3 Tips To Improve Your Website Copy | Melotti Media

3 Tips To Improve Your Website Copy


Businesses absolutely must have a website today.

It’s not an option or a nice-to-have anymore, because it’s the only digital asset that your business has direct ownership and control over. This means that it’s the only true platform fighting for your business in the vast online landscape.

It’s where your audience goes to find you and learn more about what you do. 

But just having a website is not enough. Capturing visitors’ attentions immediately with great design and copy is just as essential.

So, here are three simple tips to help you get it right!


Prefer to listen, rather than read? Here’s the Podcast summary!

1. Tell people what you do quickly

Sounds self-explanatory, but so many websites get this wrong and it’s costing them leads.

If you’re spending precious dollars on promotional activities to increase traffic, such as Google Adwords, or working hard to improve organic traffic, every click onto your website is a coveted opportunity.

So don’t waste it by making your website an obscure mystery.

​Your audience has ZERO patience now and they’ll just leave if they can’t see what they want in LITERALLY three to five seconds.

​Don’t waste opportunities by making your website an obscure mystery.

People leave if they can’t see what they want in 3-5 seconds.

There is an abundance of choice on the internet today, and people know this.

​So when they search for something, they want answers immediately, or they will hit the ‘back’ button. This is called the “bounce rate” and can be seen on your Google Analytics statistics. What this means is that you need to confirm that their choice of clicking on your website is exactly what they’re searching for.

Your core business should be immediately identifiable through a headline, a photo, a video or a sentence. I don’t mean in the first few paragraphs; I mean immediately. 

Don’t put: “Integrated business services” or “we help businesses”, because these don’t mean much and force the impatient person to scroll for more; you may (and probably will) lose them. Instead, put “Accounting and Financial Services” or “Taxation specialists”.


See my website screenshot, below. People know exactly what I do immediately.

Now, before you scoff or think this is being too extreme, think about when you last looked for something.

If you searched: “plumber in Chatswood”, and the first website you clicked on said, “Home services for all of your needs”, you may be tempted to hit back, and click the next one, which actually says “Chatswood Plumber.” 

Also, don’t assume that people will know.

Don’t assume that website visitors will know what you do – it’s a common mistake.

​It’s the most common mistake that organisations of all sizes make.

​Because they’re involved in what they do every day, it’s easy to be blinded into thinking that everyone else does, too. Take a step back and ask, ‘would my customer, who doesn’t look for my product or service every day, know what I mean  by this?’

​Even better, ask a few!


2. Always be helping them navigate

When they’re on your website, and they’ve identified that what you have on offer is what they want, next, it’s time to write your copy and design the flow to help them navigate towards your call to actions.

This means, provide them plenty of opportunities to contact you, follow you, download something, watch your videos, order your products, book your services, and so on.

Your website’s content should be designed to have a convenient flow that presents visitors with information to research your product offering, your business’ stories and more information, then direct them to become customers, as opposed to just people that found your website.

When they’re on your website, and they’ve identified what you have is what they want, it’s time to write copy and design the flow to help them navigate towards your call to action.

See my website, below, which has buttons and calls to actions around each page, to help guide visitors to get in contact when they’re ready to know more.

​It’s not forceful, but allows them to call the shots and reminds them what’s on offer.


3. Provide Content for Value

People who come to your website are looking for value- plain and simple. 

They want answers, they demand engaging information, they like entertainment, and they want more from your brand to be convinced that you’re the right brand for them. So give it to them!

Blogs, like The Message Marketing Blog, are a way to share knowledge and expertise that builds trust for your business by offering regular and free updates.

What about a Podcast with episodes they can listen to? 

But there’s more than this. FAQ pages, like the one on my page, MelottiMedia.com.au/FAQ, provides answers to many of their questions.

People who come to your website are looking for value- plain and simple. 

​You may also have a newsletter sign-up form or a downloadable eBook that they can access in exchange for their details. You can offer them how to videos, competitions, deals and giveaways… the list goes on and on. 

Offering visitors valuable content gives them a reason to stay on your page, and interact with your website in a more meaningful way, which increases the likelihood of converting them into customers. 



How Can Melotti Media Help You?

To engage your customer and achieve ongoing business success today, you need a powerful message, quality copywriting and consistent content. However, this is easier said than done.

Perhaps you’re time poor and spread thin, or writing may not be your expertise.

So, let us take care of your message marketing, copywriting and content marketing needs!

For more information or to speak to a quality marketing copywriter to get the results your business deserves, contact me now at chris@melottimedia.com.au.

Our Message Marketing services can sharpen your words into achieve your goals, today.

Christopher Melotti
Melotti Media | Copywriting & Message Marketing Bureau


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