Content marketing: quality over quantity in 6 steps | Melotti Media

Content marketing: quality over quantity in 6 steps


Who has heard the overused saying “content is king”?Everyone! A fear years ago, this was the royal decree that marketers were grovelling to. It was all about pumping out as much content as possible to keep the masses and the Search Engines happy.

However, a few years later, it’s now everywhere. Hordes of it.

That’s why I spend more time worshipping “Engagement is queen.” She’s much more important.

Here’s how to take a quality over quantity approach to content so that your kingdom will actually want to read, watch and listen.


Prefer to listen, rather than read? Here’s the Podcast summary!

Content marketing is nothing new today, however it sure is still growing

Why? Because it works well catering to people’s insatiable appetite for entertainment and education.Content marketing is about producing all forms of content for the purpose of interesting and engaging an audience by earning their attention, making your brand relevant and inspiring them to act.

Content marketing is an effective type of marketing because it aligns your products with your customer’s lives rather than forcing it upon them like direct advertising does.


Content, content and more content

So, if you’re on the content marketing bandwagon, what does your brand create?Videos, blogs and website information, white papers, eBooks, Podcasts? What reach and engagement do you currently get?

Today, brands are pumping out so much content and forgetting that the days of amassing quantity is just not good enough anymore.

With all of the clutter, there are a lot of things vying for your ideal customer’s attention every minute of the day. This means that we need to be producing content in a smarter way, not a faster way.

If you want to capture your audience’s attention and engage them, then your content needs to have a lot of thought and careful planning to get it right. Here’s how.


How do you create quality content over quantity?

  1. Know your customerNot just know, but really know them. Your content will only truly be effective if you recognise their needs, understand their goals and appreciate their challenges.

    This means you don’t think: “their need is my product.” It’s not.

    Their real need is: “I don’t have enough time to be with my kids”, “I want to feel confident”, “I am looking for a way to impress my boss with excellent results”, “I have to get my passion project off the ground” or “I’m not living my dreams.”

    If you can identify these deeply emotional needs, then you’re on the right track.

    Do research, focus groups, questionnaires and anything else you can to get to know them well.

  2. Craft a core messageConsistency is essential with brands. Nothing has changed there and it’s now more important than ever with all of the messages and the clutter out there.

    Spend time creating a core message that positions your brand inline with your customer from step 1, and ensure it resonates with them. Use this idea across everything that you do.

    If you can, do A/B Testing to use real statistics to determine which message attracts and holds the most attention.

  3. The types of contentNext is to consider which formats your ideal customer prefers and focus on delivering them. However, don’t make this too narrow; the reality is that an omnichannel approach is important now, to be able to meet your customer when and where they want.

    Read my blog for more information: omnichannel content marketing: why your brand needs to be everywhere. 

  4. Use a content calendarI know that the thought of a plan can turn many people off, but a content calendar can really stop the rushed, ad hoc creation process by giving plenty of notice.

    Planning weeks ahead ensures you and your team have time to prepare, which will ensure the content has been conceptualised in depth, rather than whipped up in urgently to just “get something out.”

  5. Provide valueAsk yourself – what are you offering your audience with your content? Why should they spend their precious time looking at what you’ve created.

    Most importantly: are they going to feel satisfied afterwards? Or want their few minutes back? Your content must provide value that enriches people.

  6. Be honest with yourselfThe ultimate test is to play the devil’s advocate. Clear your biases and think: would my target customer actually care about this?

    As subjective as it sounds, it’s funny how well this test works. Will people actually care? If not, it’s better to hold off to get it right or ditch it altogether. 



Remember, quality content over quantity

If you focus on these above 6 rules, then you will start to see that the health of your content marketing will begin to improve. It makes sense – if you’re catering it more to the real needs of people, it’s in their best interest to read, watch or listen to your content. That makes it appealing.

Trust me – your audience learns very quickly what brands are worth following and what aren’t.

By producing quality, you’ll be one that gains a good reputation in the market and the centre of their attention. 

How Can Melotti Media Copywriting Help You?

To engage your customer and achieve ongoing business success today, you need quality copywriting and consistent content. However, we understand that this is easier said than done.You’re time poor and spread thin, and writing isn’t your expertise. So, focus on what really matters, while we take care of all of your copywriting and content marketing needs!

For more information or to speak to a quality copywriter to get the results your business deserves, contact me now at

I can sharpen your words to achieve your goals, today!

Christopher Melotti
Melotti Media Copywriting and Message Marketing Bureau


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