The Six Pillars Of A Complete Marketing Strategy | Melotti Media

The Six Pillars Of A Complete Marketing Strategy

As a Business Marketing Consultant, a common question my clients ask me is: “What are the necessary elements I should be including in my Marketing Strategy?” 

While the answer is not complicated on the surface, it can be quite an extensive process and require a lot of strategic planning.

However, this shouldn’t be avoided as you can discover a lot about your business and its identity when creating a proper Marketing Strategy.

To keep you guided, I’ve compiled the six strategic pillars of Marketing that are necessary for your Marketing Strategy.

What are the 6 pillars of Marketing?

An effective Marketing strategy needs to address six key activities, all of which are interrelated.

These are known as strategic Marketing pillars.

  1. Promote

  2. Educate

  3. Attract

  4. Support

  5. Solidify

  6. Broaden

Each pillar relates to a different part of the customer's journey or experience with your business, which is why every business must have a plan in place to action each step.

Here is a basic run down of the pillars of Marketing Strategy.

Keep in mind: Your customers will all be at different stages of the buying journey. As such, these pillars must all be done simultaneously in a continuous cycle.

So, while one customer may be getting promoted to, the next may be being educated, and another, converted and so on.  

By fulfilling and actively executing initiatives from each pillar, your business will be covering all areas and communicating at all stages of the buying process.

This Marketing structure is thorough and will ensure you’re maximising your Marketing strength to work best for you in all business areas.

Now, let’s delve further into each pillar and some examples that your business can adopt. 

(1) Promote

This pillar is all about letting potential customers know who you are.

How do you raise brand awareness with your target customers, then?

Here are just some of the things you can optimise:

(2) Educate

Now that people are aware of your brand, what comes next is letting them know that you are a key opinion leader they can trust.

So, how can you prove that your brand is relevant to audiences?

To deliver value and establish your authority in your niche, you might want to consider doing the following:

(3) Attract

Customers are very keen when it comes to their purchase decisions.

It’s crucial, then, that you lay down a strong call to action and an incentive for them to contact you.

One of the things you can do is provide your audience with content that addresses their pain points and highlights the benefits you deliver.

You may optimise a “What We Do” video, a “Why Choose Us” web page or offer value, customer-based incentives that appeal.

Here are examples of what we do at Melotti Content Media.

(4) Support

When they contact you, you need Marketing to support your sales efforts. 

So, what branded Marketing collateral are you providing at your touch points to help the conversion process?

Make sure you have:

Do you have Marketing Enablement strategies in your business? Here’s how you can bridge the gap between Marketing and Sales teams for better results.

(5) Solidify

Congratulations! You’ve made the sale or contract.
The challenge now is to retain customers and keep them happy.

What's the best way to nurture customers' interest, keep them delighted and turn them into loyal advocates?

Some of the things you can do to continuously understand customers’ evolving needs and effectively cater to their expectations and requirements are:

  • Conducting regular surveys
  • Sending reminders and “check-ins”
  • Establishing feedback channels

(6) Broaden

Now it’s time to get your satisfied customers to work for you and spread the word about the high-quality services you deliver.

As your brand advocates, you may ask them to share:

You may also provide incentives for customer referrals to reach a wider audience.

So, is your business conducting efficient and effective marketing tactics at each pillar?

That’s great news! You have a solid Marketing approach and will be experiencing amazing results!

If not, then perhaps you need to work out where your Marketing tactics may not be as effective as they could be, and bolster each pillar so your whole Marketing strategy is working for your business. 

How can Melotti Content Media help you?

We understand that you want to achieve business success through the right Marketing Strategy.

But you may find that you’re time-poor and spread thin or you still have a lot of unanswered questions.      

You don’t need to worry!       

At Melotti Content Media, we can assist with all your Copywriting, Marketing and Business Consulting needs while you focus on what matters most to you – growing your business.       

Let’s start earning the results your business deserves!      

To speak to your trusted message marketers and copywriters, email us at or phone 1800 663 342.

We can sharpen your words to achieve your goals today!     

The Melotti Content Media Team

Melotti Content Media | Copywriting & Message Marketing Bureau

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