Is a Copywriter Who You Need? | Melotti Media

Is a Copywriter Who You Need?




Content Marketing is a powerful medium in which to reach people today. 


Because people don’t want to be sold to anymore. They don’t want to be pressured or convinced or deceived. Instead, they want to be valued, empowered and educated.

They demand choice and information on which to make their own decisions, rather than being sold to.  This means they are actively seeking regular, accurate and engaging content from your brand, when and where they’re searching for it.

  • If you’re not there, then your business is off their radar.
  • ​Worse, if you are producing sub-par content, you’re business is avoided or scorned. 

This is where a quality Copywriter with a Marketing background can really help your business grow and succeed by connecting you with your customer on a deeper level.




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We know how important content is- but do you need a Copywriter?


Writing effective content (referred to often as ‘copy’) is something we all know is essential, but it can get daunting and overwhelming really quickly if you don’t know where to start or how to do it.

Despite the understanding of its role in the success of your business, your content can regularly find itself pushed toward the back burner. But the issue is, your business can’t afford to put it off.

You need scripts for video, articles for blogs, messages for your adverts, writing for your press releases, clear sentences for your strategy documents, and the list goes on. 

So, what do you do when you don’t have the time or the expertise to write excellent content to help reach your customers and stand apart from your competitors? 


Hire a copywriter! The answer is
​’yes, you need one’.

​Here’s why.




Here are 5 of many countless reasons why your business needs a copywriter.


1. To free up your time

Simply put, outsourcing your content requirements to a professional copywriter frees up your time to do what you need to do, while your copy is still getting written.

Remember, it’s not about you, but the paying customer; and if they are demanding consistent and engaging content on specific topics billions of times a day (which they are!), then you need to be there or miss out.

​Quality writing takes precious time, so reach out and find a copy writer who suits your business.

You’re too busy to spend the hours of time it takes to write powerful messages. Your focus is better used somewhere else.

2. An outside perspective

Often, our business’ internal teams get a little ‘blinkered’ by the way that things have always been done. They can get biased and accustomed to the status-quo.

​An external copywriter can provide a fresh perspective that your business really needs, in order to come up with an innovative angle which gives your customers something unique and new. This is why having a writer with Marketing experience can really help your business find better ways- because they’re trained to do it!

A copywriter can provide fresh outside thinking without any brand biases to help you craft customer-centric messages. 



3. Quality writing: all message, no distractions

Not everyone is skilled with grammar, spelling and punctuation- all of which are very important to hold your customer’s attention. You want them to be reading the content for your message, and not focusing on the little errors sprinkled throughout.

​A professional copywriter will ensure that all of your content is perfect so that it keeps both your audience and the big Search Engines happy.

A copywriter has years of practise crafting ideal words that make a big impact on audiences. You can tap into this experience whenever you need it.

4. Not just words – marketing strategy too

You don’t just want someone that can write. You need someone who understands the vision around your content objectives. That’s because there are strategic objectives and ROI measurements behind your content that all need to be achieved to make it worth your while.

A professional marketing copywriter does this day-in and day-out, which means they are masters at crafting content to not only attract and inspire your audience, but to encourage the desired behaviour afterwards.

​A copywriter can give your Call To Action (CTA) more impact so you can see better results. 

A quality marketing copywriter doesn’t just write. They understand the purpose and KPIs behind your content so they can help you with the whole project.




5. They’re masters of the writing craft

Or at least the one you hire should be!​A quality copywriter will:

  • keep ahead of SEO trends and adapt accordingly
  • craft content to suit the target audience accurately
  • know how to research topics effectively
  • understand the importance of keywords, hash tags and phrases
  • utilise formatting to their advantage
  • select which media is most appropriate 
  • provide consultation advice to get the best results
  • establish the correct tone and flow 
  • design the conversion funnel which leads to an effective Call To Action
  • and so on.

These sharply tuned copywriting skills are exactly what your business needs, and are also what you pay for when you hire one (remember, you get what you paid for!).

Let your copywriter focus on what they do best so you can focus on what you do best!




How Can Melotti Media Copywriting Help You With Your Content?

To engage your customer and achieve ongoing business success today, you need a powerful message, quality copywriting and consistent content.

However, this is easier said than done.

Perhaps you’re time poor and spread thin, or writing may not be your expertise.

So, let us take care of your message marketing, copywriting and content marketing needs! For more information or to speak to a quality marketing copywriter to get the results your business deserves, contact me now at

Our Message Marketing services can sharpen your words to achieve your goals, today.

Christopher Melotti
Melotti Media | Copywriting & Message Marketing Bureau



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