5 Tips on How To Start Your Year Off Right | Melotti Media

5 Tips on How To Start Your Year Off Right

Are you getting back into work at the start of a new year?

Aww… the holidays are over, and the festive break is all done. So with full bellies and a fresh perspective, It’s time to jump back into the swing of your professional routine. Sure – it’s tough re-joining the workforce again for another year, but by adopting a few simple changes, it doesn’t have to be.

So, how can you make the most of the new year as a business professional? Here are 5 ways.

Don’t let the start of the year get you down.

Sure – the holidays were great! But look at it this way: you’ve rested and recharged and are ready to make this your best year ever.
But to do that, you need to take well-thought-out steps.

Here are some tips to start you on the right foot from working day one.

(1) Use January as your launchpad

Being the first month, January is your platform to launch into the new year.

Your actions over these few weeks can really set the tone for the rest of the year. If you’re super motivated, then chances are, you’ll have a super-motivated year. If you’re feeling a little bleak, then it’s not really the beginning you want to carry on for the remaining 11 months.

Get positive. Get motivated. Get the year off to a good start. January is your opportunity to get the ball rolling and start the year off the way you want to finish it!

January is your opportunity to get the ball rolling.

“I want to be positive, and I want to be motivated… but I don’t know where to start!”

Sound familiar? If so, Tip #2 has your name written all over it.

(2) Actually keep those New Year’s Resolutions

YES! There are many who think New Year’s Resolutions are silly or impossible to keep.

“Oh… you’re setting yourself up for failure,” they say.

But – what if you were to keep them? What if you were to buck that trend? Imagine how much better you would be if you actually put away that $100 a week, or if you took up that educational class, or stuck to a regular gym routine.

New Year’s resolutions are worth it. Why? Because small things today lead to big things tomorrow!

I’ve laid the challenge down – now it’s time to do it and prove to everyone you can. If you don’t have any resolutions, then make 2 or 3, write them down, keep them visible and take regular actions to make them happen.

But remember, a resolution is only as effective as the person behind it!

Why? Because small things today lead to big things tomorrow!

(3) Give yourself more professional direction

Ask yourself, how long have you been in your current position? Or industry?

Is it really making you happy? Or have you let yourself get comfortable? It’s ok – it’s normal. With all of life’s chaos, it’s easy to find comfort in consistency. But don’t let comfort stifle your ambition to succeed and make positive changes in your career.

Instead, seek discomfort!

Growth is waiting on the other side – we promise.

Set a goal to do more training or undertake more educational courses this year to shake things up and get ahead. Perhaps set yourself a deadline to ask your boss about a new role or moving up in the company.

Is it time to finally head out on your own as a business owner? What does that look like for you? Or perhaps it’s time for a career or industry change.

Whatever it is, stop disregarding your gut instinct. Stop ignoring that White Elephant you know is clearly there in your cubicle with you. Commit to making changes that deep down, you know you want to.

Commit to making changes that, deep down, you know you want to.

(4) Declutter your… everything.

Yep, everything! Your home, your office, your calendar, your wardrobe… even your mind.

We live in a world obsessed with heaps of needless stuff, and that stuff is distracting. Whether you realise it or not, it creates a huge mental burden. Everything or every space left unattended eats away at your subconscious and uses vital mental energy. It’s time to get the recycle bin out (because we’re all Earth-conscious!) and get rid of excess papers and books, old equipment and that storage room full of junk.

A clear space is the physical manifestation of a clear mind.

It’s all got to go, so you can start fresh. But it’s not just your workspace.

Meditate every day for 5 minutes to give your brain some peace and focus rather than stuffing it full of noise. Get back on that exercise horse to clear your mind, even for just a few minutes a day. Give all those extra clothes to charities and be ruthless – if it’s 50/50, it goes.

You don’t have to be a full-blown minimalist – but it’s time to shed some of the excess baggage you’ve picked up that is weighing you down.

It’s all got to go, so you can start fresh.

(5) You do you - wholeheartedly

Let you be you this year.

In today’s modern world, we’re embracing our own weirdness! No one wants to be “the average” and as a result, the bell curve is starting to flatten. We’re highly educated and empowered people who have the ability to let our unique identities shine a bit more.

So, loosen up and don’t be afraid to let there be more to you than just your beige corporate self. Take up a hobby that you’ve always wanted to or join that book club. Attend that event, start collecting wines, design an app or start writing a blog.

These little pieces of self-expression give your character more depth and honesty – and this will also reflect on your career too.

When you’re more in touch with your inner drive and personal identity, you naturally come across as more genuine to your network and you’ll be more passionate about your direction.

Nothing is more off-putting than someone who seems insincere and disconnected from themselves.

Being honest with yourself will help you rediscover your drive.

What’s your professional journey going to look like this year?

Remember that you’re more in control than you think.
Use it to get what you really want. Enough excuses, more action.

How Can Melotti Media help you in your professional journey this year?

At Melotti Media, we understand that you want to get cut through in a competitive market and achieve business success – and a powerful way to do this is by investing in brand messaging and innovative Marketing ideas that will drive results.

However, you may find that you’re time-poor and spread thin or you still have a lot of unanswered questions.

You don’t need to worry.

At Melotti Media, we can assist with all your creative advertising concept ideas while you focus on what matters most to you – growing your business.

Let’s start earning the results your business deserves!

To speak to your trusted message marketers and copywriters, email us at enquire@melottimedia.com.au or phone 1800 663 342.

We can sharpen your words to achieve your goals today!

The Melotti Media Team 
Melotti Media | Copywriting & Message Marketing Bureau 

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