The 5 Questions a Good Copywriter Will Ask You Before Starting a Project | Melotti Media

The 5 Questions a Good Copywriter Will Ask You Before Starting a Project


Communication is important in every relationship- both personal and professional. 

By communicating, people can acknowledge, appreciate and value something. 
​Businesses like yours love to communicate for the same reasons; with customers, partners, suppliers, contractors, staff and more. 

You want your target audience to recognise and trust your brand – and that’s why you want to be effective in relaying a powerful message telling the world what you offer is the best solution they need. 

However, this is not always an easy task when you have more urgent matters. 

Luckily, copywriters are here to help you build a strong connection with your customers. The challenge, though, lies in picking the right one and being able to explain what you require from them. 

So, how will you tell the difference between an average and a high-quality copywriter? By the questions the copywriter asks about your project! 


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Why do you need to have a quality copywriter? 

  • Do you want to produce entertaining and informative content for your potential and current customers? 
  • Do you want to improve your overall branding? 
  • Do you want to accomplish your marketing and business goals? 
If the answer is yes, then a quality copywriter is definitely who you need! 

A copywriter creates entertaining, informative and useful content that allows your target audience to pay attention to your brand.  

Through good copywriting and communication, you’ll be able to enhance your customers’ experience and provide them with the solution they need by proving that your brand is relevant in their lives. 

opywriting enhances your customers’ experience and provides them with the solution they need by proving that your brand is relevant in their lives. 

More so, a quality copywriter ensures you’re accomplishing your marketing and business goals by creating content and messages that empower campaigns and generate sales for increased profitability.  

See: 5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Hire A Freelance Copywriter


How can you tell if a copywriter is a good one? 

Understanding the benefits a copywriter can bring to your business is great start. 

Keep in mind, however, that achieving optimal results depends on selecting a good copywriter to work with you. Your business doesn’t want to get average results because you hired an average copywriter. 

Your business doesn’t want to get 
average results because you hired an average copywriter.

So, what should you do, then? 

Simple. Pay attention to the questions they ask before starting a project. 

A good copywriter ensures your marketing success by knowing about you and your project extensively. By analysing everything from your campaign, your audience, your objectives and core messaging, a quality copywriter can create more persuasive pieces of copy that attracts leads and nurtures customers. 

5 questions a good copywriter will ask you before starting a project 

To accurately capture your brand’s voice, a good copywriter makes an effort to understand clients like you.  

Asking the right questions is what a quality copywriter does to be able to correctly generate and communicate content effectively. 

So, in qualifying a copywriter for a certain project, be attentive in observing if the following questions are asked: 

1. What are the required tasks and expected deliverables? 

A good copywriter will require you to be specific with your project, including:  

  • the overall marketing message 
  • the kind of platform you want 
  • your multimedia needs 
  • your preferred channels 
  • the time frame and deadlines. 

To produce effective pieces of copy for your marketing campaigns and marketing collateral, a copywriter must know all these details.  

It will be better for a copywriter to be informed about your expectations as early as possible. 

2. Who is your target audience? 

To deliver your brand message effectively, it is absolutely vital for you and the copywriter to be on the same track when it comes to determining the intended customers. 

A good copywriter must, therefore, ask you about your target audience and prompt you to analyse what their pain points are.  

A quality copywriter can also be specific about this by questioning you about your customers’ demographics (age, education, location), psychographics (values, attitudes, interests) and technographics (their means of viewing the content). 

See: 5 Ways To Create Captivating Content For Your Precious Audience 


3. What is your solution for your target audience’s pain points? 

A good copywriter will ask you about the products and services you’re offering and how can they solve your target audience’s problems. 

To create a persuasive call to action, a copywriter should inquire about what do you want your audience to do and how your brand is relevant to them. 

4. What kind of brand positioning are you aiming for? 

Asking about your niche, your preferred tone, style and language will help a copywriter produce coherent and compelling content for your business that positions your brand in the right way. 

See: 8 Ways To Improve Your Brand’s Appeal in 2020 

5. What are your metrics for success? 

Most of the time, clients don’t really know what they want. To ensure that time, efforts and resources aren’t wasted, a good copywriter should ask what particular results you would like to see.  

How many clicks? How much engagement? How many leads? 

Measurable metrics for success will also allow you to evaluate a copywriter’s performance. 

See: 3 Tips To Maximise Your Business’ Success On Social Media 


How to hire the right Copywriting Services? 

The benefits of copywriting services for your business are indisputable, as are the potential results.  

However, not everyone can do copywriting on their own. You may lack the time, ability and resources to do what needs to be done.  

These shouldn’t stop you, though!  

There are copywriting services by many local freelance copywriters available to cater to whatever your business needs.  

Quality freelance copywriters with Marketing backgrounds are quality content writers who can help you create the right types of content (audio, visual or written) for your business through their expertise and experience.  

They offer various benefits without the ongoing costs of a full-time employee. 
See: How to hire a copywriter – the 7 steps your business should take. 


You have a lot of tasks that demand your attention every day. 

So, while content creation is extremely important for your business, you don’t always have time to directly see to it. It’s best to reach out for help. 

Since copywriting is a professional specialty, you can guarantee that quality copywriters are versatile when it comes to incorporating your marketing strategy.  

Furthermore, freelance copywriters understand the role copywriting plays in digital marketing success (i.e. website copy, social media copy, blogs, articles, SEO, SEM, etc.), which is important in unlocking numerous opportunities for your small business.  

Just make sure you pick the right copywriter! 

A copywriter can produce engaging content while you focus on the bigger picture.  

How Can Melotti Media Copywriting Help You?  

​We understand that you want to achieve business success by utilising quality copywriting and consistent content that your audience will love. 

We also know that you’re time-poor and spread thin, and it’s possible you still have a lot of questions regarding copywriting.  

But you don’t have to worry!  

At Melotti Media Copywriting, we can assist you with your content marketing needs while you focus on what matters most to you – growing your business.    

Let’s start by getting the results your business deserves using copywriting effectively. 

For more information or to speak to a trusted copywriter, contact us now at

We can sharpen your words to achieve your goals today! 


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