Marketing in 2021: 10 Marketing trends to keep up with | Melotti Media

Marketing in 2021: 10 Marketing trends to keep up with


2020… well… yes… let’s just say it was an experience.  

From natural calamities to political unrest and a global pandemic – there’s no denying that businesses have experienced an unprecedented shakeup and are now trying to keep up with the evolving demands of customers, the “new normal” restrictions and increasing competition online.

Digital marketing, however, has shone through. It’s how we’ve all been able to still communicate with our audiences, keep our services relevant and carry on.

This upcoming year, digital marketing will continue to play a crucial part in business growth.

So, now’s the time to look at the key 2021 marketing trends to consider adding to your marketing plan in the new year.

Here’s some that we’re looking at. 


What are some of the 2021 digital marketing trends to look forward to? 

The only thing that is constant – yes, even in the world of marketing – is change.  

To survive and continuously thrive in today’s ever-changing business landscape, marketers must be able to recognise new opportunities, adapt to advanced technologies and transform current strategies. ​

Not to all of them, of course.

​But remaining open-minded to new marketing trends that may be able to reinvigorate your upcoming marketing strategies is always a good idea. 

Oh, and after you read the first ten trends below, there are an additional eight 2021 marketing trends to consider! 

You can read more here: Marketing in 2021 (part 2).


To help prepare you, we’ve compiled a list of the 2021 digital marketing trends we feel will allow businesses to implement stronger initiatives, reach more audience members and gain more valuable conversions.

1. Consistent organic search updates 

Google and other search engines implement algorithm changes every now and then to provide better search results. These updates significantly affect the way search works and how content is ranked online. 

But you may be thinking: how do we keep up with changing SEO practises?

Use our rule of thumb: to ensure your business won’t get left behind this 2021, always strive to make your website content informative, relevant and accurate. You can also employ SEO copywriting to score higher in Expertise, Authority and Trust signals.

When you keep on this path, you’re not chasing your tail to keep up. 

For more, read: 6 Ways To Make Your Web Pages Search Friendly Using SEO Copywriting ​


2. Growth of video social platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels 

The lockdowns in 2020 have led to a huge spike in social media usage – especially when it comes to TikTok and Instagram Reels. These social video platforms will only continue to grow exponentially next year, so you may want to start considering how you can add them to your marketing initiatives. 

The beauty of those platforms is that they provide quick, yet amusing “shots” of video content. But even more importantly is that your customer is in a more open frame of mind to receive marketing messages when they’re in the same tone of what’s common on TikTok or Reels.

Video marketing is actually a great way to convince people about how effective your products and services are because they tend to pay more attention to visual content. Plus, you can show off your creative side!  ​

For more, see: Radio and Video Script Writing 

3. The heightening of social commerce  

Social networks are not just limited to communicating and interacting purposes alone anymore. They are also now being utilised to market or sell products directly. In fact, the COVID pandemic has paved the way for these platforms to keep businesses operational despite physical distancing restrictions. 

For this reason, you may want to look at how you use your social media profiles going forward. For example, you still have to create compelling social media posts to attract and motivate people towards your offer. But then you can activate the functionalities around direct selling and links to landing pages too.

Don’t forget to measure metrics, too, so you’ll always know if you’re getting the results for each campaign.  

Want further information? Head to: 3 Tips To Maximise Your Business’ Success On Social Media ​


4. Big data analysis for content personalisation 

Data is growing. Growing fast. And so has its application potential. 

This 2021, data is now being seen as more valuable than gold! So, expect to see more businesses employing big data analysis across their approach towards customer targeting and message personalisation techniques. By using it yourself, you’ll know the best times to send communications, the right ways to follow up and the recommended product combinations for each segment.

For more, read: How To Use Data To Guide Your Decision Making 


5. AI in marketing 

Marketing AI has been in circulation for a little while now, but it’s really starting to enter in full force. Brands who are pursuing it are already starting to reap the rewards, too!
Whether you use it to track leads, facilitate campaigns or improve communication strategies, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expanding into the realms of marketing. 

For example, through AI’s Machine Learning and Programmatic Advertising, you can monitor behaviour patterns of customers, eliminate guesswork on planning and target a more specific audience with your ads. It’s like having a whole team of agile marketers working around the clock. 

To learn more, read: What is Programmatic Advertising And AI Marketing? 


6. The use of AR and VR 

This one is controversial. 

We’ve seen Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality for years, but it’s never really taken off.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality has the potential to take marketing to the next level – if a brand finds a way to use it well. So far, no one really has and that almost makes it a ticking timebomb of potential.

For example, using this technology, you can offer virtual tours of your facilities, allow customers to explore the different features of your products and engage them in a brand-new way. Are you the brand that’s going to make it successfully work? 


7. Messaging Apps on social networks for marketing purposes 

A lot of people are dependent on messaging apps, like WhatsApp, Telegram or WeChat, to connect with their colleagues, friends and family – and soon, with your business. It’s probably no surprise, then, that these platforms will be shifting more towards marketing and advertising purposes.

To stand out amongst the clutter of noise online, you may want to consider opening up these portals to capture attention and build more personalised relationships with people. 

Having a hard time writing compelling ads on your own? Head to: Ad Copywriting Services

8. The emergence of visual search 

Visual search is here! 

The upcoming year will start offering people the ability to leverage visual search when looking for solutions online. In fact, Google Lens, Pinterest Lens and other search engines have already enabled their users to upload an image as a “search term” to then show appropriate search results that relate to it.

Therefore, high-quality visuals along with their associated descriptive captions will help you start to jump on this trend early. 


9. Interactive content 

Interactive content will continue to break traditional marketing barriers. Placing interactive sections onto your website like quizzes, polls, calculators and contests will excite people and deliver more personalised value, while also providing you with a greater understanding of customer choice.  

Interactive content also helps you to personalise the customer journey and enhance their overall experience with your brand. 

For more, read: What Is Interactive Content Marketing? 

10. Evolution in Content marketing 

Of course, the list wouldn’t be complete without content marketing!  

Content marketing will continue to evolve next year and for many years to come, as it offers the perfect blend of adding value to both your customers and your business.

By distributing informative, engaging and entertaining pieces of marketing content that’s available on your audience’s terms, you can consistently raise awareness, build a following and gain long-lasting profitable relationships. 

See: How Content Marketing Works: A Complete Guide 


You may be thinking: yikes! That’s a lot to add to the list.


But it’s not about incorporating everything. Being aware is half here!

Any marketer knows that what worked this year may not always achieve the same results for your business in the future.

Being informed of the approaching digital marketing trends will allow you to evaluate your current goals, strategies and key performance indicators to understand what may need to be replaced, maintained or added to your marketing activities.

It also allows you to focus more on innovation when it comes to marketing, without putting your business at a huge risk. Keeping these trends in mind may give you a competitive advantage to be one step ahead in taking full advantage of newer digital channels and delivering the best online content. 

But wait – there’s even more!

Just when you thought this was it, there are 8 additional marketing trends to consider for 2021. 

You can read more here: Marketing in 2021 (part 2).

How can Melotti Media help you?  

We understand you want to be fully equipped and prepared for your marketing in 2021. We also know that you aim to drive better results through quality content. 

However, you may find that you’re time-poor and spread thin or you still have a lot of unanswered questions.   

You don’t need to worry!  

At Melotti Media, we can assist with all your message marketing and copywriting needs while you focus on what matters most to you – growing your business.   

Let’s start earning the results your business deserves!  

To speak to your trusted message marketing copywriters, email us at  

We can sharpen your words to achieve your goals today!  

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