needs 
  3. Have more control over your resourcing costs
  4. Use a copywriter whenever you need
  5. Focus on what you do best and outsource the rest

​To effectively use white label copywriting services, you need a superior copywriter who will deliver quality content that you can trust to give to your clients.

White labelling: the step-by-step process

As a Creative Agency, here’s how you do it:
  1. Reach out across your networks and find a small pool of Copywriters
  2. Ask to see their previous work and portfolio
  3. Request their rates or a typical quote so you can check that it fits with your rates you charge clients (but don’t forget, you also get what you pay for!!!)
  4. Interview them and see if they meet your standards
  5. Send them a brief for some client work as a trial run
  6. ​If they are good, keep them around and treat them as an extension of your team
  7. Contact them when you need them again
  8. Pay them on time

Remember, if you find a good copywriter, definitely keep them around because we’re a rare breed. Everyone can write, but only a small few can deliver the perfect copy that you can feel completely comfortable being created on your behalf to give to your precious clients.


How Can Melotti Media Copywriting Help You With Your Content?

Pick me! Pick me! I can be your trusted partner copywriter.

At Melotti Media, I understand that high quality copywriting is essential for business success, but it is easier said than done. You’re time poor and spread thin, and writing isn’t your expertise. So, focus on what really matters, while I take care of all of your copywriting and marketing needs!

If you want more information, or you need a quality copywriter to get the results you are looking for, contact me now at enquire@melottimedia.com.au.

I can sharpen your words to achieve your goals, today!

Christopher Melotti

Melotti Media Copywriting & Message Marketing Bureau

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