Is Content Marketing Strategy making progress, while our Human to Human Service falling behind? | Melotti Media

Is Content Marketing Strategy making progress, while our Human to Human Service falling behind?


I just had excellent customer service, and was shocked… why?!

It left me so warm and fuzzy, and as a result, I’m thinking of booking my wedding function there. Then I thought, why am I so surprised at great customer service?

In an age where we are all about using AI and creating content to personalise an amazing experience for individuals, why is customer service being forgotten?

​Is our digital marketing strategy making progress, while our human to human interaction falling behind?


How businesses are doing it today

In amongst all of the noise, businesses today are embracing the use of content creation in their Marketing Plans. Content marketing copywriting and content strategy are well-entrenched approaches to the way we conduct our operations. 

Why? Because it gets results. It connects with our customers far better than direct selling or advertising because it’s engaging them in ways that they want to be engaged. Instead of forcing messages onto them, it’s offering them value, entertainment and information they actually care about.

In our digital world, we get that customers call the shots now. 

As a result, Marketing has evolved  to incorporate content marketing copywriting into the majority of our activities because we want to be Key Opinion Leader businesses who truly understand people by focusing on leaving our customers satisfied. 

Content Marketing Copywriting connects with our customers far better than direct selling or advertising because it engages them in ways they actually want to be engaged

What does this have to do with customer service?

Well, ​the entire premise of Content Marketing and Copywriting is to truly understand our customer, and then offer them content which personalises their experience.  This is exactly the premise of customer service!

In the digital space, instead of spamming people with direct selling messages, Marketers are utilising pixels, re-targeting, Automation and Artificial Intelligence to learn the behaviour of our customers and predict their needs, so that we are there exactly when they need our products, in the way they wish to purchase them. In other words, we are kicking customer service up a notch in the digital space. 

We seem to be getting better and better every day with our digital customer service… but what about the real world customer service that has been around since trade began? Have we forgotten about this aspect, in our seduction of the online era?


What’s the problem here?

Like it or not, people exist in the real world! As much as we are advancing into augmentation and virtual reality, we are all still flesh and blood people. This means that, times may change, but standards in customer service must remain.

Businesses cannot be putting their entire focus into their digital customer service by providing well-targeted and quality content, only to disappoint the customer when they call, email or visit the store. 

Marketing has always been about providing a consistent positioning and image for a brand, and that means equalising the way that customers see your online face and your human face. 

I feel that, as the digital world continues to grow, we are putting less focus on supporting the human element of our business, and this could lead to undermining everything our brands stand for.  

Digital Customer Service versus Personal Customer Service

​We absolutely need both!

What I’m trying to say is, in your rush to engage your customer online, don’t forget that they see and interact with the human element as well, in some fashion. You don’t want to be spending huge amounts of budget on your website, videos and blogs, only to neglect training your service, store and sales teams. 

The ultimate experience for your customer lies in the ability to provide them with a pleasurable and enjoyable experience at every interaction with your brand- both on and offline.

So, what are the DOs and DON’Ts?

  • Don’t excite them with aspirational videos across your social media about your travel holiday packages, then disappoint them when they go to purchase a ticket because your team don’t match that same expectation.
  • Do impress them with an entertaining eBook on your services, and then when they come to your store, equally deliver on that promise.
  • Don’t write a blog on how good your educational seminars are and convince them to attend, only to put a poor speaker and presenter up on the podium.
  • Do record an educational podcast series online for your audience about your brand, and then when they call your customer service line to ask a question, have your team be well-trained and delightful.
  • Don’t create testimonial feedback videos from happy past clients, then have the customer approach your sales team and not have the same level of service you are claiming others have had.
  • Do allow customers to browse your car models on your website to make them feel comfortable, and then enter your showroom and experience amazing service, from the greeting to the sale.  

We all know that this consistency is the only way you will see success when interacting with our precious customers. So, get that balance right!

How Can Melotti Media Copywriting Help You With Your Content?

At Melotti Media, we understand that high quality copywriting is essential for business success, but it is easier said than done. You’re time poor and spread thin, and writing isn’t your expertise. So, focus on what really matters, while we take care of all of your copywriting and marketing needs!

If you need further clarification about content, or if you need a quality copywriter to get the results you need, contact me now at Or leave a comment, below.

I can sharpen your words to achieve your goals, today!

Christopher Melotti

Melotti Media Copywriting and Marketing Solutions

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