How to write content for a website | Melotti Media

How to write content for a website


Websites are an essential part of a successful business’ marketing, regardless of size or industry. In today’s digital environment, your audience expects to be able to find you online and then look through your content to perform a ‘digital interview’.

They will make a lot of decisions about your business based on what they discover on your website, so you need the content to be perfectly planned, arranged and written to get the best results while they’re looking.

Here’s how you write effective content for your website. 


1. Start with the “why”

Your customer is highly empowered today. They know what they want and when they want it, which means you have to make it immediately clear that you can meet their needs first and foremost. Only then will they give you a second look.

In other words, the first thing your visitors should see is what’s in it for them. How does your product or service relate to and benefit them?
Businesses make this mistake all of the time. They think that their audiences care about their brands as much as the business does, and that’s not true… at first.
What potential customers do generally is enter your website and scan it quickly, thinking: “is this what I’m looking for right now?”, especially if they’re completely unfamiliar with you.
If you’re pushing your logo, your name and how good your business is at first, you may lose them because it takes too long to identify if you are the right choice for them.
Instead, give them something relatable that directly addresses and refers to them, like a question or an obvious solution.
For example, they don’t care if you’re Joe’s Plumbing or Sydney Plumbing. They want to know if you can fix their pipes. Once they see that you “tick their boxes”, they will then look for more information.
My website starts with “Is your content engaging your audience?” because that’s a relatable statement as to why they need a copywriter.

2. The “what”

Now that you’ve earned their attention and they’re satisfied your business is what they need, you can now build brand awareness because they’re open to it.
Take this opportunity to introduce and identify your business, brand, product and service. This way, your customers will link their desired solution (from the “why” above) to you, putting you onto their radar.
For example, on my website, once they’ve identified that their content doesn’t get the results they deserve and that they need help, they scroll further and see that my business is called Melotti Media Copywriting, and I offer copywriting solutions.

3. The “how”

After they’ve read more information about your business, it’s now time to include content, such as videos, images, audio and copy (words), about how you do what you do.
This includes your services, your goals, activities, testimonials and more, and provides evidence about the potential experience they will have with your business.
For example, on my website, I explain that I work closely with clients and address the real pain points of audiences to help create content with superior copywriting and content marketing strategy that gets results.

4. The “who”

It’s now time to humanise your brand with your ‘about us’ pages where you share information about you, your team and your history.
Your visitors won’t look at this first, but once they are at this stage, they want to digitally interview you further by looking through how your business has grown and who are the faces behind it all.
The modern customer definitely wants this information! Not at the start, but afterwards, believe me, they are there looking at your story.
On my website, I have a biography about who I am and the history of my business, so people can get a better idea of the who behind Melotti Media.

5. The “where”

That last piece of content you need for your website is where your customers need to go to undertake the call to action. These are your conversion funnels and they should be everywhere that’s relevant, such as your contact us page and the bottom of your service pages.
In the end, your business needs to make sales and once your website content has delivered the right experience from steps 1 to 4, it’s time to tell them where to go to take action, make a purchase or contact your team.
On my website, you will see ‘contact me’ opportunities, both via forms, email and a phone number, we well as eBooks and downloads that allow my customers to take action.

Getting your website content perfect really makes the difference between a successful, result-producing website and an online page that sits there, boring your potential customers.

Your website is the only digital asset you own, which means that it’s important to work out how to write content for a website so that it’s delivering the results your business deserves.

​Don’t waste the opportunity that such a powerful marketing tool offers you. It’s time to get the content right on your website. 

How Can Melotti Media Copywriting Help You With Your Content?

At Melotti Media, we understand that high quality copywriting is essential for business success, but it is easier said than done. You’re time poor and spread thin, and writing isn’t your expertise. So, focus on what really matters, while we take care of all of your copywriting and marketing needs!

If you need further clarification about content, or if you need a quality copywriter to get the results your business deserves, contact me now at Or leave a comment, below.

I can sharpen your words to achieve your goals, today!

Christopher Melotti

Melotti Media Copywriting and Marketing Solutions
Click here to view the Copywriting FAQ page for all you need to know ​​ 

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