Are copywriting courses worth it? | Melotti Media

Are copywriting courses worth it?


So, you’re looking to improve your copywriting abilities, and you’re searching for classes,  wondering if they’re worth the time and money?

Are copywriting courses worth it?

It’s a valid question to ask when committing to anything, today. Time is a precious resource, and we want real results after all!

Well, the answer is yes, but it depends on a lot of factors.

Being a Content Marketing Copywriter, as well as a teacher at five different educational institutions in Australia, let me give you the pointers about what to look out for and how to get the best result for your investment.

That way, you’ll say: ‘yes, that copywriting course WAS worth it.”


Prefer to listen, rather than read? Here’s the Podcast summary!

Why study copywriting?

Because copywriting is a great skill to have! (and it’s really fun to combine creativity with words).

But more importantly, copywriting plays a really big role in business today – because copywriters create content.

Content marketing has become the cornerstone of modern marketing practise as an effective way to reach and engage your audience, especially due to the power of the digital landscape.

Why? Because your audience demands it. Every day. And on their terms.

If a business wants to be successful, it needs to be proactive in answering this demand for entertaining and informative content. 

Effective, quality content has so many forms and connects with people on a genuine level, rather than spamming them with direct selling, and it’s a copywriter who creates the majority of these materials. 


Learning Copywriting helps you access this potential

This is why brushing up on your copywriting skills at a class can be a great idea.

It gives you access to a wide range of marketing activities to offer greater value to your customers. 

To give you an example, my days as a professional copywriter consists of:

  • writing blogs for companies
  • writing scripts for videos
  • writing agendas for conferences
  • writing slides for educational presentations
  • writing plans for podcasts
  • writing nurturing email campaigns
  • writing posts for social media
  • writing strategy for Business Plans
  • writing information for plans
  • writing speeches for PR
  • writing content for websites, and the list goes on. 

This gives you an idea of the scope that a copywriter has.


Copywriting is the key to creating quality content that gets results

Have a read of my other blog, Why is Content Marketing Crucial For Businesses? 

It will give you more of a background on how learning to do this well is advantageous for both your career and your business.

Brushing up on your copywriting skills at a class can be a great idea, because it gives you access to a wide range of marketing activities to offer greater value to your customers. 

Why go to a Copywriting course?

As a business professional, you should never stop learning, and while there are many different ways to gain new knowledge, classes and seminars are an effective way of picking up and solidifying new skill sets that you can use to get ahead. 

Who should attend a Copywriting course?

The people who get the most out of copywriting classes are those whose job involves dabbling in business writing at some point during their working week. If your job requires you to do social media posts, or compose communications, it’s always good to brush up on your skills.

We all know how to write, read and speak due to years of schooling, but copywriting is not that simple.

​It requires technique, experience, expertise and a lot of practise. However, don’t get put off, as attending a class can inspire you, and point you in the right direction. Even introductory courses can make a difference, because the chances are, you’ll hear something new or different that you never would have considered before.

I can’t tell you how satisfying it is to watch students experience that ‘ah huh’ moment, where something clicks or they pick up a trick to take back with them. 

What should you learn at a Copywriting course?

My copywriting and content marketing classes differ from those of other instructors, but generally, you want the outcomes to be generally along the lines of the following.

By the conclusion of your course, you should know:

  • know what copywriting is
  • understand why it’s crucial in business today
  • appreciate the difference between good and bad writing
  • understand how writing is a critical element in your Marketing strategy
  • use copywriting effectively
  • know ways to improve your writing
  • be able to write to communicate with their audience
  • know the breadth of content creation in its many forms
  • be confident in working with a copywriter
  • benefit from copywriting tips and tricks

If your copywriting class promises these outcomes, then it’s worth your time to attend. 


Are you going to sign up to a copywriting course?

I would definitely recommend attending a copywriting class, to at least get a few valuable pointers to ensure you’re getting the most results from your writing projects at work.

​And if you’re feeling a little apprehensive or time poor, attend a shorter class and see what you think.

Who knows – you may end up loving it!

How do you select the right copywriting course?

Look around your local area and find the copywriting and content marketing classes that you can attend.

​They should have an information page which details what the class will teach you and, more importantly, who is the instructor. 

Read their bio and look them up on LinkedIn to do your own research. You want to make sure that you’re going to a class with a professional copywriter who knows what they’re talking about!


How do you prepare for a Copywriting Course?

Be ready to learn, write down notes and ask a lot of questions about your specific circumstances.

​You’ve paid for them as a resource, so use them and get the most out of your precious time and money!

Are you looking for a quality Copywriting course?

I teach several Copywriting, Content Marketing and Digital Classes on a regular basis at many different educational institutions in Australia.

To sign up, or for more information about copywriting classes, click here to go to my classes page. I hope to see you there!


How Can Melotti Media Copywriting Help You?

To engage your customer and achieve ongoing business success today, you need quality copywriting and consistent content. However, we understand that this is easier said than done.

You’re time poor and spread thin, and writing isn’t your expertise. So, focus on what really matters, while we take care of all of your copywriting and content marketing needs!

For more information or to speak to a quality copywriter to get the results your business deserves, contact me now at

I can sharpen your words to achieve your goals, today!

Christopher Melotti

Melotti Media Copywriting and Message Marketing Bureau



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