8 Ways To Immediately Improve Your Brand's Appeal | Melotti Media

8 Ways To Immediately Improve Your Brand’s Appeal

The Australian market is constantly evolving and so too are your ideal customers.

That means TODAY is the perfect opportunity to make some exciting updates to your brand and some positive changes to the way your business operates.

But – what exactly should you do?

Here are 8 brand improvement ideas to get your creative juices flowing and make your brand appealing.

Why improve your brand’s appeal?

It sounds like an obvious answer – but unfortunately, more brands go into stagnant territory every year.

Then they wonder: “why are we losing traction in the market?”

The reality is: your audience is evolving – this means your brand should be too.

When I say ‘evolving’, I’m not necessarily meaning a full rebrand! You definitely don’t want to be doing this on a consistent basis! But, just keeping the same-same approach over and over is going to bore your audience.

Especially because there is so much choice out there and so many exciting options drawing their attention – brands need to work much harder today to maintain their audience’s engagement.

Brands need to work much harder today to maintain their audience’s engagement.

The goals of improving your brand, TODAY

When revisiting your brand, as we recommend all business owners should do, you want to ensure you’re offering:

  • Value
  • Utility
  • Entertainment
  • Information
  • Freshness

If you keep these simple but powerful goals in mind, you’re on the right track because they all increase your brand’s appeal.


Because these goals keep your brand relevant in the eyes of your customer, and there’s nothing more important than this.

These goals keep your brand relevant in the eyes of your customer; and there’s nothing more important.

So, how do we put this into action? 

The 8 ways to improve your brand’s appeal

(1) Focus on your website

Your entire Digital Marketing strategy starts and ends with your website. So, why aren’t you giving it the attention it needs?

Your website is where your customers are looking for information, content and value.

A website is your publishing engine and conversion funnel system. It’s where a significant number of leads come from and people visit, to see if you’re the right solution for them.

It’s, therefore, important to dedicate time and effort to revamp your website’s:

By focusing on improving your website’s content, your customers will love it and so will Google from a website SEO perspective too!

(2) Bigger, better content

Both B2B and B2C customers absolutely love content (make no mistake).

They want blogs to learn, eBooks to read, videos for entertainment and podcasts to listen to on the go. Content Marketing is still a rapidly growing area and the demand for content is only increasing.

Will you meet your customers’ needs? Or let your competitors do it?
Remember – fresh new content opens up opportunities to build brand awareness and trust.

So, prioritise quality content creation today to increase your brand’s appeal long into the future.

(3) Revisit your Marketing Plan

When was the last time you reviewed your Vision, your Mission and your overall objectives?

Now’s the perfect time to have a look through them and see if your brand is still on track. Does your direction still answer your vision and mission? Is it achieving those objectives?

This step will help unite your activities and marketing plan moving forward and ensure your strategies remain aligned into the future.

(4) Up the creativity!

Is it time to give your brand a little more colour? Or a little diversification?

A brand can get such a powerful reinvigoration when the brand guidelines get reinvented and your branding style guide gets some much-needed attention.

Again, it’s not necessarily a rebrand – but perhaps try adding some fresh new images, a new execution, a wider colour pallet or a more modern look and feel.

It may be as simple as a new slogan or a new tagline that keeps true to the brand, but still gives it a touch of new to pique people’s interest.

(5) Ask yourself: why not?

Innovation is a big part of improving your brand’s appeal and increasing the longevity of your business.

A great idea is to challenge the current status-quo. Sure, there are some things you can’t change and non-viable options, but what if today you decided to embrace more of a: “why not?” attitude?

It never hurts to try something new. Perhaps your brand could try Augmented Reality, get familiar with AI Marketing and ChatGPT or try more interactive content? What about Voice Search Content?

Don’t just shut things down. Your audience is embracing new approaches to marketing – your brand should too.

Customers and clients adopt innovation faster than brands can keep up. So, this year, say: “why not?” instead of a default “no.”

Your audience is embracing new approaches to marketing – your brand should too.

(6) Check the customer data

When was the last time you reviewed your Vision, your Mission and your overall objectives?

Now’s the perfect time to have a look through them and see if your brand is still on track. Does your direction still answer your vision and mission? Is it achieving those objectives?

This step will help unite your activities and marketing plan moving forward and ensure your strategies remain aligned into the future.

(7) Refine and develop your brand’s voice

I’ve worked with a few Australian clients who have said: our copy and messaging used to be different, but now, everyone in Australia has caught up and we all sound the same.

In response, we re-evaluated the core brand identity and then evolved their brand’s voice across their website and all of their marketing. Suddenly, they were different again – in a good way.

Is it time your brand got a personality upgrade? It shouldn’t be a complete overhaul that will confuse people – but enough to create intrigue.

Most organisations know their brand, but just don’t know how to communicate them.

So, take the time to redefine your voice and evolve to speak in a relatable way to your customers.

(8) Launch a new campaign

Blend some of your new market insights with your existing brand to develop a new and fresh marketing campaign, complete with omnichannel executions and a core message.

This campaign can present a unique new angle from your brand that can refresh your image across platforms and increase your brand’s allure.

What are you going to do today to help your brand’s future?

Don’t forget that quality copywriting is the key which can unlock your brand’s upcoming potential.

Why stress, when they can help you and your brand look great?

Whether you need new words for your website, your marketing collateral, SEO copywriting or a whole new creative content strategy, a professional copywriter offers you copywriting services that can sort out your branding and give it the appeal you’re looking for.

How Can Melotti Media Copywriting & Message Marketing Bureau Help You?

To engage your customer and achieve ongoing business success today, you need quality copywriting and consistent message marketing. However, we understand that this is easier said than done.

You’re time poor, spread thin, and writing isn’t your expertise. So, focus on what really matters, while we take care of all of your copywriting and message marketing needs!

To speak to your trusted message marketers and copywriters, email us at enquire@melottimedia.com.au or phone 1800 663 342.

We can sharpen your words to achieve your goals, today!

The Melotti Media Team
Melotti Media | Copywriting & Message Marketing Bureau

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