5 Signs Your Business' Website Might Need Rewriting | Melotti Media

5 Signs Your Business’ Website Might Need Rewriting



Just like a shop front or office space, your website is another entry point for your customers. 

AND just like any physical location, it should be maintained, updated and polished regularly. 

Your website makes up the majority of your digital presence. It’s like a virtual shop where people go to browse through your products and services, and learn more about your brand.  

But most importantly – a website is a place where they will decide if you can be trusted with their needs.

Is your website putting on a good show for them and winning them over?
It should be. Here’s how. 




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Why a website is crucial for your business 

Having a branded website is a prerequisite in the business world today.  

There’s no excuse anymore! 

People are heavily reliant of the digital space to research and make decisions – and they’re hunting online for you (and your competitors!). 

But how important is your website, really?

1. Accessibility 

When you have a quality website, people can easily find and read about your business. This means you can explain what you do and how you do it when they’re most open to it.  

Don’t just depend solely on advertising or networking alone – a website helps you complete the marketing picture.  

2. Credibility 

How do you determine whether a company is credible? We bet you search for them online. Well, your own customers are doing exactly the same to your brand. 

Today, websites have become a basis for how people determine if a business, product or service can be trusted. 

Websites build credibility because you can share your goals and vision, while demonstrating value through case studies and testimonials. This social proof establishes trust with visitors and builds a relationship with them. 

3. Lasting Value 

Imagine investing in something once that benefits you forever – well, that’s what a website does for you! 

Once you get your branded website up and running, it will fight for your business online, 24/7, to help you reach prospects, inform them and help them get in contact with you.  



3 Roles a Website Plays for your Business 


So, is it really worth investing in a business website? Definitely. 

Here is what a quality website does for your business: 

1. Brand Reinforcement 

A website can effectively reflect and establish your brand identity as a business. With the endless options for designs, colour schemes and layouts, there’s no excuse for a bland website.  

2. Customer Support 

Did you know your website works around the clock for you? 

By providing customer service information like FAQs or in-depth help pages, your website can help people find what they need, whenever they need it – further improving your overall customer service. 

3. Sales Funnel 

Your website’s number one goal is to convert strangers into paying customers. By building effective online sales funnels throughout, your website becomes a conversion engine.


Is Your Website Keeping Up? 

Now that you’ve got your own website, are you making sure it grows alongside your business? 

To ensure it’s always serving you by providing the best customer experience, your website needs ongoing maintenance and website upgrades. If it gets stale and isn’t updated regularly, it will probably sink to the bottom of the search engine results – or worse, become irrelevant to your audience.

To help you determine if your website needs updating, we have compiled some key signs to look out for. 



5 Signs Your Business’ Website Needs Refreshing 

Are you ready to diagnose your website?  

Here are five signs that your website needs attention: 

1. Low Monthly Website Visitors 

While having an influx of people in your physical store may seem like a crazy crowd – for your website, the more the merrier! 

Many visitors on your website means more people are looking at it, browsing through its pages and hopefully finding the content they like. But a sheer lack of visitors or a slow decline over a few months means you need to address this.  

You can track your website’s traffic with the use of Google Analytics and other similar platforms. 

2. Poor Ranking for Organic Keywords 

The proper use of SEO keywords and phrases will help search engines like Google find your site and show it to the right people. 

Having a lower rank means that your website isn’t utilising words that people often search for online. One tool that can help you with this is Ubersuggest

3. Too Wordy 

Be honest: if you were someone visiting your website, would you read through everything that’s written on it? It’s very unlikely. 

A website with too many words can look cluttered and overwhelming to visitors who will simply leave. Instead, focus on clever formatting and skimmable content that builds a complete story for them, without the density.

4. Poor User Experience (UX) 

People willingly access your site to gain information about your services or products – so don’t make it hard for them with a poor layout that makes their experience painful. 

A clear, uncluttered and easy-to-navigate site is appreciated by visitors and will keep them on your site and happier for longer. 

If your website is messy and complicated, it’s time for a website refresh. 

5. Absence of a Call To Action 

Having a lot of visitors on your website is great. But that isn’t your end goal. You want your website to help your business gain conversions and sales!  

A CTA (Call To Action) section that grabs attention and provides each person with direction will help you inspire them to act.  

If you’re not getting results, you need to go back and review the triggers you’re offering them to check if they’re compelling enough. 



How to Improve Your Website 

You may be thinking: “Ok, I get it. A website is super important. But how do I improve my website?” 

Well, here are some tips to make sure it’s in good shape: 

1. Take advantage of SEO 

Boost monthly visitors and improve your website’s ranking by utilising Search Engine Optimisation friendly keywords. But make sure they are seamlessly and naturally incorporated into the information that’s on your site. 

Don’t insert them just for the sake of it! 

For more information, read: 6 Ways To Make Your Web Pages Search Friendly. 

2. Include only the content you need 

Don’t overload your audience with too much info and cluttered content, just because you’re trying to get everything in. A website is meant to give people enough to know that you’re a good option for them and to buy or make contact.  

So, ensure that your website’s copywriting is enjoyable to read and valuable experience. 

Learn more here: How to write content for a website.  

3. Inspire positive action 

It’s called a “CALL to action” for a reason – it’s meant to make people excited to take the next step. 

So, place eye-catching CTAs on every page of your website. Colours, designs and striking words can really help people make a move. 

For more, read: 5 ways to improve your call to action.

4. Utilise social media 

Harness the power of social media to your advantage! 

Promote your website through your different social media platforms. With engaging posts that give people a reason to visit your website, you’ll drive much more traffic there.  

To learn more, see: 3 tips to maximise your business’ success on social media. 

How Can Melotti Media Help? 

Maintaining your website is a very important task for your business, because your website is such a critical part of your digital marketing. 

However, it takes a lot of time, energy and expertise. 

At Melotti Media, we help fine-tune your message across your website so it’s providing your visitors with a valuable experience that they won’t forget.  

Imagine what we could do to revamp your website! 

We appreciate the role of your website and the power it holds – we’re here to help you unleash its full potential. 

If you need further clarification about website content and web copy, or if you need a quality website copywriter to help you achieve the results you’re aiming for, email us at enquire@melottimedia.com.au     

At Melotti Media, we make every word count!

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