Is Your Business 'Copy Ready' For 2019? | Melotti Media

Is Your Business ‘Copy Ready’ For 2019?


Last year was a big year, wasn’t it? How did your business go?
Well, now that 2019 is here:

  1. Do you have your Content Strategy sorted? 
  2. Is your current copy up to scratch?

Quality content means better search visibility, stronger customer service and improved brand awareness. It’s 2019! No more excuses.

​Here’s why you need to make your New Year’s Resolution all about engaging your audience and strengthening your connection with customers using content effectively. 


Fact: your customers are online, looking for your content… right now

Studies show that over 80% of shoppers conduct online research before buying, and that the average person will review around 7 to 10 pieces of content before finally making their decision!

Additionally, KPMG recently found that Australians spend around 1.2 hours researching prior to buying.

These findings place a lot of emphasis on the quality of your content to fulfil your customer’s thirst for knowledge. Does your business answer that challenge well enough to earn their attention?  

Your customer today is highly empowered and extremely selective when it comes to content.

If you want to earn their precious attention, all of your pieces of information at every interaction with your business have to be an informative and engaging experience for them.

People remember how you made them feel, which is why your Website’s pages need to be well-formatted and easy to navigate, your videos need to be cleverly scripted, your blogs need to answer their questions, and so on.

Can your business say that its content strategy is set up to deliver a premium experience for them? 

Make the start of 2019 your chance to refresh all of your business’ communications and come up with more to offer your customer in the new year.

It’s so easy to do, and it can make a real difference!

With 2019 looking like another huge year for your organisation, it’s time to review all of your content plans.


Here’s a Content Checklist to get you started:

  1.  How does your website read?
  2. Are your landing pages getting you measurable results?
  3. Is your marketing collateral a little out of date? 
  4. How will your digital materials reach your customer this year?
  5. What blogs can you release every week to boost your brand identity and SEO?
  6. How will you offer your customers more value?
  7. What content will delight them?
  8. Have you considered video as a viable medium?
  9. How are you planning to amplify your content?
  10. Do you have the optimal balance of organic and paid content?

How did you do? How “copy ready” is your business for 2019?

If you fell a little short, a professional Copywriter with a Marketing background will be able to assist you sharpen your words to achieve your goals this year. 

Why Does Content Matter?

Well, a very long story short, content is what your customer is actively looking for to research all about your business and its products to decide if you are what they need to solve their problems.

If your content is non-existent or poor, they will immediately eliminate you off their list of potential options, and direct their focus elsewhere.

High quality copywriting ensures that your brand and product offering stands out during their purchasing behaviour process. 


How do you improve your content to boost your business this year?

A professional copywriter can refresh all of your business’ copy, whether it be on your website, your customer collateral, your advertising, or even your internal documentation, such as your 2019 Marketing Plan.

The amount of businesses which overlook this critical step is growing, resulting in poor customer experiences when it comes to your brand and your service toward them. 

Quality content rewards your customer’s time and satisfies their need for information, on your terms. If you don’t provide what they are seeking, they will look elsewhere. Guaranteed. 

If you were a customer, wouldn’t you too? Of course you would! 

Think of it this way: 

  1. How can a business be successful when your internal plans are not accurate and well-written?
  2. How will you continue to engage your target audiences with the same old messaging?
  3. How can you position your business as always evolving and continually improving if your communication channels are not correctly managed and effectively written?
  4. How can your business grow if it is still stuck within the confines of the old and out-dated strategies?
  5. How can your sales team remain effective with sub-par collateral?
  6. How do you establish yourself as a Key Opinion Leader in your industry without a strong blog?
  7. How can you make an impact without a thought-out content strategy?

Well-written and frequent content is the cornerstone to achieving your business’ goals this year.

It may be time to contact an experienced copywriter, and make your business’ New Year’s Resolution to refresh and improve all of your written communications, so that you can start 2019 in a rock-solid position. 

You will be surprised at how cost-effective the outcomes are for your business. 

Effectively written copy is the key to success in so many ways.

Contact Melotti Media today for high quality copywriting and marketing solutions which connect you with your customer.  

How Can Melotti Media Copywriting Help You?

To engage your customer and achieve ongoing business success today, you need quality copywriting and consistent content. However, we understand that this is easier said than done.

You’re time poor and spread thin, and writing isn’t your expertise. So, focus on what really matters, while we take care of all of your copywriting and content marketing needs!

For more information or to speak to a quality copywriter to get the results your business deserves, contact me now at

I can sharpen your words to achieve your goals, today!

Christopher Melotti

Melotti Media Copywriting and Marketing Solutions
Click here to view the Copywriting FAQ page for all you need to know ​​

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