The New Norm of Copywriting: 3 Copywriting Trends To Take Note Of | Melotti Media

The New Norm of Copywriting: 3 Copywriting Trends To Take Note Of


Every year, business and marketing practises evolve – and copywriting is no exception. 

Of course, the biggest and most recent shift has come in the wake of COVID. While the physical impact is starting to pass, it has changed our global lifestyle significantly.

For one, we’ve all become more reliant on the digital world than ever before.

This has meant the demand for engaging content has completely skyrocketed. As part of this, quality copy is absolutely essential if you want your brand to get noticed.

Here are 3 of the 2021 Copywriting Trends we’ve observed that all brands need to pay attention to.



1. Keep your copy even shorter and sweeter

Did you know that the average attention span of a goldfish is 9 seconds? 

Believe it or not, people’s attention span today is a second shorter than this! A study by Microsoft that was published in TIME magazine found that human beings today start to lose concentration after eight seconds. Yes – 8 tiny seconds!

So how did this happen?

Well, with everything right at our fingertips via our phone, or a click away on our computers, we all consume such an abundant amount of information in a very limited time, causing us to shift our focus towards certain pieces in very short bursts.

This is where quality copywriting has to play its role! You need to capture attention within eight seconds with strong messages and then continue to hold it every eight seconds after that! 

You need to capture attention within eight seconds and then continue to hold it every eight seconds after that!


Here’s how you can avoid your readers flicking the switch so fast:

Create compelling headlines

This has been the golden rule of writing since time began: create a headline that will pique the reader’s interest with something relevant. With the enormous amount of information being added to the internet daily, it’s a smart move to write strong messages that draw in an interested audience.

Approximately 20% of people will read your entire piece but only 80% read the headline. So make your headline an inviting gateway.

For more information, read: Is this headline clickbait?



Create SEO-friendly content

Speaking of headlines, if people are hunting for content via search engines (which they are), then it’s important you get found! Pick popular and relevant keywords that your audience is searching for – the right combination will get you in front of them.

This all starts by writing magnetic headlines that are SEO-friendly and set up a compelling promise which the rest of your content delivers on.

For more information, read: Search Engine Optimisation: Getting Started.

Give your readers snackable content.

People “snack” on digestible media content because they want instant fixes to avoid boredom. How quickly do we all reach for our phone when standing in a long queue, waiting for a friend in a café, sitting on a bus or while on our lunch break? People today want bites of value during these times – so give it to them! Feed your audience with useful information in bite-sized morsels because that’s what they have an appetite for.



2. Adapt your copy to your audience’s culture

People connect to and engage with messages that they feel relate to them.

That means speaking their language – literally and figuratively. The use of language, conversation and communication is becoming more flexible and different segments of the market can have distinct ways of speaking. This may involve ditching the complicated language and incorporating slang, jargon and even emojis in your copy.

But don’t overdo it. There’s a difference between on-trend and cliché, which all depends on your audience and your platform.

For more, ready: Is Language Flexible in Copywriting? 

For instance, a little bit of wordplay can enhance your copywriting especially when you have a specific target audience in mind. If, for example, you’re targeting millennials and you’re looking to capture their eyeballs, adding relevant emojis can spark up a little visual interest and draw them in.



Learning and adapting to the language of multiple industries in your blogs, website pages and written marketing content creates a sense of enhanced value and credibility. When your words resonate with an in-crowd, you can earn their respect and attention faster.

People connect to and engage with messages that they feel relate to them. That means speaking their language – literally and figuratively.​



3. Write all forms of content

Your audience doesn’t just want to read all of the time.

Fortunately, copywriting isn’t limited to plain text either.

Words are behind all forms of marketing, especially in today’s omnichannel business world. Copywriting applies to the popular medium of video and audio marketing in the form of scripts, as well as visual applications in the form of ad copy and even AI, with bots and automation text.

It’s time to embrace all channels and media types – and this starts with copywriting.

Your audience doesn’t just want to read all of the time. Fortunately, copywriting isn’t limited to plain text either.



Here are some examples.

Podcast copywriting

Podcasting has survived and thrived during the pandemic, drastically accelerating the rise of podcast listening on the go. While we were all on lockdown, it seems everyone impulsively decided to become content junkies. Us included!

Subconsciously, podcasts have become a part of our daily routines – and that trend is showing no signs of slowing any time soon. The uptrend in podcasting correlates with a growing need for convenient education and entertainment. To adapt to this, podcast copywriting can supply scripts, subject matter and topic direction to suit listeners.




Webinar copywriting

Who knew this was a thing?

2020 disrupted everything! Education, the way we work and how we play. We experienced border closures, travel limitations and social distancing rules. As a result, we saw a surge in demand for online meetings and online video conferences – Webinars.

This involves creating and presenting content online to a live (or post-live) audience.
You don’t want to sound redundant, right? Imagine presenting the same material over and over again. Not only do you become repetitive but you also become irrelevant. If you’re a busy speaker and your webinars keep just piling up, you might want to hire a webinar copywriter.

A professional marketing copywriter can help you create presentation content that will reflect your message and your audiences, your branding, authenticity and incorporating what you know.

How can Melotti Media help you?   

We understand that you want to achieve business success through quality marketing messages.

However, you may find that you’re time-poor and spread thin or you still have a lot of unanswered questions.

But you don’t need to worry!

At Melotti Media, we can assist with all your message marketing and copywriting needs while you focus on what matters most to you – growing your business.

Let’s start earning the results your business deserves!

To speak to your trusted message marketers and copywriters, email us at  

We can sharpen your words to achieve your goals today!

The Melotti Media Team
Melotti Media | Copywriting & Message Marketing Bureau


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