5 Ways Message Marketing Gets You Way Ahead Of Your Competitors | Melotti Media

5 Ways Message Marketing Gets You Way Ahead Of Your Competitors



Do you want to stand out, be known and make a big impact? 

Wait… you don’t have to answer that – because we ALL know the answer! 

With all the different marketing practises that businesses are doing today, how can you stand out and be noticed? YES, everyone says they have the answer, but the answer is not complicated – it’s more execution that is. 

What’s the answer, you ask? BE RELEVANT TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE. 

People want, desire and crave things that are relevant to them. If you’re relevant, they care. 

See – simple? But… how do you become relevant? 

Message marketing is the way. Here’s how. 





Prefer to listen, rather than read? Here’s the Podcast summary!



What is Message Marketing? 

Message Marketing involves effective communication from your brand to its audience.

  • It’s more than just messaging.  
  • It’s more than just marketing.  
  • It’s more than just copywriting. 

It’s a combination of all their power and potential. 

Message Marketing involves making smart business communication choices that have a positive impact on an audience to help you build a better connection with ideal customers. 

With Message Marketing, you clearly understand your business.

You can clearly articulate:

  • Your purpose 
  • How to deliver value 
  • Why your ideal customer should care

This allows you to deliver messages that clearly reflect what your brand is all about while taking into account the needs of your audience. This lets them get to know your brand on a deeper level and, with time and consistency, you will gain the trust of your target audience. 

The Message Marketing practise utilises the best of both worlds – strategic marketing and copywriting. Through well-chosen words and bespoke ideas, effective messaging can establish your brand, products and services. 

Message Marketing is a business methodology and marketing practise that attracts, engages and converts people by creating word-driven content that’s tailored to them. 

To learn more, check out: The Ultimate Guide to Message Marketing

With Message Marketing, your brand is empowered to communicate effectively to gain more followers and inspire more conversions.  



So, why do you need it? 

Do you want to attract the right audience, deliver relevant value and nurture strong relationships with your clients?  

All businesses do! 

Message Marketing allows you to:

  • communicate your core offering in an appealing and engaging way 
  • address the concerns and pain points of your target market  
  • shed light on these concerns to gain their trust.  

Just like good old marketing, message marketing aims to generate revenue by promoting and selling products or services to the target market. But Message Marketing goes deeper in terms of getting the message across because it utilises the advantages of strategic planning and effective copywriting.  

So, now that you know why you need it, how do you take advantage of it? 

When communicating to your audience, apply the Message Marketing approach first, which involves knowing your purpose, how to deliver value and why your ideal customer should care. 



5 Ways Message Marketing gets your business noticed 

Your brand is amongst a crowded sea of competitors. 

Everyone’s is. So, do you sound the same? Are you different and is that difference relevant to your customers? 

Here’s how Message Marketing helps you get ahead: 

1. Utter Consistency  

Message Marketing ensures that everything you do embodies your core identity as a brand. Once you have established this through your messaging, it’s easy to be consistent with a voice that’s uniquely yours. This helps your audience become deeply aware of who you are as a brand and allows you to establish brand recognition.  

2. No Confusion  

With the focus on strategy and the advantages of effective copywriting, Message Marketing enables you to deliver messages in a way your ideal audiences understand and care about. They’ll appreciate this. 

3. Provides Value  

People only care about things that offer value (entertainment and education). That’s it. Simple. So, everything you do should offer or create relevant value. If you can’t articulate your value, then they’re going to move on. Take the time to determine and communicate the true value of what you offer them. 

4. Effectively Address the Pain Points of Your Audience  

With messaging that’s clear and well-thought-out, you can show them that you’re a solution they need to know about. This includes getting across the message that your product or service is the best answer to whatever their problems are, be it something simple like “I need a more convenient way to manage my team” all the way to “I’m feeling lonely and need support”.  

5. Build Long-Term Rapport  

As a business who caters to the needs of people, it’s important to let them know they can depend on you and your services. With Message Marketing, you can do this effectively and in an appealing way to build strong relationships with your target market. You can’t delight them and turn them into advocates if you’re not ready to find a deeper way to connect. 

6 tips to help you apply Message Marketing Principals 




Message Marketing obviously presents a lot of advantages to brands – so you want to learn more about how it works.  


Here are some tips to apply Message Marketing to your business: 

1. Plan ahead – The real key to the Message Marketing approach is to understand your brand first. If you don’t, how do you expect your audiences to? Take the time to map out why, who, what and how you are.  

2. Embrace your uniqueness – People are over same-same. If they want stock-standard, they go to Wikipedia. As mentioned above, define what the brand is, and your messages will flow from there. 

3. Let YOUR voice outIn Message Marketing, it’s all about using your brand’s unique voice to convey compelling messages to your audience. So, it’s important that your brand’s voice stays true to its core values and what it stands for. Additionally, being original helps you stand out from the crowd.  




4. No false promisesBeing genuine and truthful with the claims and promises you incorporate into your marketing is crucial in earning and holding your audience’s trust. 

5. Be brief and consistent – Clear messages are the ones that are easily understood and remembered by people. Being consistent with your Message Marketing lets your audience get to know your brand deeper. 

6. Study your customers’ pain pointsIn knowing your customers’ problems well, you will be able to provide messages that effectively target these points. Plus, this lets them know that you genuinely care. 



So, you want to give Message Marketing a go? 

All business who want to get ahead should! 

With the saturated market that almost all industries have right now, it’s time to take a step back, think about your brand, build solid foundations and be relevant.  

After all, Message Marketing emphasises how unique you are as a brand. 

Message Marketing is a highly effective practise that ensures excellent results – combining the impact that marketing and copywriting offers brands to steer your business forward and encourage greater success.  


How can Melotti Media help you?  

We understand you want to get ahead of your competitors and take advantage of the power that Message Marketing provides. 

However, you may find that you’re time-poor and spread thin or you still have a lot of unanswered questions.  

You don’t need to worry!  

At Melotti Media, we can assist with all your message marketing and copywriting needs while you focus on what matters most to you – growing your business.  

Let’s start earning the results your business deserves!  

To speak to your trusted message marketing copywriters, email us at enquire@melottimedia.com.au  

We can sharpen your words to achieve your goals today!  




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